Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Second Sunday of Lent

First ReadingThe call of Abraham. (Genesis 12:1-4a)

Psalm – "Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you." (Psalm 33)

Second Reading – "Bear your share of hardship for the gospel." (2Timothy 1:8b-10)

GospelJesus is transfigured. (Matthew 17:1-9)

Sunday Bulletin
Meet w/Fr. Dan

All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun...

We want to hear from you...

How can Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament better support single parents? If you are a single parent or know single parents in your family or in our faith community, let us know how we can walk with single parents. Please respond by March 7, 2023. Pickup a paper survey in our vestibules or use the button at right to respond online.

Answer the Poll!

Your Opinion Matters at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament!

It’s official! The Disciple Maker Index Survey is open and your help makes a difference.

Please complete the short, 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible, using the button at right.  

There are also opportunities to complete the survey after daily and Sunday Mass and you can obtain a paper copy in the Parish Office or by contacting Mary Ellen Ottenstein at (847) 979-0901 x1007.

Take the Survey!

Winter Supper - March 2nd

Thank you to everyone who is helping to shop, cook, prep and pack for tomorrow's March 2nd Winter Supper! We are blessed to have so many generous parishioners and your help is appreciated now more than ever! All slots are filled!

A Night on the Red Carpet

Our 2023 Queen of the Rosary School Spring Gala, A Night on the Red Carpet, is this Saturday, March 4th at Chandler’s Banquets in Schaumburg from 6-11 pm.

It does takes a village to form, educate and inspire children, and we can’t do it without your help! Don't have your ticket yet? Invite family, friends and neighbors to attend the Gala with you. Download the Ticket Order Form. And remember that we are #BetterTogether!

Questions? Please contact the parish office at (847) 979-0901 or school office at (847) 437-3322.

Annulment Info Night

Are you or someone you know pursuing an Annulment? Do you have questions about the requirements or process? The Church has resources to help. Join the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Chicago for a free Annulment Info Night on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 7:00pm at St. Julian Eymard.

Discover more!

Save the Date for Our Parish Lenten Mission!

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament's Annual Parish Mission will be "Body of Christ, Broken for the World: The Eucharistic Revival and You." Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us Monday, March 20th to Wednesday, March 22nd nightly at 7:00pm at St. Julian Eymard.

Discover more!

Parish-Wide Lenten Almsgiving: Welcome the Stranger

As a community of faith, we are called to show compassion and hospitality to those in need, and this Lent, we have an opportunity to do just that!

Our Lenten Almsgiving project this year is to support Catholic Charities Welcome the Stranger Parish-Family Sponsorship. Help us raise $10,000 and form a Parish-Family Liaison team to Welcome the Stranger!

Discover more!

Be an Adorer

Starting in Easter, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is 

excited to introduce a new and expanded schedule for Eucharistic Adoration. Come rest in silence with our Lord and listen for the call of the Holy Spirit on Wednesdays, Saturdays and First Fridays.

Discover more!

Annual Catholic Appeal

Now more than ever, the Church needs your steadfast support. Your participation in our parish’s weekly offertory and in the Annual Catholic Appeal is essential to maintaining the

financial well-being of the Church.

Please consider signing up for online giving to the parish offertory and to the Appeal. Just as we rely on your spiritual support, the Church continues to rely on your financial support to continue its work of sanctification and evangelization.

Donate now!

Remember that donations in excess of our Appeal Goal are returned to OLBS in the form of a rebate. This year, OLBS will direct rebate funds to install screens in the vestibule, add a video security system at QR and put glass lites in the church doors at SJE. Discover more.

Join Us for One or More of These Upcoming Events!

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RE First Reconciliation Prayer Service Sat 10am (SJE) and Wed, 3/1 6pm (QR).

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Our Next Winter Supper is Thursday, March 2nd in Shea Hall at St. Julian Eymard.

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First Friday Eucharistic Adoration following the 8:15am Mass at St. Julian Eymard.

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Stations & Supper led by Marriage & Family/Men's Group at Queen of the Rosary at 6pm.

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First Saturday Devotion begins with 8:15am Mass at Queen of the Rosary.

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Annual Spring Gala at Chandler's Banquets in Schaumburg, Saturday, March 4 | 6-11pm.

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Children's Liturgy of the Word is at the 10:30am Mass at QR.

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Rehearsals for Living Stations of the Cross begin at SJE at 3pm and continue through March.

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Book Club meets in Shea Hall and over Zoom on Monday, March 6th at 7pm.

View All

Download the complete 52-Week Mass Discussion Guide for Families.

Gospel in Focus

March 5, 2023 Jesus reveals His glory with Moses and Elijahto Peter, James and John... “But Jesus cameand touched them, saying ‘Rise, and do notbe afraid.’” —Matthew 17:7

Discussion Questions

What do you think it would be like to see Jesusin His glory? How would that change ourexperience of the Mass?

Why do you think Peter wanted to make tentsfor Moses and Elijah?

Share a time when Jesus has told you, “Rise,do not be afraid.”


Annual Spring Fundraiser

“A Night On the Red Carpet”

Saturday, March 4, 2023 | 6 - 11pm

Chandler’s Banquets, Schaumburg

For ticket purchase, check links above or contact Queen of the Rosary School at (847) 437-3322.

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Confirmation Candidate/Sponsor/Parent Meeting

Tuesday, March 14th | 7pm | QR

This meeting is for all Confirmation candidates and their sponsors and parents. Please meet in QR Church at 7pm.

Youth Altar Server Recognition Mass

Youth altar servers of Vicariate I parishes with their families are invited to a recognition Mass and post-Mass meal

Sunday, March 26 at 3:00 p.m.

St. Thomas of Villanova Parish

1201 E. Anderson Dr. in Palatine, IL

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During Lent we are called to Pray – Fast – Give. In that spirit, Mr. Van invites all teens in the parish to accompany him to Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg on Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 4:30 to 6:15pm. Follow this link to sign up so we know how many we will be.

OLBS Youth Ministry is headed to Marshalltown, Iowa for Catholic Heart Work Camp in July. If you haven't already reserved your spot, contact Mr. Van and send in your $100 deposit today!


Feed My Starving Children | Mar 2 | 4:30-6:15pm

Living Stations Rehearsal | Mar 5 | 3pm

Alexian Village | Mar 6 | 6:30-8pm

Alexian Village | Mar 20 | 6:30-8pm

CHWC | July 16-22 | Marshalltown, Iowa

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Prayer Life

Contact Us

Facebook  YouTube


(847) 979-0901 | [email protected]

Worship sites:

Queen of the Rosary

750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.

St. Julian Eymard

601 Biesterfield Road


Queen of the Rosary School

690 Elk Grove Blvd.

(847) 437-3322 |