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Season of return is a season of grace!

Join us on Sunday!

Letter from Fr. Peter Wojcik, Pastor

Fellow Saint Clement members,


As we enter the fall season, together with our parish team, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued engagement in the life of our community. Our story of incredible growth and engagement numbers in the past three years are a sign of God’s favor and dedication of hundreds of our leaders!

As we navigate through these uncertain and difficult times, many folks seek solace and comfort in various forms of spirituality. While exploring different practices can be enriching, we must be cautious not to substitute our faith in Jesus Christ and our communal Sunday worship of God for other alternative new ways of spirituality. Our true source of strength and transformation lies in our life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ who calls himself “…the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). And we are most united with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

I invite you, as an integral part of our community, to reflect upon your own journey and consider returning to and continuing your regular Sunday worship and active participation at Saint Clement. We value and need an active participation from every one of our parish family members, so together as one Church of God we can join in Sunday worship and celebration of the Eucharist, “the source and the summit of Christian life.” It is precisely in the Eucharist that we encounter Jesus Christ and by receiving his Body and Blood we become one in communion with him as well as with our sisters and brothers in Christ.


The biblical origin of the Mass can be traced back to the Last Supper, where Jesus broke bread and shared wine with his disciples, saying, "Do this in memory of me." This practice of "breaking of the bread" was continued by the early Christians, who gathered together on the first day of the week to celebrate the Eucharist. This ritual has been passed down through the centuries shaping our lives and experience of God and now it is our time to continue to offer it together in the worship of our God.

To facilitate your return and help accompany you this fall, we have planned several programs and initiatives that cater to different spiritual needs and interests. We invite you to lean in this fall -- either by returning to our family, going deeper in your faith, or inviting others to join you. We will be hosting an Alpha course, specifically designed for those who may have been away or not very engaged in the life of the church or are on the journey of exploring their own understanding of faith. Additionally, we are excited to welcome back the Lydia Institute for professional women and an executive speaker series for men on Wednesdays in October. Furthermore, our next session of our RCIA program for those journeying towards Catholic communion will commence soon as well as our wonderful Strengths & Gifts for the Journey course.


Dear friends, our community is only as strong as our participation. I invite you, with open arms and a warm heart, to actively participate in the life of our parish family. Let us come together, united in our faith and devotion, and support one another on our spiritual journeys. Together, we can grow the Kingdom of God and make a positive impact on the world around us.


Thank you for your continued support and dedication. May God bless you abundantly.

See you on Sunday!

-Fr. Peter Wojcik

Pastor of Saint Clement Parish

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