WBC WEEKLY news & updates
2022 | April 27- May 3
Woodmont Baptist Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ from all generations who will make disciples of all nations in all generations for God’s glory. 
Sunday Morning
9:00 BSC (Bible Study Connections)
10:15 Worship
When I was asked to be the Interim Student Pastor at Woodmont in 2015, all I had was a New American Standard Study Bible and a set of Warren Wiersbe commentaries that Chad bought me before he left. I had no clue how to prepare a sermon, speak, or really study the Bible effectively. Not the most ideal start, but I knew I could depend on God to teach me. I sat in my office with my Bible open and in prayer for God to help me understand Scripture and be able to teach correctly. Nearly seven years later, I look back on that time as a gift from God. I learned to depend on God through prayer and the study of His Word. He had already gifted me to preach (I had no clue), but He used that time to teach me to depend on Him more than any available resources. 
A few months ago, I was asked to come and lead a breakout session for the BCM students on “How to Study the Bible Effectively.” I thought back to those first days in my office, and I was overcome with emotions because of how good God has been to me. He called me into Ministry without any degree, any special skills, or any experience, and He taught me how to spend time with Him, study His Word, and understand it. I just wanted to share the steps I shared with those college students on “How the Study the Bible Effectively.”

First, I asked them the question, Why do we need to study the Bible? In Deuteronomy 6, God commands it and tells us that we need His instruction. “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates.”

Psalm 19:7-11 Lists seven benefits of studying Scripture:
1. Renews one's life. 2. Makes the inexperienced wise. 3. Makes the heart glad.  
4. Gives light to the eyes. 5. Warns us. 6. Causes us to fear the Lord. 7. Rewards us. 

Secondly, I asked the question, What are we trying to accomplish?
  1. To Know Him: The more you read Scripture, the better you know God’s character, and the more you know Him, the more you love Him.
  2. To Be Obedient: As Christians, we trust what God commands us to do, and we want to be obedient because we love Him. 1 John 2:3 “This is how we know that we know him: if we keep his commands.” This means if you have been saved, God changes your heart, and you begin to love the commands of God and want to obey them. 
  3. Grow in Maturity: Christians want to know how to live the Christian life, and we are always seeking to glorify God. He tells us how we are supposed to live in His Word. We need the Word to live.
Charles Spurgeon said, “Bible study is the metal that makes a Christian. This is the strong meat on which holy men are nourished.”

So, How do we do it more effectively? (This is not groundbreaking, just a few things I have learned to do over the years)

  1. Pray- Before I read a Word, I spend time in prayer. I pray God gives me wisdom and helps me understand His Word, guards my heart against misinterpretation, and removes all the distractions that will flood my mind as I begin to study. Pray that God transforms your heart through the reading of His Word. 
  2. Set a specific time- It takes 7-14 days to establish a habit. By setting a time that you will study your Bible every day, you make sure that it is a priority. Everything else is on our schedules; we should schedule our daily quiet times if it is important. I would tell everyone to wake up a little earlier and start their day off with prayer and studying Scripture. 
  3. Read and then reread it- What is the big idea here? What is the main principle of the passage?
  4. Ask questions- #3 and #4 go together. As you reread the text repeatedly, you want to ask questions. Who was the original author writing to? What was he saying to them? What is the passage teaching? Are there sins I need to avoid? Command? What do I need to do? **Don’t just ask the questions, actually look and find the answers to your questions. Study Bibles are a great help as they provide notes. If you have access to good commentaries, they help a ton. “Ask Pastor John” on YouTube is good to help you understand the meaning of difficult passages also. 
  5. Finish one book of the Bible before starting the next- It helps you fully understand what is going on, and you are less likely to take verses out of context. You read it in the context in which it was written. 

Our study of Scripture should not just fill us with knowledge but should change us and cause us to live out our faith. James 1:22 says, “But be doers of the word and not hearers only.”

Charles Spurgeon said of John Bunyan, “If you cut Him, he’d bleed Scripture.” Has the Scripture saturated your life that much? 

Jarod Grimes
Student Minister
Children's Ministry
Baby Dedication May 8 @ 10:15
We typically have a group parent/child dedication twice a year (Mother's Day and before Thanksgiving). We are also thrilled to have an individual dedication any Sunday of the year, per your request! 
  • Baby dedication is a time for parents, extended family, and the church family to commit to raising this child in an environment that gives every opportunity to hear the Gospel and walk as Jesus walked. 
  • It is a celebration of life and a spiritual marker in your family - a time of dedication!
  • It is open to any age child whose family hasn't done this yet, member or not. 
Parents participating in the baby dedication will need to attend a meeting on May 4th in the Gym at 6:45pm. 
Bumper Sticker Fundraiser
The Children's ministry is selling bumper stickers with the Woodmont logo on them for $6 as a fundraiser for the Children's ministry.
Kids Camp Fundraiser T-Shirt
Click shirt image to purchase.
COST: $20
Upcoming Children's Summer Events
Woodmont Kids Kamp June 1- 4
Cost = $75 per camper (sibling discounts apply)
Deposit – required to reserve spot = $25 due by May 1st
Preschool Family Camp at Earl Trent Assembly
Sunday, June 5th - Monday, June 6th 2pm - 2pm
Camp cost is $30 per person ($15 deposit due by May 1st.

CentriKid Overnight Camp @ the University of West Alabama 
June 27th - July 1st
$335 per camper
more info at www.centrikid.com
*Please pay your $75 deposit to reserve your camper's place at CentriKid camp.
July 11-14 9 am -noon
Ages 4 - completed 5th Grade

Men's Ministry
Men be sure to mark your calendars for this upcoming event.
More information coming soon.,
Game Day
May 5th
East Campus
1:00 PM
Singles' Ministry
Singles' Beach Retreat
Singles Beach Retreat
June 22-26.  
Summer House on Orange Beach
$450 per person - covers lodging and travel
$100 deposit due at sign up.

Sign up online or contact Tina Kitchens or Ellen Wilemon.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace (MUST SIGN UP AGAIN)
Sleep In Heavenly Peace (SHP)
Bed Assembly
May 14 - 9-Noon
East Campus

Everyone needs to sign up even if you signed up previously. You will NOT have to sign the waiver for Sleep in Heavenly Peace if you already did one, they keep it on file and it is good forever.

The goal of Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) is to ensure that every child has a bed to sleep on. Woodmont raised over $10,000 in November which will provide 50 beds including mattresses. Please join us as we assemble these beds. Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) will provide all the materials needed, all you need to do is show up and help. You will then be assigned to a station. We have approximately a hundred volunteers. You must be at least 12 years old to volunteer. We will have a light breakfast with plenty of coffee and water. Lunch will also be provided. Please register below so we will know how many volunteers we have available. Be sure to sign the (SHP) waiver at the bottom of registration form if you have not already done so.
Student Ministry
Student Life Camp
Student Life Camp- June 5th-9th @ Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center, Talladega, AL
Cost: $250
Scholarships available
9:00 AM Bible Study Connections @ East Campus Big Room
10:15 AM Worship @ Main Campus

7th - 12th will meet at East Campus from 6-7:30 pm
Food, Bible Study, Games 
Women's Ministry
Costa Rica Trip
Costa Rica Mission Trip
August 6-12 -
Interest Meeting Sunday, May 1

Will be working with Pastor Jose Prado and Hope Baptist Church.  
Food Pantry Needs
Laundry detergent
canned soup
canned vegetables

Prophecy class
Ezekiel & Ukraine
Sundays @ 4 Pm
Teacher: Ken Warnke
2022 WEEK 17
T&O REQUIRED TO DATE:  $528,377.00
T&O RECEIVED TO DATE:  $570,923.00
T&O OVER OF BUDGET:  $42,546.00

2021 WEEK 17
T&O REQUIRED TO DATE: $485,401.00
T&O RECEIVED TO DATE:  $453,909.00
T&O SHORT OF BUDGET: $31,492.00
Colbert Lauderdale Association
Colbert-Lauderdale Baptist Association has an immediate position open for a Part-Time Ministry Assistant (20 hours per week).

Job Description:
This position consists of mostly secretarial duties, with some light financial responsibilities as time goes on.
Schedule: 9:00am to 1:00pm Mondays through Fridays 
If interested, email a resume to [email protected] (or bring it to our office at 3901 Hatch Blvd., Sheffield, AL). The deadline will be Wed., May 4, 2022.
We will be taking a love offering through the month of April.
Wild Game Dinner for Outreach Outdoors
"Outreach Outdoors is a nonprofit ministry based here in Florence that was started in 2003. They strive to "reach young people for Christ while instilling in them a respect and desire for the outdoors." Their annual Wild Game Dinner will be held here in the East Campus on April 30, 2022. Tickets will be $15 for one/ $25 for two.

The dinner will include a silent and live auction, entertainment by David Ellis (an outdoorsman and Christian comedian from West Point MS), a gun drawing (10 guns will be drawn), and much more. Tickets for the gun drawing will be $20/ticket. To purchase either dinner tickets or gun tickets please see Jessica, Hunter, Scotty or Nan Phillips. Tickets will also be sold for both the night of the dinner at the door."