Dec. 1, 2021
Dear FHSD students, staff, families and taxpayers:

As communicated in the Nov. 23 Board Update, the Francis Howell Board of Education invites community members and stakeholders to come together as we grapple with the revised cost estimate for the Francis Howell North project (nearly double the original cost projection) and determine how to move forward with North and other Prop S projects that may be impacted.
A decision of such magnitude that has the potential to impact buildings across the District requires broad community input and involvement.
As one component of that involvement, the Board is requesting your participation in this targeted ThoughtExchange, which will remain open through Sunday, Dec. 5.
Regarding the revised Francis Howell North cost estimate and the status of other Prop S projects, what questions, thoughts and concerns should the Board be considering as we move toward next steps?
Read more about the revised cost estimate for Francis Howell North here:

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful questions, creative ideas and solutions, and candid feedback. Your submissions will help ensure the Board hears from all voices and understands the various perspectives in our community.

Please also keep an eye out for a community survey following the Dec. 7 Board meeting. The survey will include more information about the various options available to us as we consider how to move forward with Francis Howell North and other Prop S projects. We invite your participation in the survey as well.

With great appreciation,

Your FHSD Board of Education