The New Spring Designs
Available for pre-order to retailers. Shipping when we can!
M-686 Ruby Red Cap
Ruby, a tiny forest dweller has found a gorgeous little bluebell to take back to her house set at the base of a mossy tree. Sculpted by Willy. 1.625 x 1.25 $102.
M-687 Rusty Red Cap
Rusty is a local around these woods and has found a fiddlehead on his stroll. He waves it around to cool the air as he walks along the forest floor. Sculpted by Willy. 1.5 x 1.25 $108.
Limited until December 31, 2020
M-688 Cuddly Koala
In remembrance of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and as a tribute to Australia's Wildfires, Miss Mousey hugs a sweet koala bear and thinks about just how much she loves our diverse and beautiful planet despite all the difficult times we have endured. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to WWF's Australian Wildlife and Nature Recovery Fund. Available as pictured or in pink with hearts. Sculpted by Willy. 1.375 x 1 $98.
Limited until June 15, 2020
A-58 Bobbing Brood
These mallard parents watch over their ducklings as they play in a crystal clear puddle glistening in the sun. 1 x 2.5 $128.
Seasonal and in Stock
My Happy Place
A Wish for Happiness
Happiness with Sprinkles
Wee Forest Folk | [email protected] |