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"Eat The Chemistry Of Life"
Chondrus Crispus
What is Sea Moss?

Sea Moss, Irish Moss, or Irish Sea Moss are common or cultural names used to identify the plant botanically known as Chondrus Crispus, a salt water plant species that has garnered national interest, so what are some facts?

Sea Moss is a member of a community of salt water marine plant species that derive their nutrient profiles from their watery ocean environment making them a mineral rich food source. Each sea plants have unique phytochemical profiles that makes them special in the plant kingdom. Sea Moss produce carrageenan, carrageenans are reported to be immune-enhancing, broad-spectrum anti-viral, anticoagulant, antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory activity.

North Atlantic Chondrus crispus are particularly high in in carrageenan this is why and our whole sea moss plant powder sourced from north Atlantic are carrageenen rich. Reported biological activity of carrageenans are antiviral, anticoagulant, antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and a immune-modulator.


Brown Sea Plants Bioactives
Brown Sea Plants contain large amounts of therapeutic sulfated polysaccharides, including algin, fucoidan, laminarin and fucoxanthin. These unique profiles found in brown sea plants are by no means taking a backseat to sea moss.

Brown sea plants absorb concentrated minerals from their ocean environment exhibiting many amazing benefits due to their complex bioactive profiles. Shown below:

Alginates are one of these principles, a naturally occurring polysaccharide in brown seaweed showing GI protective action, binding a wide range of damaging agents or toxins present in the GI track. And much more!

Fucoidans a complex sulfated polysaccharide show antiviral activity, effect the growth of cancer cells, mediate blood clotting, act neuroprotective, blood pressure. And much more!

Fucoxanthin has many physiological functions and biological properties, such as antiobesity, antitumor, antidiabetes, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective activities, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular protective effects.

Laminarin shows various health benefits like in treating diseases that are associated to the blood vessel in the heart through boosting the blood vessels in the heart thereby improving cardiovascular health. Laminarin as a new and useful immune stimulatory molecule for use in cancer immunotherapy. And much more!

However do not let all the good news blind you, salt water plants are best used in moderate quantities daily to augment or enhance the nutritional density of food profiles such as smoothies, juices, dips and soups.

Sea plants are known to concentrate various heavy metals and other toxic substances so when considering sea vegetables reliable source providers such as Superfood Village guaranteed source verified and tested ingredients provided to our valued customers base. That our promise.

Further research and clinical observation can located by visiting PubMed.
For more information visit
Brown Sea Plant Powders
Silent Giants
Ascophyllum beneficial effect on human health appear to derive from the fibers, proteins, minerals as well as substance with antioxidant properties, including carotenoids, polyphenols, vitamins, & polyunsatured fatty acids.
Laminaria is used to aid weight loss, high blood pressure act as a bulk laxative for constipation, and for treating, inflammation, blood sugar, bone and joint health among others.
Bladderwrack is rich in nutrients including vitamin A, B-complex, C, E, G, calcium, iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, silicon, and sulfur, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin K.
Fresh Water Algae
Moringa health benefits providing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, balancing hormones and slowing the effects of aging, improving digestive health, balancing blood sugar levels and helping fight diabetes, protecting and nourishing the skin, and protect brain health.
Chlorella, a fresh-water, one-celled, green algae, contains nutrients that aid detoxification. Taken as a supplement, chlorella helps remove dioxin, lead, mercury, and other toxins
from the body. Chlorella cell, includes amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, sugars and nucleic acids. Offers deep tissue detoxification.
Spirulina benefits involve keeping each cell in your body healthy by boosting the immune system and fighting free radical formation. Spirulina increases the production of immune system cells in the bone marrow thereby producing more red blood cells, T-cells, B-cells, and macrophages to help fight infection and invasion.
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10315 West Airport Blvd Suite 1
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 733-2444