Blowing Daniel's Mind!

Put on your thinking cap for this one, folks! It goes deep and gets plenty meaty.

"If you see God, you see humanity. And if you see humanity, you see God." Michael summarizes the detailed discussion contained in this Powercast with this amazing statement. It is all about how God imposed himself on Christ and then on humanity after the resurrection. As lovely of a thought this is, Michael and Daniel go into significant analysis of why this is truth.

Paul's genius in delineating how two completely different bodies (like the fish that swim and the birds that fly) became one is extensively highlighted. It was the process which resulted in the celestial and the terrestrial becoming alloyed to create a body which had never appeared before on Earth. "Jesus and God were superimposed on each other for the only time in history....There is only one way for God to give you his glory and that is for you to become him...If you see God, you see humanity. And if you humanity, you see God...This is the NEW way of thinking...Being one in Christ is not a mystical thing. It's reality!"

The earthly was superimposed on the heavenly and vice versa! Now, that was miraculous!!!

From the outset, Daniel reveals how Michael's last Bonus Room Study blew his mind. Then the guys revisit 1 Corinthians 15 as we learn what the scientific breakthrough in nuclear fusion and the gospel have in common.

"Our perception of God is, and always will be, incomplete", notes MLW. Therefore, if people's issue is a perception problem (as some of our friends promote), then "The human race will be in a 'state of sin' forever! This would negate the entire work of the Cross. ...If you redefine sin, you will never awaken to righteousness...You cannot wake to righteousness until sin in your own psyche is completely eradicated. The Gospel does NOT eradicate sin. It wakes you up to the fact that sin has been eradicated by Christ!"

Then the fellas discuss the prominent ministry of the angels in the Hebrew Scriptures and check out the Book of Mark for more.

The above notes only scratch the surface in what is an 81 minute podcast for the ages. Prepare yourself to be mentally stretched AND saved!

God's Imposition


"When you're desperate to prove a point, you will blind yourself to what is right in front of you!"

Michael starts this Bonus Room Study with defining the words hallmark, benchmark, and watermark. How do they relate to the study of the Gospel and why is Michael so excited about it? Click on the video and you will discover why.

We return to the Book of John to find out why "Jesus did not have a lot of confidence in people who believed who he was because of his miracles...Jesus came to take away the sin of the world, not the misconceptions of the world...They're so offended at Christ for taking away the wrath of God. But Jesus said, Blessed are they who are not offended in me".

What about the violence Jesus manifested when he showed-up in the Temple armed with a scourge he had made? How do some of our friends misrepresent that event to fit their own narrative?

"It is the calculated, deliberate, preferred ignorance...Jesus had no push-back on the people who believed him because they saw him in the (Hebrew) Scriptures. But the people who believed in him because they saw the miracles, he said I don't trust these people at. I don't, either".

Want to do something quite profitable for your soul? Watch these 16 minutes and you will.

In the beginning, God and humanity, the heavenly and earthly. the celestial and terrestrial were as different in their composition as the fish that swim and the bird that fly.

Then, as prophesied thousands of times in the Hebrew Scriptures, something happened! This one-time miraculous event, which occurred in an hour, is what this week's show (and everything else we do) is all about!

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The Gospel is freely given. However, getting it out there costs.


Thank you for everything you do. Large or small, it all adds up and leads to more people becoming free and stable from all the self-righteousness that has permeated humanity's thinking for way too long.

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