January 28, 2022
Join us for our Sunday Worship Service, virtually or in person, at 11:00 a.m. To watch: click the button above or visit our website, www.2ndpres.org, and click the "Sunday Live stream" button on the home page.

We will also email an active link on Sunday morning.

Also - if you click the gray button above you will be able to download the worship order so you can follow along at home!
The flowers this week are given in memory of Ed Buckner, from Caroline and family.
During Covid Phase Red we strongly encourage you to worship with us virtually from home. However, by vote of the Session, in-person worship will continue during Phase Red for those who wish to worship in the sanctuary. The Worship Ministry Unit has implemented the following Phase Red worship protocols:

  • The worship service will be geared towards those worshiping from home and will be the same format as the virtual worship services that we utilized for most of 2020 and the first part of 2021.
  • The cameras will be placed in the chancel area and those leading worship will interact with those at home through the cameras to give those worshiping from home a fulfilling worship experience. Liturgists may choose to be in person or to pre-record their parts of the worship service. The sermon may be presented live or it may be pre-recorded. This will be at the discretion of the pastor who is preaching. The choir will consist of scholarship singers only and they will wear face coverings at all times. Worship leaders will wear face coverings at all times, except when speaking to the congregation through the camera.
  • The sanctuary will be open for those who wish to be present in-person for the worship service. Entry into the sanctuary will be through the main sanctuary doors only. All other entrances to the building will be locked on Sunday mornings and all other areas of the building will be closed.
  • In-person worshipers are required to wear face coverings. Pews will be taped off and in-person worshipers are asked to maintain physical distance from one another while in the building. Ushers will not be present and bulletins will be left in baskets at the entrances to the sanctuary. There will also be no nursery. In-person worshipers are asked not to sing during the service but are welcome to read along with the spoken liturgy in the bulletin during the service. The sanctuary screen will not be active. There will be no offering collected, however offering plates will be placed at the sanctuary entrances. Please be advised that views may be obstructed for those worshiping in-person by the cameras located in the chancel area.
  • Prior to worship, the above protocols will be explained to those who are present for worship. Once the service begins, those leading worship will speak directly to those at home through the cameras and will not interact with those who are present in the sanctuary.
  • Following worship, those who are present in-person are asked to exit the building immediately. Pastors will not greet in-person worshipers at the door and individuals will not be allowed to congregate or fellowship in the sanctuary following worship. Those wishing to visit may do so outside in the sanctuary courtyard.
We are still in 
THE FAITH SCIENCE & THE FUTURE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS will be meeting via phone conference only at 9:45 a.m.

Phone number to join: 712-775-8972. Conference code: 179021.

*Please be advised this is a long distance call for any who
might be using a home phone with long distance charges.  
The Annual Congregational Meeting will take place following worship on Sunday, February 13th, provided we have returned to Phase Orange by then.

If we are still in Phase Red, the Session has set an alternate date for Sunday, February 27th.

In either case, the meeting will be held in conjunction with the Souper Bowl fundraiser and luncheon. (So what if the Souper Bowl is a couple of weeks after the Super Bowl?)

The luncheon and the meeting will take place in Hudson Hall.

On the agenda will be a recommendation to amend the
By-laws, reducing the number of Directors of the Corporation (Ruling Elders on the Session) from 24 Directors divided into three classes of eight, to 12 Directors divided into three classes of four. This change needs to be made to reflect the current makeup of the Session.

Mark your calendars now!
The FEBRUARY Second Edition is now available!

You can read it online by clicking the button below!

If you are not already on our newsletter mailing list and would like to be, email or call Audrey in the church office ([email protected] or 865.523.2189)
We have a limited number of yard signs promoting the Love Your Neighbor event which will be celebrated by the houses of worship along Kingston Pike the weekend of Feb 11-13. If you would like one to place in your yard, you can pick one up the atrium during regular office hours throughout the week. First come, first served!

For more information, go to: https://www.firstchurchknox.org/loveyourneighborknox or see Pastor Tim’s “On Second Thought” in the February Second Edition.
Click the button to the right to read the latest blog post from Pastor Tim!
We will be holding our next Discovery Class on Zoom! The Discovery Class is for those who want to know more about being Presbyterian, more about 2nd Presbyterian Church, or who are thinking of uniting in membership with this congregation. Pastor Tim will lead discussions on Presbyterian theology, the history of 2nd Presbyterian Church, and how our congregation organizes itself for mission and ministry.

At the conclusion of the class, those who are not already members will be given the opportunity to unite with this congregation in membership, should they so desire. A New Member Sunday will be held shortly after we return to Covid Phase Orange.

The class will occur on three consecutive Mondays – Feb. 7, 14, 21 – at 6:00 p.m. and will last for approximately one hour each.

If you are interested in being a part of the class, please contact Pastor Tim at [email protected].
It’s once again time for our Souper Bowl Fundraiser to help combat hunger in our community. The Souper Bowl of Caring Fundraiser is a nation-wide effort to reduce hunger and poverty in communities. Youth across the nation collect money to support local charities. Monetary donations allow charities to buy food in bulk to maximize the impact that every donation has on reducing hunger.

As we have done in the past, we will have a luncheon of soups following worship in conjunction with the Annual Congregational meeting. This is currently scheduled for February 13, but if we are still in Phase Red at that point the alternate date is February 27. If we are still in Phase Red at that point, the meeting and luncheon will be rescheduled for a Sunday in March. 

For those who would like to make a monetary contribution for the Souper Bowl of Caring, Second Presbyterian Youth will be collecting donations regardless of what phase we are in. Donations collected will be sent to KARM. Please write Souper Bowl in the memo line of your check when you drop it off or send it to the church office.

Below is the link to sign up to bring your soup.
Kathy Duggan is leading an informal discussion of the Gospel of Mark in January and February.

During Covid Phase Red the study is held on Zoom. A link is sent out on Wednesday mornings. If you are not our email distribution list and would like to be added, please email [email protected]. The study will begin at 6:30, but you are welcome to log on earlier for virtual fellowship. 

We will continue this Wednesday, February 2nd!
Click below for a link to a
Meal Train set up for the Robertson's.
As many of you know, Caroline Buckner has been Second’s reception coordinator for many years. Understandably, Caroline is ready to “hand off the baton” to a new coordinator at this time. While many of the ladies of the church have ably assisted Caroline over the years, we do need a new leader for this important ministry to step forward. If this is an area of service you would be interested in, or if you’d like more information, please contact either Marty McLean at [email protected] or (423) 677-7414 or Joe Clarke at [email protected] or (865) 335-0421.

At UKirk UTK, we rely on financial support to make God’s love known to all students at UT Knoxville. Each and every gift is extremely important to the future of this ministry. Please consider financially supporting UKirk through a one-time or recurring gift. To do so, please go to our website, www.ukirkutk.org/support. We are grateful for your prayers and financial support.
Paul Sexauer is looking for a couple of volunteers to help out with the sound system on Sunday mornings. As a result of all the virtual services over the past year, a number of hardware changes have greatly simplified the process and therefore no knowledge of, or experience with, sound board operation is required. Hands on training and support during services will be provided.

If you think you might be interested, please contact Paul to arrange a time for you to stop by the balcony so that he can give you an overview of how it all works. Paul will also be able to give you an overview of the process and you can then sit “second chair” and watch the entire process during the service. It is really fairly easy!

We’re also looking for some volunteers to help out with the video side of the service. Arranging a time with Paul to stop by the balcony will allow you to see that as well. As with the sound, no technical knowledge is required to volunteer. Our goal is to have multiple volunteers so that scheduling can be as flexible as possible.

Paul Sexauer
Update on Projects of the Arts and Crafts Circle!
The Arts and Crafts Circle of Presbyterian Women will be continuing in 2022 with their mission project with the Isaiah 1:17 House for abused children waiting for foster placement.

PW has provided funding for the project of making doll clothes for dolls to be donated to the home and you will be hearing more about this caring program later. Cheryl Ragsdale, the chair of this circle, invites church participants to volunteer with this program.

Cheryl has also started collecting superhero action figures and transformer vehicle toys for the male children at the home. Consider this request as the stores replenish their toy supply after Christmas.

I will be happy to talk with anyone who has questions.

Cheryl Ragsdale

Please contact the church office
(865.523.2189 or [email protected])
if you have toys you would like to drop off at the church.
If you like to shop, the Fish Pantry mission is in need of the following household and personal items:

-Dish Soap
-Bath Soap
-Pet Food Only
(small canned or bagged quantities, wet or dry for dogs or cats)

Our once-a-month Fish team receives phone call requests for food and these additional items; then they are sorted, packed, and delivered to each client's household.

All donations should be newly purchased, and any quantities would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact the church office (865.523.2189 or [email protected])
if you have items you would like to drop off at the church.

PLEASE DO NOT DONATE FOOD (other than for pets). Thank you!
Compassionate Cuisine is a program from the Care and Compassion committee and our Cooking Teams. This group is collaborating to create a homecooked meal, and will gather safely at the church to package them into individual portions, that they will then distribute to some of our members who are living in their homes but may not be getting out and about to pick up dinner or groceries to make a home-cooked meal.

The teams would love to have your help in cooking and/or distributing meals in hopes that this ministry might be able to grow in the coming months. If you’re interested in helping by cooking a portion of one of the meals and/or would be willing to deliver some of the meals, please contact Leslie Matthews: [email protected], (865) 765-0549.
Call the church office
if you need a
Upper Room Devotional
mailed to you!
On the Pastoral Care page of our website, we will share more specific updates regarding those on our prayer list. It will be updated frequently by the church staff.

Visit our website: 2ndpres.org. The page is located under the 'Members' tab.

To keep all information private, the page is password protected. Please contact Audrey at the church office (via email: [email protected] or phone: 865.523.2189) for the password.
Our Wi-Fi network is for use by anyone who visits the building.

The network is “Second Presbyterian Church” and the password is Psalm100.

Please feel free to save it as a network that connects automatically for your device.
Neal and Liz Peebles no longer have a landline.
Their cell phone numbers are: Neal 865-384-8741 and Liz 865-660-9597. 
Prayer List:

Please keep Betty Charlton, Pam Maples, Leilla White, Beth & Daniel Robertson, Frances Johnson, and Peter Douglas Hamilton in your prayers. 
Please contact the Church Office (865.523.2189 or [email protected]) with prayer concerns to be listed in the weekly email or bulletin.

Names remain on the prayer list 4 weeks unless requested by the individual or a close family member of the individual to keep them on longer.