June 2022
Marriage in Christ seminar update, June 2022

As our fiscal year ends on June 30, 2022, we complete year 12 of this adventure. Over 2100 couples have invited the Holy Spirit into their life and marriage!

We are grateful for and awed by the financial and prayerful support you have given this ministry.

“Come Holy Spirit, inspire our hearts, inspire couples to desire your presence in their life, marriage, and family. Draw them to you, and may Marriage in Christ be a catalyst to reveal you to them.”
At Home online seminar reached couples in 24 states!
We have weathered the storm of the past two years. In-person seminars are happening again. The At Home online seminar gives us the ability to reach couples where in-person seminars are not available yet.
In 17 of those states (46 different cities), the seminar was brand new.
Seminario Matrimonio en Cristo
We have piloted first Spanish version of the seminar: Seminario Matrimonio en Cristo. It has been well received and we are planning for three more pilot seminars.

Here are some comments from participants:

“It was very beautiful. I felt the Holy Spirit covering us with his wings. I felt the presence of God strongly.”

“We have experienced a very close unity as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Personally, I have had a very intimate encounter with Christ Jesus. Thank you.”
“Each theme of the videos helps us to have a deeper reflection on our personal lives. It gives us ideas to solve our own problems.”

“The Holy Spirit was present. I feel like my marriage is starting again.
We have a new opportunity.”

Bright Spots monthly e-newsletter
We completed Volume One of a Bible study, titled “Praying Together as a Couple: Marriage in the Bible—Old Testament.” We are now beginning Volume Two, titled “Praying Together as a Couple: Marriage in the Bible—New Testament.”

See the Bright Spots issues from August 2021 to October 2021 for the life-changing effect of Marriage in Christ seminars in Uganda.
Plans for 2022-2023
We are excited to announce our plans for 2022–2023. We would like to:

  • Hire a part time employee who will help with social media, promotion of seminars, and general office support. Ideally, this person would be bilingual. 

  • Create host couple videos to complement the At Home seminar and to provide host parishes with a tool that will ease the time commitment of the host couples.

  • Produce hard copies of Seminario Matrimonio en Cristo manuals and promotional materials.

  • Create a team of MIC host couples. Our idea is to create a group of 6 couples that would be available to either assist at other parishes or host a seminar at a designated location. If you are interested in being part of our team, please contact Fran at [email protected] or 651.395.6829.

  • Complete Volume Two of “Praying Together as a Couple: Marriage in the Bible,” on the New Testament.
  • Develop Marriage in Christ for Engaged Couples, a new program based on the Fruits of the Spirit, to be used by established Marriage in Christ parishes. 
You, MIC alumni, are our greatest resource!

How can you help?

  • Become a financial partner. 
  • Continue to spread the news of Marriage in Christ seminars and how the Holy Spirit works in your marriages.  
  • Become a designated intercessor; pray for our ministry to reach couples and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit. 
  • Become a liaison to your parish to help host a Marriage in Christ seminar.

Interested? Email Fran at [email protected]

Thank you for your prayers and for considering partnering with us as we together lead couples to invite the Holy Spirit into their life, marriage, and family.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Fran Willard
Executive Director

You can support our mission by sending a check to Marriage in Christ, 601 River Ridge Parkway, Eagan, MN 55121, or by contributing electronically on our website at www.marriageinchrist.com/supportus.

Marriage and the Incarnation: The Spousal Nature of the Prologue to the Gospel of John
The Gospel of Mark begins with John the Baptist announcing the arrival of Jesus and the beginning of his public ministry. The Gospel of Matthew begins with a genealogy. He traces Jesus’ lineage back to Abraham and thereby situates Jesus firmly in the story of Israel (Matthew 1:1). He is the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham and David. Luke begins his gospel with the miraculous births of Jesus and his cousin John. His genealogy traces Jesus’ ancestry back to Adam (Luke 3:38). Jesus is the one who has come to rescue all of humanity.
The Gospel of John begins in an altogether different place. He begins “in the beginning.” This is clearly an echo of the opening of Genesis, but it is a beginning before the creation of time, before the creation of the world. John anchors the story in a relationship, a relationship that always existed. Before Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, he was the Word of God, and “the Word was with God and the Word was God.” This is a creation story, or more properly, a story about a NEW creation. 

Conversation Starters and Loving Actions for you!
In what ways do you and your spouse reflect the unity of the sanctity of marriage?

If you were to write a book about the creation of your relationship with your spouse, what words would you begin with?

How is God's presence in your marriage manifested?

How do you, as a couple, build your relationship with the Trinity?

If you created a flavor of ice cream, what would it be?

Describe your emotions the first time you saw your spouse on your wedding day.

What are your thoughts about how God comes to dwell with us?

How does your relationship with each other make God known to those around you?

Create your own smoothie and share it with your spouse.

Go to a farmer's market together.

Weed your garden together.

Do an unexpected chore for your spouse.

Plan a date night or weekend away.

Go to a park and fly kites together, have a picnic, go canoeing or go on a hike.

Go for a walk and plan to walk by your spouse's favorite ice cream shop, coffee shop or café and stop in for a snack.
Is there an in-person Marriage in Christ seminar at your place of worship in the future?

Contact Fran on how you can host an in-person seminar in your neighborhood, your place of worship, or any group setting.

Do you speak Spanish? Would you be willing to help us host
Seminario Matrimonio en Cristo in your area? Please contact Fran.

Follow Marriage in Christ
Come, Holy Spirit, inspire our hearts; inspire couples to desire your presence in their life, marriage, & family. Draw them to you. May we be a vehicle to reveal you to them.