Our Mission: "We are an inclusive Open and Affirming faith community reaching out with love, compassion, and justice."
Thursday, February 25, 2021
A Message from Our Pastor and Teacher
Sunday, February 28 ~ “Beguiled by Beauty: Contemplation and Action”
We often divide contemplation and social action into separate entities as we split apart the world into dualistic categories: spirituality / activism, prayer / work, inner / outer life. Yet, life is a seamless whole. On this last Sunday of Black History month, we celebrate the life of Howard Thurman who discovered that contemplation leads to action and meditation inspires self-worth. Thurman’s prophetic spirituality, in its joining of contemplation and action, spirituality and justice seeking, shaped a whole generation of prophetic voices. Thurman was beguiled not only by the beauty of creation, but by the beauty of his neighbor.
Sunday's Scripture
Matthew 5: 13 – 16
Worship for Sunday, February 14, 2021
Prelude: Dawn by Sydney Stevens_...__________________,........Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Call to Worship:______________________________ Janet Wilson
Opening Hymn: #31 All Things Bright and Beautiful _____ Led by Dan Abushanab
Opening Prayer:_____________________________ _____________Janet Wilson
Children's Circle: _________.............._______________..._______...Ross Mitchell
Community Joys and Concerns: _______________...._Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Special Music: God Leads Us Along By George Young.......RUCC Stay-at-Home Choir
Scripture: Matthew 5: 13 – 16 __...........................
Message: “Beguiled by Beauty: Contemplation and Action” _____Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Offertory: Still by Ola Gjeilo....................________________..........Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication:-___._____________.___._____________....._--Janet Wilson
Closing Hymn: #584 I Am the Light of the World _...____ Led by Jim Tong
Time of Reflection: For the Beauty of the Earth & Simple Gifts .arr. by Roberta Belliston
____________________.________________________________ Sophia Ohanian
- Prayers of thanks for Sage, daughter of Joette Orman and Peter Tupou, who has been released from the NICU and is now at home with her parents.
- Katherine Emma requests prayers for her brigade and the family of SFC Octavio Araujo who passed from life to Life.
- Prayers for Evan, son of Meagan Hill, who badly sprained his ankle.
Prayers for Mario and Maria Saucedo’s sister who died of leukemia.
- Prayers for Kathy Peters whose father passed from life to Life.
- Prayers for Evan, son of Margaret Paul, who is facing life challenges
- Rosemary Touhy requests prayers for her friend Terri who is having major dental work.
- Inez Diggs requests prayers for her friend, Penni Pierce, who suffers from Pulmonary Fibrosis, and needs a double lung transplant to help her breathing capacity.
- Prayers for Rosemary Whitmer who is facing health challenges.
- Prayers for Ben Bohren who is recovering from outpatient surgery for the removal of a kidney stone.
- Prayers for Don, brother of Carol Buchanan, who is recovering from surgery for aggressive prostate cancer.
- Prayers for Rosemary Tuohy who broke her ankle from a fall.
- Carla Becerril requests prayers for Mary Ann Ramos who tested positive for COVID.
- Prayers for Keith, cousin of Maegan Hill, who is blinded by a blood clot.
- Prayers for Lorna, mother of Erin Beardemphl, who shattered her kneecap.
- Prayers for Claire, friend of Jennifer Brainerd, who is grieving the loss of sister Hilary and bringing into her family nephew Peyton.
- Prayers for Loraine, friend of Rosemary Tuohy, who has been diagnosed with anal cancer.
- Prayers for Claudine, grandmother of Paul and Dante Welsh.
- Prayers for Mary, sister of Sue Hammond, who is facing some health challenges.
- Prayers for Charlie Seek challenged by diabetes related foot issues.
- Prayers for Greg Farrell, brother of Karen Walsh, who is undergoing radiation treatment for cancer.
- Prayers for Gloria Ebert who is facing heart challenges
- Carla Becerril requests prayers for her cousin Sally who is hospitalized with COVID.
- Carla Becerril requests prayers for Tim Brown who is hospitalized with COVID.
- Judith Turian requests prayers for Jill Bressler as she undergoes treatment for lung cancer and for Judith's close friend Terri, who is unable to travel to be with Jill because of COVID.
- Kenneth Lee requests prayers for his father and sister who contracted COVID-19.
- Prayers for Armando, family member of Carla Becerril, who is diagnosed with COVID.
- Prayers for Drew Morgan who underwent knee surgery on Nov. 23rd.
- Prayers for Sue Wallace who is recovering from surgery for the replacement of an aortic heart valve.
- Ongoing prayers for parents, teachers, students navigating online school.
- Prayers for Dick Ault, who is awaiting knee replacement surgery.
Ongoing Concerns:
Barb, friend of Carla Becerril
Gretchen and Aaron Andrews
Carla Becerril
Les Budai
Diane Campbell
Diane, Sister-in-Law of Heather King
Carol Chaney
Precia Gwenhwyfer Courtney-Hveen
Cousin of Rick Cruz
Norma Erickson
Betty Gayle
Ronan Godfrey
Jerry Greenfield
Emma Grimauld
Katia Hage
Beki Hill
Jody Hoelle
Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother
Mark Alan Johnson, friend of Nancy Hotaling
Kim Johnson, friend of Gretchen Andrews
Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray
Emily Jones
Hank Kirchner
Amber McGuigan
Bill McIntyre
Amy McQulillian, friend of Gretchen Andrews
Larry Minor
Sarah Montez
Mary Mortensen
Maria Montana
Carmen & Jim Neafsey
Kristin Farmer Preslica
Steve, Brother of Julie Phillip
Nancy Rojas
Adolph Romero
Joan Roth
Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene
Doris Stockton, Kathi Roth's Grandmother
Heather Tee
Arika Torres
Vasquez Family
Helga Vroom
Sacred Saturday - February 27
Date Change for this month only
Instead of meeting on the first Saturday in March, Sacred Saturday will gather from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. on February 27, 2021...just a week early. Sorry if this change affects anyone negatively, but was the best way to work around a scheduling conflict. We will use the same Zoom meeting. For the link, see below.
If you have never come to Sacred Saturday, or if you are a regular, you are welcome to join. As part of the program, creative and contemplative space is offered. When we gather in person, there are tables of books, art supplies, prayer beads and other items that are used to help facilitate the stillness and soul's journey. If you are missing having any of those items, please let me know and we can arrange a drop-off or mailing of what you might want to use.
Looking forward to being together on February 27th!
Topic: Sacred Saturday
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 357 038 066
Lenten Series 2021—Continues Wednesday, March 3
Join us Wednesday, March 3 for the 2nd session of our 2021 Lenten Series: we are studying the film series “Grateful” by Diana Butler-Bass. This week’s topic is titled “Grace, Gratitude and Gifts” in which the author explores the thesis that “grace flows from the deep abundance of God.”
If you missed last week’s session, no problem! Please join the conversation. Fellowship time begins at 6:45, Discussion begins at 7.
Here's the Zoom link for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 831 8926 0341
One tap mobile
Follow this link for more information about the film series:
Palm Sunday
March 28- details to be announced
Maundy Thursday
April 1 evening service, details to be announced.
Dan Abushanab begins his second turn as Treasurer
Introducing the 2021-2022 Board
Dan has been part of RUCC for nearly 10 years, since he moved to Redlands with Heather and their kids to become the CIO of Esri. He has been involved in many parts of the life of RUCC, from the choir to Stewards, to the “Building Up, Reaching Out” building campaign, and, with the pandemic, now partnering with Loring to deliver the online services until we are back to worshipping in person.
This year Dan rejoins the board in his second stint as our Treasurer. In partnership with the Stewards, the Treasurer is responsible for maintaining our financial health, tracking our income and expenses, and paying our staff and vendors.
Racial Justice Reflection for the Week
“The civil rights movement was based on faith. Many of us who were participants in this movement saw our involvement as an extension of our faith. We saw ourselves doing the work of the Almighty. Segregation and racial discrimination were not in keeping with our faith, so we had to do something.”
- John Lewis (February 21, 1940 – July 17, 2020) was an American politician and civil rights activist and leader who represented Georgia in Congress from 1987 to 2020. He was chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee from 1963 to 1966.
UCC Webinar on "The State of Creation"
What is necessary to halt the deleterious effects of climate change in the 21st century? Join Rev. Brooks Berndt, Minister for Environmental Justice, UCC and Jim Antal, author, public theologian, Special Advisor on Climate Justice to the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ.
Join us in a formal address from Rev. Antal as well as some dialogue moderated by Rev. Brooks Berndt about what we can do together to ensure God’s creation thrives in 2021 and beyond.
Use this link to register
From the Environmental Justice Team
“Every tree, therefore, is valuable to the community and worth keeping around for as long as possible. And that is why even sick individuals are supported and nourished until they recover. Next time, perhaps it will be the other way round, and the supporting tree might be the one in need of assistance. When thick silver-gray beeches behave like this, they remind me of a herd of elephants. Like the herd, they, too, look after their own, and they help their sick and weak back up onto their feet. They are even reluctant to abandon their dead.
Every tree is a member of this community, but there are different levels of membership. For example, most stumps rot away into humus and disappear within a couple of hundred years (which is not very long for a tree). Only a few individuals are kept alive over the centuries, like the mossy "stones" I've just described. What's the difference? Do tree societies have second-class citizens just like human societies? It seems they do, though the idea of "class" doesn't quite fit. It is rather the degree of connection-or maybe even affection-that decides how helpful a tree's colleagues will be.
You can check this out for yourself simply by looking up into the forest canopy. The average tree grows its branches out until it encounters the branch tips of a neighboring tree of the same height. It doesn't grow any wider because the air and better light in this space are already taken. However, it heavily reinforces the branches it has extended, so you get the impression that there's quite a shoving match going on up there. But a pair of true friends is careful right from the outset not to grow overly thick branches in each other's direction. The trees don't want to take anything away from each other, and so they develop sturdy branches only at the outer edges of their crowns, that is to say, only in the direction of "non-friends." Such partners are often so tightly connected at the roots that sometimes they even die together.”
- February 27 - Sacred Saturday- See article above for details.
- March 3 - Lenten series continues ~ See article above for details.
March 7 - Book Group: Discussion of Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. Discussion facilitator will be Deborah Rada.
- March 9 - Stewards' meeting
- March 10 - Lenten series continues
- March 14 - One Great Hour of Sharing special offering.
- March 16 - Board meeting
- March 17 - Lenten series continues
- March 18 - Prayer Polygon
- March 24 - Lenten series continues
- March 28 - Palm Sunday
- March 31- Lenten series concludes
- April 1 - Maundy Thursday
- April 4 - Easter Sunday
This week at RUCC...Virtually on almost every device!
Calendar for February 21 - February 28, 2021
Sunday, February 28
- 9:30 a.m. Seekers - on Zoom
- 9:30 a.m. Kids Zone - on Zoom
- 10:30 a.m. Worship Service on YouTube
- 11:30 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour on Zoom
- 4 p.m. - Showers of Love - gather in the church parking lot
Monday, March 1
Tuesday, March 2
Wednesday, March 3
- 12:00 The Pastor is In - Zoom
Lenten Series continues at 7 p.m. on Zoom.
Friday, March 5
- 4:00 p.m. Youth Group on Zoom
Sunday, March 7
- 9:30 a.m. Seekers - on Zoom
- 9:30 a.m. Kids Zone - on zoom
- 10:30 a.m. Worship Service on YouTube
- 11:30 a.m. Virtual coffee Hour on Zoom
12:00 p.m. Book Group on Zoom. Discussion of Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing, facilitated by Deborah Rada.
RUCC Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship: Rev. Erin Beardemphl
Music Director: Jim Tong
Accompanist: Sophia Ohanian
Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant
Office Manager: Nancy Sheets
Child Care: Vacant
Caretaker: Vacant
Phone: (909) 793-3520
Staff and Other Emails
pastorjill@redlandsucc.org office@redlandsucc.org
musicdirector@redlandsucc.org youth@redlandsucc.org
childrenseducation@redlandsucc.org weddings@redlandsucc.org