Senior Valentine Bags
The deadline to participate in our Secret Senior Valentine Bag project is February 9th. All completed bags, as well as supply donations, are due at our office by 6 pm on that date.

Additional Pickup areas are currently available for the following locations - email Vicki Neilson if this is more convenient. This will allow us to gauge vehicle space at each location:

Wednesday, February 2nd - 10 am - Ashland
Saturday, February 5th - 12 noon - Westchester Commons
Saturday, February 5th - 2 pm - Short Pump area
Sunday, February 6th - 3 pm - Boulevard and Broad areas

Many of the "Personal" bags are still available if interested. Note: Personal bags DO NOT mean that you have to provide everything listed. We ask that you at least be able to provide one of them when making a complete bag.


Our Secret Senior Valentine Bag project is a great way to recognize independently living Seniors and disabled persons within the Greater Richmond Metropolitan Area. This project began as a way to reuse items left from our Community Thanksgiving Feast and has grown to include approximately 600-800 recipients, depending on the interest of our volunteers.

Our goal for 2022 is approximately 600 bags...including approximately 125 "personal bags".

Here is a quick, and dirty, recap for anyone wanting more details:

  • Valentine Bags are due to our office by February 9th.
  • They don't have to be "bags" per se - be creative :)
  • If you can't make a bag, consider donating items and we'll make up bags using various donations.
  • MAKE SURE YOU USE A REMOVABLE TAG so we know if it's male, female or a personal bag.
  • We all know that things happen so PLEASE let us know ASAP if you are unable to fulfill your commitment. This will allow time to make up replacement bags.
  • It's not necessarily required to do a certain number of items. Use your own judgement. "travel size" items should probably be added with larger things or simply put more in a bag. Giving someone a blanket? Add something like a pair of socks is more then enough. Naturally if you love being generous, that's great but don't feel like you have to spend lots of money either.
  • The recipients this year are not going to be in one room when getting their bags so you are free to create a variety of bags if you are signing up for more then 1.
  • If you have previously signed up and would like to switch to a personal or other bag type, please go online and edit your information.

Monetary donations are also accepted by using this online link:

Senior Bag Delivery Volunteers

Interested in delivering some of our "completed" Valentine bags to specific drop off points? Pick up completed bags at our office in Rockville (about 10 minutes from Short Pump) for deliver on Friday, February 11th to the following areas:

City of Richmond
Courthouse and Hull
Chippenham and Janhe Road

Email Vicki Neilson of your interest.

The Giving Heart | Website
(804) 749-4726 - 9 am to 10 pm (daily)