Copyright @ 2019 by Ariel Tzadok. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be forwarded, reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including email, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email Ariel Tzadok at [email protected].

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of you who so generously support


If not for you we would not be here.

So, let us continue to work together to help all others

to see the light and experience what Kosher Torah is all about.


Experience is the key!


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I thank you, and the many, around the world, who benefit 

from KosherTorah also thank you.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Shalom all, Greetings and blessings 
to all my KosherTorah School supporters.

Remember, your support of me, enables me to be here to support you.
Let's always work together to spread KosherTorah far and wide,
Pre-Adamic Civilizations
Secret of the Kabbalistic Shemitot

By R. Ariel B. Tzadok
Copyright © 2000, 2019 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

"For six years you shall plow your fields, but the seventh year shall be holy to YHWH, in that year you shall do no work." Lev. 25:3-4

One of the most controversial teachings among Kabbalists is the doctrine of the Shemita(ot), the cosmic Sabbatical epochs of pre-Adamic times.

According to many of the great Rabbis, Adam was not the first human to have walked the earth. These Rabbis teach that there were full pre-Adamic human civilizations that had arisen, and were eventually destroyed.

Among the earlier generations of Kabbalists, prior to the Ari'zal (R. Yitzhak Luria of Safed, d. 1572), the doctrine of the Shemita was written about by all Kabbalists, including the Ari'zal's Kabbalistic teacher, Rabbi David Ibn Zimra. These Kabbalists taught that not only is the source for doctrine of the Shemita to be found in the Oral tradition, they went directly into the simple and plain words of the Torah text to show that the history of time is not fully told in the Bible.

In the very beginning it is written, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth" (Gen. 1:1). Immediately, the following verse states, "And the Earth was without form and empty" (Gen. 1:2). The Kabbalists have noticed that the prophet Isaiah has written (45:18) that "the Earth was not created empty," revealing an apparent contradiction between Genesis, and Isaiah. Yet, as it is known to every faithful believer of Torah, there can be no contradictions between what Genesis says, and what Isaiah says.

Something, however, is definitely missing. For when God created the Earth it was not empty upon its creation, as per Isaiah. How then did the Earth become empty, as related in Gen.1:2? This leads us to the inevitable conclusion that something is missing; not that part of the text is missing, but rather something has been intentionally left out of the narrative. This is glaringly obvious to any student of the Bible.

I have even spoken to one ex-Christian minister, (now an Orthodox Jew) who, upon learning about this anomaly, had mentioned that he had heard of this before from reading Christian Biblical commentaries. Therefore, it seems that we have a mystery, the secret solution of which, of course, is known to the Rabbis and Kabbalists.

In the Midrash (Gen. R. 3:7), a question is posed as to what was God occupied with, prior to His creation of our world? The Midrash relates that God was busy building, and destroying other worlds.

It is written in Leviticus that, "for six years you shall plow your fields, but the seventh year shall be holy to YHWH, in that year you shall do no work." It is also taught by our Sages in the Talmud (San. 98A), "six thousand years shall the world last, then for one thousand years shall it remain desolate." Our Sages have learned from the secret meaning of the verse in Leviticus that the days of our world, meaning our civilization, will be measured in the same way, as is the Biblical Sabbatical year. Six years shall we labor, and in the seventh shall we rest. So, our civilization will grow for six thousand years, and then for a thousand years shall it "remain desolate" which means to be left alone to rest. After this time, it is said that God renews his creation.

The Bible proceeds to speak about the Jubilee year. We are instructed to count seven times seven years, and then to proclaim a Jubilee, a year of complete release. The Kabbalists have revealed that just as our civilization will last for the Sabbatical period of six thousand years, and one thousand years of desolation, so will there be seven cycles similar to this, corresponding to a cosmic cycle of Sabbaticals, and Jubilee. Therefore, according to this calculation, human civilization will rise and fall seven times, each for a period of six thousand years, with a rest period of a thousand years between.

Now arises the question, which Sabbatical are we in today? Many Kabbalists look back to the verse in Genesis, and notice the discrepancy. They answer the problem of the emptiness of the land (Gen. 1:2), when this was not the way it was created (Is. 45:18), by saying that we are not in the first Shemita. The earth was indeed created full. It only became empty as a result of the previous civilization. They are the ones who left the land "empty and desolate." According to many of the Kabbalists, therefore, we are in the second Shemita.


Tribute to Jack Saunder, a Message for Noahides. Today's Thoughts for May 22, 2019
Tribute to Jack Saunder,
a Message for Noahides.
Today's Thoughts for May 22, 2019

In honor and in memory of a dearly departed friend, Noahide elder and leader, Jack Saunder (obm).
Jack, along with Vendyl Jones,
were the pioneer fathers of the Noahide movement.
This video is my tribute to Jack,
and my offer of support to Noahides.
The Noahide community needs direction and support,
and I and the KosherTorah School are at their disposal.
We have a wealth of information that has always been catered to the Noahide community, and it's time that we strengthen our efforts to work together,
to shine that Great Light
that Jack, Vendyl, myself and others hold so dear!
To my Noahide friends, I welcome you!
Come join us! Let us work together.
In honor and memory of Jack Saunders, may his repose be in Gan Eden, alongside the Sages and Rabbis of Israel (where he so rightfully belongs).

New Videos Earlier This Week

Building Bridges between the Old & the New. Today's Thought for May 21, 2019
Building Bridges 
between the Old & the New
Today's Thought for May 21, 2019

YOU! Getting Stronger! Today's Thought for May 19, 2019
YOU! Getting Stronger!
Today's Thought for May 19, 2019

Secrets of the Bible. Today's Thought for May 20, 2019
Secrets of the Bible
Especially geared towards Noahides
Today's Thought for May 20, 2019

Alongside the Secrets of the Bible classes, 
I am preparing audio courses in:
* Sha'arei Gan Eden of R. Ya'akov Koppel
An excellent source of Kabbalistic teachings, both old and new.
*New selections from the writings of R. Eliezer of Germiza.
Secrets of the Merkava, the Throne of Glory and more.

All in-depth (audio) classes will be for our KosherTorah supporting student body.  
The Disclosure Essays
Revelations about the Actual E.T. Presence
Presently Among Us

By R. Ariel B. Tzadok
Copyright © 2019 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
Essay 5
The Reason for the Coverup,
Modern Masks for Ancient "Visitors"
For those seeking the truth about disclosure, about what our governments truly know about extraterrestrial, and ultra-terrestrial life, one needs to first understand why there would be such a overwhelming need for such a serious conspiracy of coverup.

All future essays in this series 
will be reserved for our KosherTorah supporting student body.
Don't be left out of the disclosure.
email me: [email protected]
Now, Available Anew...
Mental Kung Fu

Kung Fu is the art of accomplishment.
It is not merely gaining knowledge,
it is putting that knowledge to work for you in the real world.

And so it begins...

How does one see in the dark? It's easy, one simply turns on the light.

Purchase your copy now!  go to; 
to  make your $10.00 donation
and I will send you the PDF ebook by return email.

The Nature of Exile
Kabbalistic Insights into Loss of Soul,
the Kabbalah of Personality Types
Exile is primarily a state of mind long before it becomes a state of being. 
Long before one is physically banished from one's homeland, 
one's mind is first banished from its domain of psychological balance.  
The inner state brings about the outer state. 
This is true with regards to both good and bad states of being.

Purchase your copy now!  go to; 
to  make your $10.00 donation
and I will send you the PDF ebook by return email.


When ordering any eBook, 
please specify which eBook(s) 
you are ordering.
Thank you!
We're still packing, 
not knowing yet where we will be moving to.
Anyone with realistic ideas, or offers, 
should please email me.
Thank you.

We are continually going to need to turn to you for your financial generosity, and support!

I trust in God that you will do the right thing and support the KosherTorah School.

Thank you to one and all who have come forward to help us in this one of most pressing hours of need.

I am also including here for you a special PDF doc that includes the  PRAYER FOR PARNASA.

One can download this, and print it out on nice paper, even frame it, if you so desire.

Thank you all again for your continuing support of our KosherTorah School.

Again, please feel free to email me your thoughts at:  [email protected].

Thank you all again!
Ariel B. Tzadok

Thank you!

The KosherTorah School
1710 MacArthur Road, Suite 339

Whitehall, PA. 18052  USA


[email protected]