Meet Our Work Awesome Members
Minor Medical Squad, member at Park OC, is a mobile medical care organization that provides comprehensive primary care and minor urgent care services to patients wherever they live. Their board-certified practitioners provide acute and chronic disease management services via house calls to patients at individual homes, businesses, group homes, assisted living and nursing homes. Their providers are specially trained and equipped to function from a mobile platform, “In the field”. MORE
Gregory J. Wald, Attorney at Law and France OC member, can tell you that for most people, bankruptcy is a word that can conjure up a negative meaning. Contrary to what most people believe, filing bankruptcy is not the end of the world. In fact, he says it is the start of your new life. Read Gregory’s book, The Real Truth About Bankruptcy in Minnesota and hear real life stories of how many people have improved their finances and learn the real truth about bankruptcy. Download your free copy NOW.
Attract Solutions Inc.
Capital Crown Investment
Flourish Business Solutions, LLP
Global Electrical Inspector Consultants
Karen Bohler
Law Office of Chris Anderson
Marketing Trusted Group
Nicole Miller
The eAgentWebb
Verhandlon & Associates

Thank you for choosing OffiCenters!
So happy to have you as a part of our Work Awesome Community!
30 Years
Jeanne Schur
11 Years
10 Years
9 Years
The Engel Law Firm
8 Years
7 Years
Normark Holding 
6 Years
5 Years
Thank You members for your support and friendship throughout the years!
Happy Anniversary!
In & Around Our WorkSpaces
PEK 4Q 2020 Special Offer
Why is the 4Q of every year the most important quarter for every business? Because it's the quarter when businesses make YEAR END decisions. A good decision can be made when a business has a 4Q Financial Plan that does 2 things:
1.  Brings financial records as up to date as possible
2.  Provides the year’s Profit Projection for tax liability.
Paul Kloster is here to help with you with your 4th Quarter Financial Plan. Paul can help you bring records up-to-date, and work with you to prepare the Profit Projection necessary for determining tax liability. He will work with you over ZOOM and identify the work that needs to be done. Paul will stay in contact with you and help as needed to complete the 4Q work. Your 4th Quarter Financial Plan will deliver the information for you to make good year end business decisions. You will have confidence in your decisions – because you had great information available when it was needed.

Are you prepared for year end 2020? For help, please contact Paul Kloster.
Call: 612-850-9086 or Email: [email protected]
ESSENSYS, a global leader in software-controlled technology and services, recently shared the blog below on workspace trends since COVID-19 and how flexible workspace providers will serve a variety of needs for a diverse range of occupiers.

Driving the Future of Work
The coronavirus pandemic prompted what has been referred to as one of the “largest work from home experiments.” Although many employees have adjusted to working from home, the requirement for office spaces won’t disappear. As offices re-open and adjust to a new normal, pre-COVID trends will accelerate. Flexibility in the office environment will continue to be a key consideration for companies as they look to accommodate the varying needs of their employees. It is critical for space providers to operate a model that can meet the flexibility and agility needs of companies of all sizes. MORE
Firefly Sisterhood invites you to join them at their 6th Annual (Virtual) IllumiNight Fundraiser. This inspirational event takes place TONIGHT but there is still time for you to attend and thanks to their generous sponsors, the event is free for everyone! Help Firefly Sisterhood light up the night (TONIGHT) and contribute or REGISTER NOW!

 #SHARETHEMICMN campaign, founded by OC member Jasmine Stringer, strives to make Minnesota a more inclusive and equitable state through storytelling, exposure and relationship development. Their desire is that the #SHARETHEMICMN campaign will give Brown/Black women in Minnesota additional exposure by allowing them to connect and engage with new audiences beyond their “mic share.” They believe the newly developed relationships will lead to new understanding and insights that will be impactful in tackling and overcoming unconscious biases, racial injustices and racial inequities.
#SHARETHEMICN launched on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 and have paired Black/Brown women with allies (men and women) that have agreed to “share their mic,” (their Twitter or Instagram account) for the day. They will continue the “mic shares” bi-monthly on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month through the end of the year. 
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