Sea swimming in memory of Robert (Bob) Burton
and supporting the legacy of Shackleton's search for help for his stranded crew
Every day this month Elsa Cox will be swimming in the sea off the island of Orkney in the far north of Scotland. With your help, she aims to raise funds for SGHT in the memory of a dear friend of South Georgia, Robert (Bob) Burton.
In the spirit of polar exploration, Elsa has challenged herself to undertake a cold water swim every day in March. After her first swim, 1 March, she described the water as “SOOO cold”! Not surprising, the UK is just emerging from winter and the Orkey Islands are at latitude 58° 56'; that is five degrees further north than the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia is south!
The money Elsa raises will support a project Robert championed; the preservation and promotion of Stromness whaling station Manager’s Villa. This iconic and historic building is where Ernest Shackleton, Frank Worsley and Tom Crean found help after their 36-hour traverse of South Georgia. They had made the desperate sea and land crossing to save the crew of the Endurance who were stranded hundreds of miles away on Elephant Island.
Ernest Shackleton by Frank Hurley
Robert Burton with a tour group at Shackleton's grave Grytviken, South Georgia
Stromness whaling station Manager’s Villa, Island of South Georgia. This is where Ernest Shackleton, Frank Worsley and Tom Crean found help after their 36-hour traverse of the island
Elsa was Curator of the South Georgia Museum from 2007 to 2012. It was on South Georgia that she first met Robert Burton. Robert was also formerly a Director of the Museum (1994-1998), but was on the island at the time researching some of the scientific elements of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance Expedition. Robert sadly died in January this year.
Elsa - South Georgia Museum Curator Read SG Museum November 2007 curators blog
Elsa now lives in the Orkney Islands. During her wild-swimming challenge she will mainly swim from two beaches at Marwick and Stromness, and at different times depending on the tides.
Elsa, wearing a cosy South Georgia hat, in a post day 1 swim glow. The location of the Orkney Islands is shown pinned in the map
Stay up to date on Elsa’s wild swimming challenge throughout the month on the SGHT Facebook Page.

Here is news from her first three swims:
Day 1: 1st March “I had my swim just before lunch today. It was bright but really windy for the first day; the water was SOOO cold.”
Day 2: 2nd March "The weather was bright again today but with a pretty cold wind. I got nicely exfoliated by the sand whipped up in the 40mph cross shore gusts! The sea was pretty choppy too, so lots of splash back and a little salt water inhaled too."
Day 3: 3rd March "After an awful day of weather the sun actually came out for my swim, it didn't make it any warmer though! - Delighted to have raised £445 already. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far."
Photos: Elsa, after her Day 2 & 3 swims wearing cosy South Georgia hats!
You can help keep Elsa motivated to swim in the cold Orkney waters every day, through rough seas, storm-driven winds or maybe even in snow, by sponsoring her challenge. Your donations will support SGHT’s planned work to secure the fabric and legacy of Stromness Manager’s Villa, a cause close to Robert’s heart.
Support Elsa at this link:
South Georgia Heritage Trust, 
Verdant Works, West Henderson's Wynd, Dundee, Scotland DD1 5BT United Kingdom