Integrate Mather Price

Modeling with Advantage

In acquisition and retention strategies, pricing policies have become a key element for publishers. Offering the right price at the right time to the right customer, while ensuring the best possible profitability, has increasingly been applied to conversion strategies as well as to renewal and retention offers. 

One consultancy company has unique expertise in this field: Mather Economics. Founded by Matt Lindsay, Mather Economics describes itself as:

Mather helps develop fact-based strategies with our clients, and we help implement those strategies with analytics-as-a-service offerings that augment our client’s capabilities. Our recommendations are supported by our knowledge of best practices, benchmarks, and the latest thought leadership.

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Diversify Your Revenue

Streams with Advantage

If you are keeping a close eye on the latest trends in the press sector, you’ll notice that offering subscriptions alone is no longer sufficient to ensure a publisher’s survival. The evidence is clear, as advertising revenues collapse (the historical mainstay of the sector's business model) and single copy sales are quickly following the same path. Two years ago, subscriptions were considered the way out of the crisis, especially combined with the impending digital transition. However, it turns out that subscription sales have not been able to compensate for the loss of advertising, and digital content is now undervalued.

So, what's the answer? Diversification.

Some savvy publishers have successfully diversified for many years, but this strategy is now proving to be a condition of survival for many others as well. And for Advantage users, here's the good news: diversification is and has always been an integral part of our business model. You might say that this idea has now become a part of our DNA!

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5 Key Considerations When Choosing a Subscription Management Platform

If you sell anything as a subscription, you are likely inundated with countless subscription management platforms on the market. With so many choices, it can be very overwhelming to try and find the right platform that will fit your needs today, tomorrow, and years from now! To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a checklist of 5 points you need to consider when selecting your new subscription platform.

1. First things first…do I know my needs? 

Before you shop for a new system, you need to know your unique business requirements. To ensure you find the right system for you, it’s important to take the time to first gather and analyze your organization’s day-to-day activities and determine your feature “must haves.”

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Keeping Close to Market Trends as a Publishing Software Partner

One of the challenges of developing software is keeping up with market trends. In the 1980s, when we started our company, trends changed more slowly than they do now, as did technology. Between partnering with our clients and listening to our prospects, it was straightforward to know what new innovations were being introduced in the publishing world. We were able to incorporate these innovations into our software offering and look trendy!

As we all know, change is constantly accelerating, and keeping up with change requires increasing investment in time and resources. Firstly, we need to stay on top of what the trends are and identify whether they are real trends that have staying power or not. Technological advances can far outpace market adoption, and even if technology provides a spectacular solution, it doesn’t mean the market will adopt it. Secondly, we need to implement the changes that make sense for our software platform.

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