See us with Livin Upstate staring on Channel 7 News!
Its been an honor to star on channel 7 news! Check us out in this link, expressing our love for Hot Yoga & encouraging you to join us in the great benefits we offer everyday!

We're also excited to welcome you to our Memberships and our Workshops giving you many options to enhance your wellness journey!

We look forward to seeing you!

Book your next class now!
Southern 26 Workshop Series Part 1: The Standing Series
with Don Leslie
Saturday, June 10
2-4 pm
West End Sun Studio
$35 for one session
$60 for both sessions
Mala Making Workshop
with Don Leslie
Saturday, June 17
2-4 pm
West End Sun Studio
$45 includes all supplies
*register by June 12 to be guaranteed supplies
Southern 26 Workshop Series Part 2: The Floor Series
with Don Leslie
Saturday, June 24
2-4 pm
West End Sun Studio
$35 for one session
$60 for both sessions
“The purpose of yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body,” explains Natalie Nevins, Because there are so many different kinds of yoga practices, it is possible for anyone to start.

“Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style,” says Dr. Nevins. “The idea is to explore your limits, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection. It is a great way to get in tune with your body and your inner self.”​

Aside from the awesome physical benefits like lessen lower back pain and arthritis, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. “Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate,” says Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life.”

What better way to add joy to your wellness journey, Come try Yoga with us at Southern Om! 

Read more in this week's wellness blog. Source:
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SOUTHERN OM HOT YOGA | Woodruff Road & West End |