Office: 843.671.1343
Sea Pines Security: 843.671.7170
CSA Maintenance: 843.671.7849 | Facebook:
Matter of Facts
CSA has had several requests for clarification on the status of the proposed Sea Pines gate fee agreement to increase Sea Pines visitor daily visitor gate fees.

In November 2017, CSA communicated that:

“G ate fee changes for access into Sea Pines must be agreed to by three parties. Those three parties include the following organizations: Community Services Associates, The Sea Pines Resort and The Shops at Sea Pines Center.
For CSA, the right and authority to enforce the Sea Pines Gate Entry Policy is stated in the 1988 Covenants.
The Sea Pines Resort acquired this right as part of the purchase of the Sea Pines Company and as a result of the bankruptcy. Their right is written into the Sea Pines Plantation Company Assignment of Rights from November 1987.
For the Sea Pines Center, the August 1987 Assignment contains a valid, enforceable easement that requires CSA to obtain prior written consent of Sea Pines Center to increase the gate fee paid by visitors entering Sea Pines Plantation.
Each of the three entities above, Community Services Associates, The Sea Pines Resort and The Shops at Sea Pines Center, must all agree in writing to any change or modification in the daily gate fee. Progress was made in June 2017 when the above named parties approved a gate fee increase for commercial vendors from $6.00 to $10.00.”

While all three parties are actively engaged in drafting an agreement, the terms and conditions of this agreement are not yet complete. Representatives of the Sea Pines Resort, Sea Pines Center and the CSA Executive Committee continue to diligently work toward an agreement that provides a path to increasing the Sea Pines daily visitor gate fees. This is a shared goal between all parties who have each actively participated in good faith to resolve this mutual interest.

As part of CSA's strategic plan, CSA is examining several sources of funding to assure the financial capacity to protect, maintain and enhance the community's assets for generations to come.

All parties involved are working to accomplish a successful agreement in order to increase gate fee revenues to support and improve community services for Sea Pines. We will provide an update on the status of this agreement at the upcoming Community Services Associates Inc. Board Meeting on March 27, 2018.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need to update your contact information such as email, phone number or mailing address, please contact the CSA office at 843.671.1343 or email us at
and we would be happy to assist you.
Sea Pines Community Services Associates 
843.671.1343 | |