May 5, 2021 | JNCL Announcement

During the FY22 Budget Request for The Department of Education, Chair DeLauro introduced Secretary Cardona as a former English Learner student and used some of her question time to discuss English Learner support from the Department.

Specifically, DeLauro asked: “How will the Department's Office of English Language Acquisition work with states and districts to make sure these students are getting the support that they need?”

Cardona’s response: “We need to do better than ever before. We need to see a new day for our office for multilingual learners. Going back to where we were is not good enough. Early childhood education is one but language support services for students is another. There's such a gap between the practice and the research on that. We need to go back to what we know works best, honoring and valuing the native language while uplifting the second language so we can have multilingual learners. There's a lot of work that has to be done. I look forward to engaging with that with my sleeves rolled up because this is important work for our country.”

In meetings with Secretary Cardona, JNCL-NCLIS has continued to advocate for the change of the name of the Office of English Language Acquisition to include and address the needs of multilingual learners.

Date: May 27th, 2021 4PM ET

Each month, JNCL-NCLIS virtual panel conversations will build upon discussions started during Language Advocacy Days 2021 and explore additional advocacy topics worthy of your understanding as an engaged language advocate. Join JNCL-NCLIS for the inaugural panel discussion, "Teaching and Fostering Anti-Racism Through the Classics", moderated by Dr. Edward Zarrow of the National Committee for Latin and Greek (NCLG).

About the Conversation:

It has long been the perception that elitism and privilege are associated with an education in the Classics. As a result, modern misogynists love to quote episodes from ancient history, and white supremacists are currently engaged in the cultural appropriation of Latin and classical antiquity in order to justify their objectives. Simply put, the study of Classics is suffering from an image problem, and it is time that dedicated anti-racist teachers and advocates push back.

The Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (JNCOLCTL) is soliciting articles for publication. Our general editorial focus is on policy, education, programs, advocacy, and research in the field of Less commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs). 


Date: May 27, 2021

In this webinar Àngels will share tips on how to use simple technology for student collaboration, sharing of ideas and engagement in virtual and face-to-face settings. We will use these edtech tools in combination with thinking routines, self-assessment, and reflection tools. These strategies also help students with their socio emotional learning, since they help develop a sense of community.

Notice ID: W912GB21R3698
Location: DEU
Response Date: May 12th, 2021
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