Calibration Usage Frequency: Days after Issue
The Days after Issue frequency in GAGEtrak 7 allows you to not start the countdown on a sealed gage until it is used.
For example, a sealed plug gage doesn't require calibration; because it's been sealed, it will not have changed even if it has been sitting sealed for 2 years. Currently, you have the gage set to a standard frequency of 6 months.
A regular usage frequency, which starts the clock countdown for calibration when the gage is issued, stops the clock when the gage is returned. This could cause a problem because once the seal is broken, it requires calibration within a set amount of time.
To solve this problem, GAGEtrak has a frequency setting called Days after Issue. This frequency works like a usage frequency in that it requires issue/return to set a next calibration date. The estimated due date is calculated at the time of issue, which eliminates unnecessary calibrations on unused gages.
Days after Issue also works like a standard frequency in that once the gage has been issued the first time, the clock keeps counting down for the rest of the frequency. Returning the gage does not stop the clock.
For the earlier example, navigate to the Gages->Schedule tab. In the Calib Freq fields, enter 180 in the first field and select Days after Issue in the second field. Once you complete your calibration, you will notice that there is no Next Calibration Date on the calibration record or in the gage record.
The gage record will stay in Active status without a due date until the gage is pulled from storage and issued for use. You can issue the gage either in Gages by clicking the Issue/Return button at the bottom of the page or by using Issue in Crib Management. Once the gage is issued, the Next Due Date will populate in Gages.
Unlike with other usage frequencies, the Next Due Date stays on the gage and doesn't stop the countdown with the return. So even if the gage is returned immediately, that next due date will remain.
We encourage you to explore the additional capabilities of your GAGEtrak software and as always, keep an eye out for future Tech Tips.