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News for Advocates of Children, Youth and Older Adults  

from Generations United

Featured Articles
 Volume 15, Issue 7
February 19, 2020
In the News
  • Insider ran a story on college students living with older adults in an assisted living facility and how it benefits both young and old. Our Executive Director Donna Butts was interviewed for the story. Learn more.
(Photo courtesy of Second Acts Grandparent Volunteer Program) Grandma Trish mentoring  elementary students. Click the image to enlarge.
2019 Programs of Distinction
Second Acts Grandparent Volunteer Program
Located in Milwaukee, WI, the Second Acts Grandparent Volunteer Program recruits, trains and on-boards volunteers who are 50 and older in age, to build positive relationships with their clients (at risk youth ranging in age from 8-21). The program is run by Lad Lake, which was selected as one of ten national projects sites for the National Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, in partnership with, Second Acts for Strong Communities initiative. The initiative was designed to identify sites that had an interest in recruiting, hiring and supporting individuals 50 years and older (Second Acts talent) looking to contribute to their communities through meaningful and engaging work.

Stay tuned to learn about SMART Reading   next week! See our full list of Programs of Distinction.
9 Steps to Respite Care for Grandfamilies
As a proud member of the ARCH Respite Advisory Committee, Generations United is excited to announce a new fact sheet from the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center for grandparents and other relatives raising children. Undertaking the full-time responsibility for raising a grandchild or other relatives causes major changes that include physical, emotional, social, legal and financial challenges that were not present when you raised your own children. The 9 Steps to Respite Care for Grandfamilies highlights resources while explaining what to expect and how to select a high-quality service that best meets the needs of your family. Learn more.  
Tweet of the Week
Age Boom Academy
The Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center and the  Columbia School of Journalism will host the Age Boom  Academy: "Combatting Loneliness in Aging: Toward a  21st Century Blueprint for Societal Connectedness" in New York City, from June 4-6, 2020. During the Academy, journalist Fellows will learn about the causes and envision through sources the solutions by interviewing assembled scientists and experts, participating in story clinics led by researchers and senior journalists, having their story ideas critiqued by researchers and potential sources. Learn more .
Culture United
A Morning with Grandpa
Mei Mei's grandpa is practicing tai chi in the garden, and Mei Mei is eager to join in. As Gong Gong tries to teach her the slow, graceful movements, Mei Mei enthusiastically does them with her own flair. Then Mei Mei takes a turn, trying to teach Gong Gong the yoga she learned in school. Learn more

Culture United highlights films, books, music and TV shows with an intergenerational theme. Do you have any suggestions?  and we'll share in the weeks and months to come. We welcome responses or reactions. We'll possibly feature them on our blog. See disclaimer.
A Huge Thanks to Our Members and Supporters
Generations United thanks our members and supporters for their contributions. Together, we are building a world that values all generations!  Donate to help us unleash the potential of an "age-amped" society . If you're an organization, join us !
Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities
2020 AARP Community Challenge. The AARP Community Challenge provides small grants to fund "quick-action" projects that can help communities become more livable for people of all ages. Eligible projects will aim to increase civic engagement, creative vibrant public places, deliver a range of transportation and mobility options, support the availability of a range of housing, demonstrate the tangible value of "Smart Cities," and include other community improvements. Deadline: April 1, 2020. Learn more

Youth Service Zone Grants. Funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, YSA's Youth Service Zone grants offer grants of up to $15,000 to help organizations and schools work collaboratively to increase the youth volunteer rates in their community. Collaboratives of three organizations leading efforts in communities, regions, or states with at least 100,000 residents are eligible to apply. Deadline: March 27, 2020. Learn more

Pop Up Rapid Response Grants.  The Pop Culture Collaborative have grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 for organizations working to build movements, drive campaigns, produce stories, and leverage media and entertainment mediums to drive   positive  narrative and social change in popular culture. Funded projects must impact, support, or engage people of color, immigrants, refugees, or Muslims.  Deadline: on a rolling basis. Learn more .

If you have - or know of - any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to
Think Intergenerational - Great Resources  
Research and Resources
A Place to Call Home: Building Affordable Housing for Grandfamilies.   This sixth edition of the annual State of Grandfamilies in America report detailed the housing challenges these families face and highlighted innovative programs that offer potential for nationwide expansion. Learn more.

Healthier Together. This infographic illustrates the important role vaccinations play in enabling older adults to be healthy providers of care for babies and children whether on a part time (child care) or full time (grandfamilies) basis. Download the full infographic
Connecting Generations in Senior Housing: A Program Implementation Toolkit. Generations United, in collaboration with LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMASS Boston and with funding from the Retirement Research Foundation, released an 82-page toolkit. The resource contains practical information and templates to help housing providers and leaders at other organizations to plan, develop, implement, evaluate and sustain intergenerational programs. Learn more. 
National Conference. Generations Working Together. Glasgow, Scotland. March 4, 2020. Learn more.

Save the Date! Moving Respite Forward. International Short Break Association (ISBA), ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center, the University of Wisconsin Madison School of Nursing, and the Respite Care Association of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. June 16-19, 2020. 

International Conference for Intergenerational Programs and Practices 2020. Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies & International Consortium for Intergenerational Programs. Japan. Sept. 16-18, 2020. Learn more.
  • Stay tuned for more info on our Executive Director Donna Butts's presentation.
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When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Generations United. Support us every time you shop.
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." ~Muhammad Ali

Your Feedback Invited! 

We want Generations This Week to be a real resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, reports and webinars. Local and state events can be shared in our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at We'd love to hear from you!






Alan King
Communications Specialist
Generations United
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