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July 2022 Issue

Flowers Speaks on Panel About

HBO Documentary

Earlier this month, C-STEM got to be part of an exciting virtual event featuring the HBO documentary film How To Survive A Pandemic. The film explores the journey to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. President & CEO Dr. Reagan Flowers participated in a panel, discussing clips from the film and the power STEM has to change the world.

Get Ready to Golf with us Next Month!

We’re so excited to be the benefactor of Houston’s Fifth Ward Chamber of Commerce Annual Charity Golf Tournament September 26. Supporting this tournament directly helps C-STEM, as we will receive proceeds raised at the golf tournament. Join us in the fun! In addition to attending, you can also donate or become a sponsor.

“STEM education is vital to the health of our communities,” said 5th Ward Chamber President Bridgette Dorian. “Enhanced knowledge within our schools is important as young minds begin to reflect on future opportunities. We support C-STEM for continued efforts to educate our young students. Access to STEM opportunities can encourage careers in fields like tech, medicine and engineering."

Support C-STEM Now -- Click Here to Donate or Join Us!

STEM Education Insights

U.S. Government Addresses Lack of Diversity in Cybersecurity

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D.

Change often takes much longer than any of us would like, especially regarding diversity and inclusion. However, this month, the White House took a big step forward in appointing an expert to increase diversity in tech.  

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Be Part of Our Mission

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Download the 2022 State of STEM Report
Register for STEM Toolkit Scholarship
Sign up for C-STEM Challenge Program

The C-STEM Challenge theme for the 2022-23 academic year

Climate Tech: Creating Innovative Solutions

Get in touch with us to learn more!

Opportunities & Deadlines


Don't miss out on upcoming STEM opportunities! This month, we’ve compiled even more opportunities to share!

For Students & Parents

Scholarships for Female Students

Get a full list of scholarships women pursuing college degrees can apply for right now.

Get the list

Middle School Math Contests

Math Counts opens up registration for two exciting opportunities for middle schoolers, starting in Mid-August. The national competition series builds problem-solving skills through fun events. The video challenge asks students to solve a math problem in a real-life scenario.

Learn more and register here

Top 20 STEM Scholarships

Learn about STEM scholarships for the upcoming school year, including those that require no essay and awards designed for Black students.

Apply now

Free Science Webinars for High School Students

These engaging biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics lessons cover high-interest topics – like Covid-19, extraterrestrials, and evolution. 

Register here

For Teachers & Leaders

STEM Educator Empowerment Series

The STEM Connection Educator Empowerment Series is offered as on-demand videos that can be viewed at your convenience. A PGP and CYC certificate is available upon completion of viewing a video. The price is $10 per participant, with school/district packages available. The first session starts in September.

Learn more

Learning Leaders Conference

Learning 2022 returns to Orlando on November 6 – 9. Learning 2022 takes a leadership-oriented view of strategies, technology and trends for leaders at all levels.

Apply now

Self Paced Online Professional Development is offering a number of free online courses for educators. 

Start learning

This Month's Highlights

C-STEM Partners with Camps to Help Students Build Skills

Houston students have been putting their Saturdays to good use lately, learning skills like science, carpentry and agriculture. The daylong events were offered by MAN OF SKILL in partnership with C-STEM, and facilitated by the Executive President of Programs Jonathan Russell, Sr. and Program Coordinator Trina Butler. The C-STEM Robotics Prototyping toolkits were generously sponsored by CenterPoint Energy.

“MAN OF SKILL is extremely proud to be a part of C-STEM,” Russell said. “Both programs in operation together are definitely a game changer for inner city children who are looking to expand their skills. This is a revolutionary idea for our communities, and we intend to keep this vision alive here at MAN OF SKILL.” 

Celebrate Sea Turtles with C-STEM

We're passionate about sea turtles here at C-STEM, and the journey to prevent them from becoming extinct. We were thrilled to learn that the world's smallest sea turtle has just been found nesting for the the first time in 75 years.

Sea turtles are a great way for students of all ages to experience STEM. One of our staple C-STEM toolkits combines science and art to build a sea turtle sculpture.

Get Your Sea Turtle Sculpture Kit Now

Attention Aspiring STEM Professionals: Get Real World Experience with C-STEM

Calling all undergraduate and graduate students! This is a can't- miss opportunity. C-STEM is currently seeking interns to build their expertise and resumes, while furthering our mission. Apply today for paid positions in:

  • Procurement
  • Supply Chain
  • Marketing/Social Media

Apply to be an intern!

Blast from the Past

We enjoy taking you down memory lane and are always hopeful that you spot yourself in a video or image that we share. C-STEM has touched so many lives in communities near and far. It is our hope that this memory places a smile on your face and warms your heart. We are so grateful for every member of the C-STEM family!

This month, we're taking you back to our 2008 Sea Turtle Robotic Challenge!

Upcoming Events


Former WNBA Star Opens STEM Camp

Teaching STEM Through Sports

Women in STEM

STEMwave Education Initiative

Incorporating Indigenous Culture into STEM

How Camps Help Learning Loss

5 Ways to Get Kids Excited About STEM

Diversifying STEM

How Leaders Can Open STEM Doors for Women

4 Teaching Ideas Students Will Benefit From Now and as Adults

More Black People Needed in STEM TodayImpact of STEM Learning on the IT Industry

5th Ward Chamber of Commerce Charity Golf Tournament

Benefiting C-STEM

Monday, Sept. 26

Magnolia Creek Golf Course

Register Now

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Partners!

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Executive Board

Chairman Emeritus

Earl Cummings was the founding Chairman of the executive board and served 16 years earning Emeritus status. Earl maintains an active role with C-STEM. 


Advisory Board

Michael Aldridge

Shomari Williams

Joi Beasley

Zawadi Bryant

Bobby Bryant

Lucy Bremond

Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales

LaQuita Cyprian

Laolu Davies Yemitan

Gayle Fallon

Ruthie Esene

Michael Harris

Renee Logans

David Medina

Antoinette Jackson

Scott Minnix

Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega

Susan Taylor

Dr. Frazier Wilson

Syalisa Winata

Ross Peters

Dr. Robert Satcher

Charles Samuel

Miloni Shah

Cherrilyn B. Nedd

Dr. Martina Ogbonna

Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude

We are C-STEM!


C-STEM Teacher and Student Support Services, Inc.

3226 Alabama Street

Houston, Texas  77004

Office: (713) 443-4521  Email:  Website:

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