Knitting Help with Janice

Tuesday's & Saturday's from 11-1pm: $25 per person

Get help on anything you are currently working on!

Check out the Shop Calendar for the most up to date classes available and to sign-up online!

There are still seats available in the class Saturday from 11-1pm!

Or sign up in-store or by phone

Pre-Payment required for all classes

Classes must meet the minimum sign-up to run

Always wanted to try lace?

Try this slouchy lace hat for spring!

The Napua Hat by Alison Green is done in fingering weight, perfect for this time of year.

If you'd like some help along the way pop in for a Knitting Class with Janice!

We still have Craft & Chat! Come sit with other crafters and work on anything you like!

This is not a class, and it's free! Staff is happy to help if you get stuck.

Check out the Shop Calendar for Dates & Times

There will be no Thursday Craft Night May 18th.

The Church is having a Plant Sale this Saturday May 13th from 9-1pm! Stop by and get some beautiful plants for mother's day or yourself!

Parking may be limited in the main lot during these hours

[488 Essex Ave, Gloucester] [978-282-8809] []