The Link
The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."
-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
December 7, 2023
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Advent Vespers: "Rejoice Always"
Enter more deeply into the Advent season! Participating in Vespers is a perfect way to slow down and celebrate Advent through prayer, scripture, song, and reflection. Parishioner Brenda Becker will reflect on I Thessalonians 5: 16-22.
Come to St. Boniface on Sunday, December 17, 2023, at 4 pm.
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Feast of the Immaculate Conception
a holy day of obligation.
Friday, December 8
Mass Schedule:
8 am Mass, Assumption
12:10 pm Mass, St. Boniface
6 pm Mass, Assumption (with music)
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Turkana Christmas Cards and Crafts for Sale
As has been our tradition for many years, Turkana Christmas Cards will be for sale as well as some crafts made in Turkana, other parts of Kenya, and elsewhere in Africa. Please support St. Mark’s, our Sister Parish in Turkana! Sunday, December 10 and 17, at St. Boniface after the 11:15 Mass.
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Sacrament of Reconciliation
To help you prepare for Christmas, we will observe “Reconciliation Monday." Churches throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn and the Archdiocese of NY will offer extended periods for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (aka Sacrament of “Confession” or “Penance”).
We will celebrate a communal penance service (with confessions) at St. Boniface at 7 pm. Confession will be available during these times in our parishes: “Reconciliation Monday” December 18, 2023.
St. Boniface
11 am-12 pm
7 pm: Penance Service
7:30am-8 am
8:30am-9 am
4:30pm-6 pm
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Dates for Confirmation Classes and Parent Nights
Parent discussion with Dennis Corcoran: 7 pm
Dec 21 via Zoom, Jan 25, Feb 15, March 7, April 11, May 2
Confirmation Class: 5 pm-7:30pm, ABVM
Dec 16, Jan 27, Feb 3, March 9, April 13, May 11
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Advent Giving Tree
Please continue to bring in toys for the families of “Hour Children.”
We are collecting gifts for boys and girls ages 3 through 14. Bring your unwrapped gift and leave it in the narthex of both churches.
Feel free to ship your gift to: ABVM-Parish Office; Hour Children, 64 Middagh St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
NOTE: Only 2 Sundays left!! We will collect gifts through Sunday, December 17.
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Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24
5 pm Family Mass, Assumption
10 pm Mass, prelude at 9:30pm, St. Boniface
Christmas Day Monday, December 25
9:30am Mass, Assumption
11:15am Mass, prelude at 11 am, St. Boniface
(No 6pm Mass at St. Boniface on Sunday, December 24 & 25)
New Year's Day, Solemnity of the Mary, Mother of God,
Monday, January 1
9:30am Mass, Assumption
11:15am Mass, St. Boniface
No vigil Mass on New Years eve
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Weekly Mass Intention Schedule
Second Sunday of Advent
Weekly Readings:
12-9.......5:00pm.......Intentions-Girlie Genabe
12-10......9:30am.......For the People of the Parish
12-11......8:00am.......Millicent McKinley
12-12......8:00am.......Fay Chu
12-13......8:00am.......Bettina & Antonio Acerra
12-14......8:00am.......Rita Collins
12-15......8:00am.......Richard Weisenreider
St. Boniface
12-10......11:15am.......For the People of the Parish
12-10......6:00pm.......For the People on the Oratory prayer list
12-11......12:10pm.......Robert Garber
12-12......12:10pm......For the Newly Baptized
12-13......12:10pm......RCIA Candidates and Catechumens
12-14.....12:10pm.......Regina Sigda
12-14......12:10pm......For the Homeless
Upcoming Calendar
12/9........Advent Retreat, 9:15am, ABVM, click here for more info.
12/15.......Christmas Pageant, 7 pm, ABVM
12/17.......Advent Vespers, 4 pm, StB
12/18.......Advent Penance Service, 7 pm, StB
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Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:
George Slover, Tom Janczys, Janie Black, Rob Meadows-Rogers, Maxwell Jude Jagiela, Kimberly Pflug, Mary McGeeney, Louis Acerra, Mary Cella, Kim Manzi.
Rest In Peace: Sarah Gentle, Luigi Preziosi, Regina Jackson, Father Gabriel Ashindu Aywa, Fay Chu, Gretchen Beach, Sr. Mary Maloney, Devinne Gallagher.
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Altar Dedications
St. Joseph candle offered by Connie Leone
St. Jude candle offered by Notre Thomas
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
55 Cranberry St. between Henry and Hicks
Brooklyn Heights
Church of St. Boniface
190 Duffield St.
Downtown Brooklyn
Daily Masses
Monday - Friday, 8:00am at Assumption
Monday - Friday, 12:10pm at St. Boniface
Weekend Masses
Saturdays, 5:00pm at Assumption
Sundays, 9:30am at Assumption
Sundays, 11:15am and 6:00pm at St. Boniface
The Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays, 4:15 - 4:45pm at Assumption
Wednesdays, 12:30 pm at St. Boniface
Sundays, 5:15 - 5:45pm at St. Boniface
Weekday Church Hours
Monday through Friday, 11:30am - 1:00pm at St. Boniface
Monday through Friday, 7:30am - 9:00am at Assumption
Prayers and Devotions
Rosary, Tuesdays & Thursdays after the 12:10pm Mass at St. Boniface,
Thursdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
St. Anthony Novena, Tuesdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
First Fridays, Sacred Heart Novena after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
First Saturdays, 9:00am Mass with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction at Assumption
First Sunday Holy Hour, 5:00pm at St. Boniface
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Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through Pushpay by clicking on one of the links.
For St. Boniface:
For Assumption:
Or mail checks or envelopes to:
64 Middagh St
Brooklyn NY 11201
Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:
64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
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