Prelude: Morning Has Broken arr. by Renee Hyche Mckee
................................................................................Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Call to Worship:_________..........____Denise Cain
Opening Hymn: #161 Amen, Amen............... Led by Zoe Petersen
Opening Prayer: __ ___________________.....____ Denise Cain
Children's Circle: ___________________.. _..__ Val McGlasson
Community Joys and Concerns:__ __Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Special Music:  Que Será, Será by Jay Livingston
--------------------------------------------------------- Val McGlasson, Guitar
Scripture: Genesis_4: 1 - 16 4______________..__  Denise Cain
Message:The Gift of Sacred Revenge............ Rev. Michael Lewis
Offertory: How Can I Keep From Singing? arr. by Lorie Line .................................................................................Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication:-________________.___.....__Denise Cain
Closing Hymn: We Shall Overcome ........ ...Led by Zoe Petersen
Time of Reflection: It Is Well With My Soul arr. by Sharon Wilson ................................................................... .............Sophia Ohanian