You Will Be Missed, Kristi McHale!
The Division of Early Childhood Care and Development (DECCD) held a reception to say farewell to Division Director Kristi McHale, as she moves out of state with her family. The division gave her two plaques that were presented by Andrea Sanders and Chad Allgood to honor and acknowledge her dedication and success within the agency.
In the short two years with the agency, together with her team, Kristi made significant strides in the two programs she directed, the Child Care Payment Program (CCPP) and Healthy Families Mississippi (HFM), impacting the people of Mississippi in a profoundly positive manner. Her contributions include redesigning program structure, implementing new procedures, developing quality reports, and working with IT to streamline processes. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kristi led the collaborative effort to create the Childcare Crisis Assistance in Isolation Response (CCAIR) Plan and the emergency policies to address immediate child care needs to support providers and families throughout Mississippi.
Although Kristi will be greatly missed, her achievements will live on and the division will continue moving forward under the direction of Chad Allgood, Ph.D., who joins MDHS from the MS Department of Health. MDHS wishes Kristi McHale the BEST and continued success in her future endeavors.