Join the
movement and help us make distracted driving socially unacceptable!
If your organization or company would like to demonstrate your commitment to ending distracted driving and become a sponsor then contact us at
will be seen by hundreds of thousands and maybe more.
Thank you for caring .
3D Badge of Courage Award
We Save Lives congratulates
Danielle Branciforte
on receiving the
3D Badge of Courage award
for her outstanding role in preventing teen deaths and injuries as the state coordinator for Florida SADD and the
leader of the
Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition
Don’t Drive Distracted, Wireless Industry Says, But Safety Advocates Want More Than Talk
by Myron Levin at FairWarning
Just after noon on March 29, a pickup truck crossed the center line of a rural road in South Texas and slammed into a church bus, killing 13 members of the First Baptist Church of New Braunfels. A police report said the 20-year-old pickup driver, who survived, had taken medication and was texting. In other words,
he was on two drugs
, not one.
Is Drunk Driving Still Socially Acceptable in The Courtroom?
by Candace Lightner
“Admitted drunken driver who caused fatal Oklahoma City crash gets probation” read the outrageous headline of a recent article. One more fatality and another convicted drunk driver gets probation despite killing one person and injuring two others.
One of his victims, Jenna Credico, suffered severe brain damage and will remain in assisted living for the rest of her life. The other, 18 year old Austin Thomas Williams is dead. Yet, District Judge Michele McElwee still gave probation. I can’t help but wonder if the criminal, yes criminal, would have received the same sentence if he had used any other weapon
a car. Do you think if he knifed his victims they would have ordered probation? What if he used
a gun to
kill and injure
The Courage to Intervene Promise
Silence Doesn't Save Lives
In May 2013, Evan and her fiancé attended a friend’s wedding. It was a time of joyful celebration, and everyone was having a wonderful time dancing, laughing, and drinking champagne. When Evan and her fiancé decided to leave, it was obvious that they had had a little too much to drink. However, nobody stopped them from getting in their car and driving away. The bride later said that she had thought about saying something—but she didn’t act on it. If she would have, maybe
Evan would still be alive today
Should you Give to Us?
A Message from the President
Are you beginning to see weekly emails in your inbox with subtle hints requesting a donation? I am and they are coming in every week from the same charity, not to mention all my friends who are running, walking, bicycling, etc. for theirs. We Save Lives does not do that. We don't pay thousands of dollars for walks, or other fundraising events. We do not ask you on a weekly or even monthly basis for your contribution. We probably should but we are too busy saving lives through our wonderful programs and legislative advocacy.
Just check our website.
Our organization is primarily volunteers and although we do not number in the hundreds we do one heck of a job as evidenced by the legislation we helped pass this year, by our outstanding videos, and the presentations we give. And let me just add, I spend a great deal of my time mentoring growing organizations, assisting victims throughout their grieving process and coming up with social media campaigns such as the soon to be announced
#BUTNOTWHILEDRIVING. Our campaigns have reached
into the millions and we hope to continue that success because the more people we reach the more lives we save. Not bad for a small shop.
Shopping now for the holidays?
Please consider giving to us at the same time you are giving to your loved ones. Just designate We Save Lives as your favorite charity and we receive a small percentage of expenditures. Thank you.