The excitement in our home - and hearts - is mounting as the wedding day of Ephraim & Chaya is less than one week away.
For Sara and I, the thought of walking our first child down the Chupah is quite overwhelming and amazing. We pray that HASHEM continue to bless Ephraim and all the children.
This Shabbos, Ephraim will have his UFRUF (called to the Torah for an Aliya on the Shabbat before the wedding) in the Rebbe's private study (now used as a SHUL) at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. I will therefore spend Shabbos in Brooklyn with Ephraim.
Chana and the girls will remain here in Port Washington, where Chana will assist Tammy in leading the Junior Congregation for the Monthly Sisterhood Shabbat, which takes place this Shabbat. Please attend and make it another successful Sisterhood Shabbat.
On Monday we leave for Manchester, England in advance of the Thursday wedding. We will spend a few days enjoying the celebrations. On Sunday night we leave back for home. May all be in an auspicious time and with Hashem's blessings in all aspects.
Sara and I are most grateful for the good wishes you've given us in honor of this occasion. Although we'll be separated by an ocean, we know our friends here on Long island will be celebrating with us in spirit.
Please mark your calendar for our local celebration with bride and groom on Shabbat, May 2nd.
May we share happy occasions with one another always.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel
Purim Celebration a Great Success!
More than 100 people attended the PURIM CELEBRATION and enjoyed live music, dancing, face painting, balloon sculpturing, hamantashen dipping, a walk-around magician and a full course meal of Chinese Kosher cuisine.
Thank you Rob Salzbank of Rampage Studios for the photographs, great job as always! Special thanks also to Robert Brenner - aka Bobby Blues - and the entire MECHATANIM BAND: Allan Sperber, John Innella, and John Botten. You guys did a fantastic job making our FAMILY PURIM CELEBRATION a joyous one for the entire family. Thank you also Steve Sussman, our walk-around magician, and our Hebrew School principal Esther and her staff who attended and helped make it a great success!
Click here to view photo album. Photos courtesy of Rob Salzbank, Rampage Studios
Passover at the In-Laws By: Tzvi Freeman
Question: I am married to a wonderful woman. We decided to keep kosher in and out of the house.
This Passover we are invited to her parents' house. Their standards of kosher are much more lax than ours. During the year we can manage, but on Passover there are so many more issues. Keeping the peace (and keeping my marriage) is very important to me, but so is keeping kosher and keeping Passover. What do I do? ANSWER>> |
B"H |
Shabbat Times
Shabbat Candle Lighting: |
Friday, Mar 13
6:41 pm
Shabbat Ends: |
Shabbat, Mar 14
7:41 pm
Community News
BIRTHDAYS Gideon Joseph Clontz 3/13 Rachel Lee 3/13 Bart Waxman 3/13 Milton Cooper 3/15 Daniel Rivera 3/16 Dorothy Waxman 3/16 Carol Arnold 3/17 Jessica Lee 3/17 Pamela Lee 3/17 Bryan Sherman 3/17 Roey Kafri 3/18 Melissa Charney 3/19 Chloe Heiden 3/19 Gabriella Logvin 3/19
YARTZEITS Morris Levine, 3/13/2015 | Adar 22, 5775 observed by Jesse Levine & Lynn Silverstein
Lola Miles, (Slava Esther bas Shalom Leib) 3/13/2015 | Adar 22, 5775 observed by
Stewart & Stacy Miles
Sue S. Pinner, (Chaya Sarah bat Avraham) 3/14/2015 | Adar 23, 5775 observed by
Larry & Sheryl Pinner
Shirley Bieber, (Sura Yenta bas Chaim) 3/15/2015 | Adar 24, 5775 observed by
Ronald Bieber
Isaac Kempner, (Aryeh Yitzchak ben Tzvi Chaim) 3/15/2015 | Adar 24, 5775 observed by
Orit Shilian
*CLICK HERE to convert any regular calendar date, birthday or Yahrtzeit to its corresponding Jewish-calendar date!
Parshah |
Brick by Brick
When the Jewish nation was still very, very young, we began setting aside materials for our own marital home. Our wedding was still hundreds of years, and hundreds of miles, away...
Women |
Scarf or Wig? Why Cover? The Rebbe on Hair Covering
Displaying patience and uncanny sensitivity to the psychological and sociological issues at play, the Rebbe persisted in his efforts. Eventually, it paid off. By the late 1960s, wearing a wig was the norm in most Orthodox circles.
Multimedia |
How Did Maimonides Influence Chassidism?
Maimonides is often thought of as an ultra rationalist. But several scholars of chassidism have shown that his views on how a human being can become attached to G-d were a seminal influence in the development of chassidic thought and practice.
Story |
Why the Rabbi Ate the Whole Pot of Cholent Himself
Reb Avigdor caught a whiff of the cholent, tasted it, then tasted it again, and again-until he finished it all.
Shabbat |
Adar 23 | March 14 |
Parah |
Mishkan assembled; 7 "days of training" (1312 BCE) |
Passing of 1st Rebbe of Ger (1866) |
Parshat Parah |
Bless New Month |
Joyful Emptiness
Start here: Open yourself to receive all that heaven wants to give you.
How will you receive it? By being empty.
Full of self-concern, of "what will become of me?" of "where life is taking me?"-there's no room for life to enter.
But a simple, open spirit is filled with joy from heaven.
Parshat Vayak'hel-Pekudei
Moses assembles the people of Israel and reiterates to them the commandment to observe the Shabbat. He then conveys G?d's instructions regarding the making of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The people donate the required materials in abundance, bringing gold, silver and copper; blue-, purple- and red-dyed wool; goat hair, spun linen, animal skins, wood, olive oil, herbs and precious stones. Moses has to tell them to stop giving.
A team of wise-hearted artisans make the Mishkan and its furnishings (as detailed in the previous Torah readings of Terumah, Tetzaveh and Ki Tisa): three layers of roof coverings; 48 gold-plated wall panels, and 100 silver foundation sockets; the parochet ( veil) that separates between the Sanctuary's two chambers, and the masach ( screen) that fronts it; the Ark and its cover with the Cherubim; the table and its showbread; the seven-branched menorah with its specially prepared oil; the golden altar and the incense burned on it; the anointing oil; the outdoor altar for burnt offerings and all its implements; the hangings, posts and foundation sockets for the courtyard; and the basin and its pedestal, made out of copper mirrors.
An accounting is made of the gold, silver and copper donated by the people for the making of the Mishkan. Betzalel, Aholiav and their assistants make the eight priestly garments-the ephod, breastplate, cloak, crown, turban, tunic, sash and breeches-according to the specifications communicated to Moses in the Parshah of Tetzaveh.
The Mishkan is completed and all its components are brought to Moses, who erects it and anoints it with the holy anointing oil, and initiates Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. A cloud appears over the Mishkan, signifying the divine presence that has come to dwell within it.