December 7, 2020
Dear ,

Uniting Michigan libraries is our primary focus at the Michigan Library Association (MLA).
Now more than ever, we recognize how our collective impact is making a difference
In communities throughout Michigan. From Ironwood to Detroit, Grand Rapids to Midland,
Traverse City to Saugatuck, and all places in between, MLA is working to help library professionals
In each of these communities succeed through advocacy, professional development, education and
Networking. We know how important the entire library community is to you and we want to
Give thanks for your support this past year.
MLA is the oldest and largest library association in Michigan with more than 1700 members. We
Invest our time and resources to build the capacity of our libraries to make sure that they
Can accomplish important and valuable work in Michigan communities. We are thankful for all you
Have done this year to support libraries, the $1 million increase in state aid for libraries, and
Incorporating new rules for protecting privacy. Michigan residents continue to benefit from the
Great programs and services that these community anchor institutions provide. Even during
A global pandemic that has halted some of our libraries' indoor services, you need look
No further than to their virtual and curbside programming to know their value.
Libraries are the cornerstones and anchors of our communities. Your continued support
Is crucial. Libraries strive to provide access for all: to knowledge, literacy, technology, and of course,
Books. Their services touch all and connect all - students, community leaders, businesses, and
Residents – the young, the old, the rich, the poor, people of all backgrounds, races and religions.
And each of our community members thank you for your unrelenting attention to
Renewing, stabilizing and protecting the funding so crucial to libraries' survival. Your support
In the new year will protect these essential institutions, and will continue to
Ensure that libraries thrive well into the future. As the holidays approach, the MLA Staff and Board
Send season’s greetings and hope that the new year brings much happiness to you and your family.

Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director
Michigan Library Association