This is a great example of how our Resource Closets are helping students the last mile to school, ensuring students have what they need to be learning ready:
"This month I was able to help a family who has been going through such a rough patch. About two and a half weeks ago, a mom called the attendance line to let the school know that her son was going to be absent for a few days due to not being able to drop him off at the bus stop.
As the Resource Closet manager, I reached out to mom. Talking to her for a while, I found out the situation was way bigger and more complicated than we thought. This mom was so stressed and under unbelievable circumstances. Both family cars were stolen from their apartment complex, their twin's double stroller was in their van, so it was even harder to walk her son to the bus stop with two babies. The Student and Family Outreach Program (SFOP) stepped in and were able to have someone donate a brand-new double stroller for her. I picked up the stroller from SFOP and dropped it off with a bunch of groceries, diapers, and a grocery gift card to her house. The second I saw her face I could see her stress turn to relief.
Our work did not stop there. Thanks to the Adams 12 transportation team, they moved the bus stop closer to her house. Though we could not help her with her cars, together as a community we were able to ease the burden from a different angle. She is beyond thankful for this community. And all I have to say is that this is my favorite part about my job, and I THANK ALL OF YOU, for making this possible!"
- Johana Campos-Gonzalez
Resource Closet Manager of Westview Elementary
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