Channeling the Upper Valley
5 S. Main Street, 1st floor, White River Junction, VT 05001
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October 5, 2022
Weekly Highlights
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What is JAM? JAM – Junction Arts & Media is CATV's new location and name reflecting our expanding role supporting local content creators across media platforms and through in-person media arts exhibits, activities, and events. | |
@ the JAM space & around the Upper Valley
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First Friday at JAM Jennings & Keller
Friday Oct. 7
5-7pm FREE
5 S. Main St. 1st Floor
White River Junction, VT
Stop in and enjoy this award-winning nationally touring duo offering up 21st Century Americana with influences in folk, jazz, and roots music fused into a unique eclectic style that is refreshingly diverse.
While you're here, explore media installation exhibit Movement in Stillness, Stillness in Movement by Upper Valley artist Carla Kimball (through Oct. 22 @JAM).
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Black Heritage Trail of NH tour comes to Saint Gaudens
UNH Doctoral Candidate Dana Green illuminates the story of the creation of the first public monument to depict African Americans with dignity – The Shaw Memorial, right here in the Upper Valley at Saint Gaudens Historic Site in Cornish, NH. Learn about Boston’s Joshua Bowen Smith (1813-79), an African American caterer, who brought this historic monument to fruition, and new scholarship on how the monument was covered in the Black press of the time. Find the full series of presentations by Rolf Diamant and Kathryn Grover JAM's YouTube "Just In "playlist.
Field Produced for JAM by Jordyn Fitch, Calvin McCrory, & Irina Stan
Edited by JAM Volunteer Liz Kourbatski
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The happiest place in America?
... Norwich, VT, according to NY Times writer Karen Crouse. CATV/JAM's time machine takes a look back at Norwich: One Tiny Vermont Town's Secret to Happiness and Excellence in this Author Talk hosted by the Norwich Bookstore at Tracy Hall. Crouse hailed the hamlet for the freedom parents give their children to develop resilience, autonomy, and confidence—and become Olympic athletes.
Produced in 2018 for CATV.
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Dan and the Dinosaurs
Remember summer? JAM does. Here's a flashback to a summer equinox show by bluegrass band Dan & the Dinosaurs live from the Wonder Stage in Wilder, VT. Dan Freihofer founded the group 40 years ago. He leads the boys through the Cherokee Shuffle, The Old Homeplace, and more toe-tapping favorites.
Produced by Chad Finer.
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Eisenhower Would Be Ashamed
We mark the recent passing of Judge Laurence Silberman of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Two weeks before his death at the age of 86 the 1957 Dartmouth alum delivered the lecture "Eisenhower Would Be Ashamed' at the Rockefeller Center. "He was one of the all-time giants of the federal bench," hailed The Wall Street Journal which noted. "He may be the most influential judge never to have sat on the Supreme Court."
Produced by Jordyn Fitch for JAM.
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Find local government and school meetings for Hartford, Norwich, and Hartland, VT; Hanover, NH and Lebanon, NH (SAU88 only). Pictured: Norwich, VT Selectboard (9/27/22).
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Join your local house of worship, visit a new one, or share your recorded service with JAM. Pictured: Norwich Congregational Church, VT (9/25/22)
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Hartford Dismas House resident, Lucas, and Assistant Director of the Hartford Restorative Justice Center, Jonathan, join Dismas of Vermont’s Jeff Backus for a conversation about the “big event”, restorative practices, and congregate vs. scattered site housing.
(Episode 3, premiered 10.04.22)
Dismas of Vermont provides therapeutic community to men and women leaving incarceration and reconciling with the community. This podcast is made possible by the guidance and technical support of JAM.
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Anya via IG was looking for “Historical Fiction with an engaging story and characters ("I’ve enjoyed Kristin Hannah).” Our three booksellers, Kari, Jack and Emma, started with the query: Are you sure you have read everything Kristin Hannah has written? They then took off, recommending books such as Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus, Sharks in the Time of Saviors: A Novel, by Kawai Strong Washburn, Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys and The Grand Sophy, by Georgette Heyer among many others.
(Episode 20, premiered 10.04.22)
CONGRATS Shelf Help Podcast on reaching 1000 downloads! Shelf Help is a collaboration between the Book Jam, a nonprofit designed to inspire readers; CATV/JAM Upper Valley media community; three Upper Valley bookstores: Yankee Bookshop in Woodstock, VT; the Norwich Bookstore in Norwich, VT; and Still North Books & Bar in Hanover, NH.
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Fall JAM Media Labs
Upper Valley media professionals share their talents and skills in these hands-on workshops for all levels.
October: CAMERA
Tuesdays Oct. 4-25
with Will Freihofer
Saturday, Oct. 22
with Samantha Davidson Green & Richard Waterhouse
November: SOUND
Tuesdays Nov. 8-29
with JAM Staff
December Intensive:
Making video art & lighting for cinema
Saturday, Dec. 3
with Chico Eastridge
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Film Club for young filmmakers
It’s an after-school film club! Join us Wednesdays at JAM to make friends and make movies. Equipment will be provided.
Oct. 5-Dec. 7
with Jordyn Fitch & Cedar O'Dowd
$250 (Fee discount or waiver available)
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This year's Halloween-o-thon is SICKLY SWEET
Write, shoot and edit a thriller or horror short film for the Halloween-o-thon Film Competition for cash prizes, gory glory, and the love of the crowd at the awards ceremony Saturday, Oct. 29!
Films due Oct. 24!
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Scriptwriters Group
Gather bi-weekly with a group of dedicated writers for the screen and stage to give and receive peer feedback and exchange new script writing techniques.
Every other Monday
Oct. 3-May 22
facilitated by Jordyn Fitch & Cedar O'Dowd
Free, RSVP requested
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October Community Video Prompt: TIMELAPSE | |
"TUK TUK Timelapse" – A lens on my family's final meal together at the new Tuk Tuk Thai location West Lebanon before beginning their Yom Kippur fast at sundown. Shared by Samantha Davidson Green 10/4/22
In the wise words of Ferris Bueller, "“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” JAM invites you to play with that TIMELAPSE feature on your smartphone to capture some of the transient beauty of our season, the every day activities that make the fabric of life, stillness in movement, etc.
We'd love you to share YOUR timelapse videos on-air and in next week's newsletter. Email:
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From around the region...
JAM (CATV) partners with the Vermont Access Network (VAN) for HD (high def) community-produced content on Comcast 1070 (VT) and streaming everywhere.
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JAM – Junction Arts & Media supports lifelong learning to engage the tools of media for individual and community expression in the Upper Valley. | |
JAM – Junction Arts & Media
5 S. Main Street, 1st Floor (former Newberry Market)
& at the Briggs Opera House
White River Junction, VT 05001
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