The Link
The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."
-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
April 4, 2024
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Congratulations to all those who received the sacraments at the Easter Vigil.
Happy Easter!
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Coffee Hour at both parishes this weekend. | |
Oratory Women's Community presents Open Mic Night
Friday, April 12, 6-9pm, at Assumption parish hall
Calling all Oratory performers, young and old, women and men, teens, tweens and everyone in between. Musicians, performers, singers, poets all welcome. We have a mic for you! Email OWC:
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Diocesan Day of Eucharistic Revival
Save the Date: April 20, 2024, 9am, Louis Armstrong Stadium, Billie Jean King Tennis Center, Flushing Meadows, Queens
An open invitation to all our parishioners to join Bishop Brennan and parishioners from across the diocese for a day of faith-filled activities centered on Eucharistic Revival.
Signup forms are available in the narthex.
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Join The Conversation
The General Secretariat for the Synod wants to hear from lay people before its second session in October 2024.
YOU can make that happen.
Join our Oratory community in conversations on
three consecutive Wednesdays,
April 24th, May 1st and May 8th
7pm to 8:30pm
(A light bite will be served at 6:30 pm)
Join us for all or one of these conversations. Your voice is needed.
Bring yourself. Bring your friends. Invite everyone! Registration is appreciated but walk-ins welcome.
Sign up on Google: Click HERE
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Parish Pastoral Council Openings
Both St. Boniface and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Pastoral Councils are seeking a diversity of candidates to run for members at large. The two year term begins September 2024. The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that advises parish priests on parish issues and events. Members-at-large are expected to attend monthly meetings (primarily by Zoom) between September and June. The only experience necessary is a love for our parishes.
Self-nominations are quite normal, so don't be shy. To nominate yourself or a fellow parishioner, please send a one paragraph bio about yourself with a headshot photo that will be posted during the election as your candidate profile to Connie Tempel,, no later than April 14th.
Elections will commence late April/early May.
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Community Service Day at Assumption
Save the Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024
Please join us for our Community Service Day on April 27th from 9am - 12pm for a morning of spring cleaning and various projects to care for our spiritual home. It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to work together and meet other parishioners. Jobs for all, including children. Food and refreshments, too! Signup forms will be available shortly.
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Women in the Church Lecture
May 5, 2024 @ 1:00pm at St. Boniface Church
The Adult Faith Formation Committee of the Brooklyn Oratory Parishes invites parishioners and friends to this year's Joan Sexton Memorial Women in the Church Lecture on May 5, 2024 @ 1:00pm at St. Boniface.
This year, Ashley McKinless, Executive Editor of America magazine, will moderate a conversation among five Oratory women, asking: How are women being called to participate in the Church today? The panel will include Alice Beal, Suleika Cabrera Drinane, Jane Kotapish, Heather Leykam, and Anne-Elizabeth Straub, all women of our Oratory parishes.
The lecture is held annually to honor Joan Sexton, a woman who is remembered as fully participating in her faith, in our Church community and in her vocation as a woman in the Church and as a wife and mother.
Light refreshments will be served immediately following the panel in the narthex of the church. Click here.
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Would you like to spend time with Jesus?
Meeting Christ in Prayer is an 8-week spiritual development program based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Through prayer, reflection on scripture, and faith-sharing, the retreat gives an opportunity to see Jesus as a companion and encounter him anew. We will begin on May 9 and will meet for 8 weeks on Thursday evenings at 6:30 at St. Boniface.
Please read details and register here:
Any questions about the program? Please contact Brother Andy Richards at
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Hear the Cecilia Chorus in Two Gripping Passion Stories by Beethoven and Cyrus Chestnut in Carnegie Hall
A handful of Oratory parishioners are singing in the 150+ strong Cecilia Chorus, which will perform two Passion stories in Carnegie Hall after Easter on Friday, April 19 at 8pm. Beethoven’s edge-of-your-seat Christ on the Mount of Olives features high-wire solos, dramatic choruses, and full orchestra. And Cyrus Chestnut’s electrifying Power in the Blood is a cycle of spirituals for chorus, vocal soloists, and acoustic trio led by the jazz great Chestnut himself. Text, 718 490-1694 or, soon for information and the best possible discount on tickets.
One night only! We would love to see you there.
Care for Creation Corner: Energy Tips for the Spring
The following tips will save money and energy while keeping your home comfortable during the cool spring months. Some of these tips can be used daily to increase your savings on energy bills, while others are simple and inexpensive actions you can take to ensure maximum savings through the spring.
HVAC Maintenance
- It is important to maintain the HVAC in your home. Spring is the ideal time to have an HVAC specialist check your system and do any maintenance so that the system is ready to provide cooling when the weather gets warmer.
Reduce Heat Loss from the Fireplace
- Keep the fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning. Keeping the damper open is like keeping a window wide open during the colder weather; it allows warm air to go right up the chimney.
- When using the fireplace, reduce heat loss by opening dampers in the bottom of the firebox (if provided) or open the nearest window slightly--approximately 1 inch--and close doors leading into the room. Lower the thermostat setting to between 50° and 55°F.
- If the fireplace is never used, plug and seal the chimney flue.
- Install tempered glass doors and a heat-air exchange system that blows the warmed air back into the room.
- Check the seal on the fireplace flue damper to ensure it is snug.
- Purchase grates made of C-shaped metal tubes to draw cool room air into the fireplace and circulate warm air back into the room.
Lower Water Heating Costs
- Keep the temperature of the water heater at the warm setting (120°F). This will not only save energy but also help avoid scalding.
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First Friday, April 5
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus following the 8am Mass at Assumption.
First Saturday 9am Mass at Assumption, April 6, 2024 Rosary, meditation and benediction will follow the Mass.
Holy Hour: April 7, 5:00pm, before the 6pm Mass.
Oratory Evening Prayer: Monday, April 8, 6:15pm - 7:15pm, ABVM hall. Come and join the Fathers of the Oratory for an evening of prayer.
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Weekly Mass Intention Schedule
Second Sunday of Easter
Weekly Readings:
4-6....5:00pm....For the People of the Parish
4-7....9:30am.....Frank J. Macchiarola
4-8....8:00am....Oratory prayer list
4-9....8:00am....Priest’s Intention
4-10..8:00am....Janie Black
4-11...8:00am....Easter flower remembrances
4-12...8:00am....Adela Acerra
St. Boniface
4-7....11:15am.....Devinne Gallagher
4-7....6:00pm.....For the People of the Parish
4-8....12:10pm....Priest’s Intention
4-9....12:10pm....Fr. Paul Madden
4-10...12:10pm....Janie Black
4-11...12:10pm....Priest’s Intention
4-12...12:10pm....Mary Jane Jones
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Upcoming Calendar
4/5......First Friday/Sacred Heart Devotion, ABVM, 8am
4/6......First Saturday Mass, ABVM, 9am
4/7......Holy Hour, StB, 5pm
4/7......Coffee Hour, StB & ABVM
4/8......Oratory Evening Prayer, ABVM, 6:15pm
4/12.....OWC-Open Mic Night, ABVM hall, 6pm
4/14.....Baptism Sunday, StB, 11:15am
4/20....Diocesan Eucharistic Revival
4/21.....Baptism Sunday, ABVM, 9:30am
4/24.....Synod Conversations, ABVM parish hall, 7:00pm
4/27.....ABVM Community Service Day
5/5......Women in the Church Lecture, StB, 1pm
5/9......Ascension of the Lord, Holy Day
5/9......Meeting Christ in Prayers, StB, 6:30pm
5/19.....Quarterly Mass, ABVM, 10:30am
5/19.....St. Philip Neri Picnic, ABVM
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Opportunities for Reconciliation
Assumption, Saturdays, 4:15pm-4:45pm
St. Boniface, Wednesdays, 12:30pm Sundays, 5:15pm-5:45pm
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Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:
Louise Ippolito, Kjell Olav Heggstad,Larry Murphy, John Baer, Jose Hernandez, George Slater, Chris Waterman, Maureen O’Neil, Mary Cella, Kim Manzi.
Rest In Peace: Janie Black, Officer Jonathan Diller, Mary Meo, John D’Emic, Rosa DeSimone, Estelle Miller, Lynda Kobel Randell, Betsey Bittlingmaier.
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
55 Cranberry St. between Henry and Hicks
Brooklyn Heights
Church of St. Boniface
190 Duffield St.
Downtown Brooklyn
Daily Masses
Monday - Friday, 8:00am at Assumption
Monday - Friday, 12:10pm at St. Boniface
Weekend Masses
Saturdays, 5:00pm at Assumption
Sundays, 9:30am at Assumption
Sundays, 11:15am and 6:00pm at St. Boniface
The Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays, 4:15 - 4:45pm at Assumption
Wednesdays, 12:30pm at St. Boniface
Sundays, 5:15 - 5:45pm at St. Boniface
Weekday Church Hours
Monday through Friday, 11:30am - 1:00pm at St. Boniface
Monday through Friday, 7:30am - 9:00am at Assumption
Prayers and Devotions
Rosary, Tuesdays & Thursdays after the 12:10pm Mass at St. Boniface,
Thursdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
St. Anthony Novena, Tuesdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
First Fridays, Sacred Heart Novena after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
First Saturdays, 9:00am Mass with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction at Assumption
First Sunday Holy Hour, 5:00pm at St. Boniface
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Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through Pushpay by clicking on one of the links.
For St. Boniface:
For Assumption:
Or mail checks or envelopes to:
64 Middagh St
Brooklyn NY 11201
Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:
64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
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