Hello Chris,

In the research plot pictured below the farmer was asked to avoid putting manure on three strips in this field for the past 5 years. The remainder of the field has received manure 3 times. This field was really hammered with heavy rain in early June after the entire field was side-dressed with 180 lbs per acre of nitrogen.

In the photos it is easy to see how short of nitrogen the 3 strips are today. This indicates the value of manure and the slow-release organic nitrogen made available from previous years applications.

It also speaks to the value of manure to soil health. And tissue testing as a valuable in-season and end-of-season testing tool.  

Manure/Compost Testing Info
Online Supply Request Page
Print Sample Submission Forms

Take time now to organize and plan for end of the season tissue, soil health, soil, and manure samples. AgSource staff is ready help you utilize your lab data and analyze your upcoming samples.

Kind Regards,

Casey Robinson

AgSource Laboratories-IA

