February, 2021
Ready to Return!

It's hard to believe it has been almost a year since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We have been busy since March 2020 keeping the CEB safe and ready for return.
Building Safety Updates:
  • Installed dozens of hand sanitizers in high traffic areas
  • Installed plexiglass shields in reception areas
  • Installed mobile hand washing stations and water bottle fill stations
  • Reduced visitor access to the building
  • Implemented entry screening process & mask requirements
  • Weekly COVID-19 testing for all staff & students
  • Increased cleaning protocols to reflect CDC standards
  • Provide cleaning supplies for teachers and staff
  • Replaced & upgraded all ventilation filters in the building

Thanks to a grant from the Welfare Foundation, we are installing GPS Ionization Units on school floors! These ionization air cleaning systems provide 90% kill ratio with many airborne pathogens and limits the spread of viruses.
Meet Your Neighbors
We have the pleasure to welcome SummerCollab to the CEB!
Summer Collab joined the CEB Community this summer and are located on the 5th floor. We are proud to have worked closely with this amazing team through the launch of the WAVE Summer Learning and WAVE Pods, and look forward to continued collaboration!
CEB Impact
In 2020, the CEB expanded its work to support students, families, and our community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Connect with the CEB Family Resource Center (FRC) to learn more about available supports and services for families & staff.
Speak to one of our Community Outreach Specialists by calling

(302) 660-4800 ext. 250
or email us at
jgaitwood@cebde.org or csevilla@cebde.org

CEB in the News...
Check out this piece featuring WAVE Learning Pods from
WHYY's You Oughta Know!

Keep up the hard work!!
Photo by Ashley Barnas via UDaily
The CEB is honored to continue work with University of Delaware Partnership for Healthy Communities to expand access to health in the community!