Celebrating over 50 years of helping animals!

P.O. BOX 8257 ● PITTSBURGH, PA 15218-0257


"On behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves but depend on honorable men and women

for kindness, mercy and justice”


Through donations received from members and the public, Animal Care and Welfare Inc.

offers assistance for low cost spays and neuters. We also operate our pet placement program by collaborating with shelters, carefully selecting homeless pets and placing them in loving homes.


ACW wants to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to our organization throughout this year and during this season of giving. All of your generous donations have helped us rescue so many homeless pets and place them into loving forever homes.

We couldn’t do it without your help!

We also want to thank everyone who donated to our hurricane relief efforts. We initiated a campaign a few months ago to help the pets affected by Hurricane Helene. We partnered with Healthy Pet Products and No Dog Left Behind to deliver much needed supplies to those in need. So many people answered our plea and donated food, treats, bedding, collars, leashes, feeding bowls, toys, crates and cleaning supplies. We were excited when Giant Eagle joined our efforts as well and donated so many great items to our cause. The devastation left behind by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton was unimaginable and even animal shelters lost everything including their buildings. While efforts to rebuild are underway, we pray for everyone affected by these natural disasters.

We love our veterans and it always warms our hearts when we are able to help them find that special friend. We met a senior veteran a while ago who was alone after losing both his wife and dog. We connected him with a little senior Maltese mix named Zero. Poor Zero had spent over a month in the shelter with no hope of finding a new home. Since senior dogs are often overlooked at shelters, Zero needed some help in finding a new lease on life. ACW was happy to bring these two seniors together and it was the perfect match!  

ACW always stresses the need to spay and neuter pets. Our message was never more pronounced than it was this year. A shelter is no place for a mother to raise her babies, and unfortunately, there were so many pregnant and nursing mothers who found themselves in a shelter this year feeling anxious and scared. We spent most of the summer and fall helping many of these momma cats. We removed them from a stressful shelter situation and provided a safe and worry free environment for them and their young ones until they all found loving forever families of their own.


Every now and again, someone from

the ACW family falls in love with one

of our adoption pets. This time, it happened to our very own president, Sue! She raised a litter of puppies

earlier this year and one of the pups simply captured her heart!

“I had a ton of fun raising this particular litter of pups and giving them a great start in life!

I actually kept this little guy, Nash (pictured right). He is the best matched companion for Griz (also an ACW alumni)! Best of buds!!”


“Thank you very much for all of your help with my adopting this precious little guy! Parsley (originally Randy) is so much fun! He is adorable, very affectionate - he sleeps beside me every night! After he eats he curls up on my lap and takes a nap! He is full of energy and is absolutely delightful! We had a visit with the vet yesterday and he charmed all of the staff!...He's adjusted wonderfully to his forever home and has taken over the entire house. I love him. Thank you and God Bless!" 

We wish everyone a blessed and magical holiday season surrounded by family, friends, and of course, plenty of wags, whiskers and wet noses!  

All animals pictured in this newsletter were helped through the efforts of Animal Care & Welfare Inc. 

Would you like to become a member of ACW? 

Visit our website for more information or click on the button below.

Our adoption pets thank you in advance for your support!


Animal Care and Welfare Inc., founded by Ed and Kay Blotzer, incorporated since 1970, was created for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals.

AC&W is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization supported solely by donations.

The all-volunteerBoard of Directors appreciates your support: 

Sue Krul - President

Bonnie Evans-Magdalene - Treasurer

Barbara Kagarise - Secretary

Carolyn Travis - Director of Communications

A public service to people and pets without cost to taxpayers, operated by volunteers. Chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A Non-Profit Society. The official registration and financial information of Animal Care and Welfare Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Dept. of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.

Registration does not imply endorsement.

Animal Care & Welfare Inc.


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