South Park Street Projects Open House
Tues, Feb 19th from 6:30-8:00 at the South Park Community Center
Duwamish Valley Safe Streets
, Seattle Neighborhood Group, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), and the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) are teaming up to host an open-house with lots of info about pedestrian and bike safety projects being planned in South Park. If you visit community hubs, like Concord Elementary, the library, and the community center...then you need to be at this event!
SDOT representatives and community members will talk about their work at:
- 5th and Cloverdale
- SR-99 underpass
- 8th and Cloverdale crosswalk improvements
- 8th Ave sidewalk improvements
- Potential solutions to dangerous freight traffic through the neighborhood.
Ask questions and share your ideas with SDOT!
The meeting will start promptly at 6:30 and City staff will have 3 minutes each to give an overview of their projects
. After that, each project will have a display table with more detailed information for people to take a deeper dive into issues they care most about. DON will provide interpreters and food for the meeting!