Member Spotlight: Carmen Sharp, The Hanover Insurance Group
Long-time WCRI supporter Carmen Sharp of The Hanover Insurance Group talks about why she is a member of the Institute in this video recorded member spotlight. Carmen is vice president of workers’ compensation and personal injury protection claims, medical strategy and shared services. Click here to watch now.
Recorded Webinar: Medical Inflation in Workers’ Compensation
Last month, we held a free 30-min. recorded webinar on the WCRI FlashReport—Insights into Medical Inflation in Workers’ Compensation. The study examines to what extent the recent sizable price growth for all goods and services spread to the health care sector in general and to workers’ compensation in particular. Click here to watch the recording now.
WCRI's primer on behavioral health was cited in a paper in the Journal of Neurosurgery about return to work after lumbar spine surgery.
A finding from WCRI's CompScope™ Benchmarks for Wisconsin about the time it takes workers injured on the job to return to work was cited in a press release by the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.
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