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May 2014
Dear Colleague,

How can we implement scalable and sustainable reforms in both charters and traditional school districts, so that every child can attend a quality school?


That's one of the questions I addressed this month as a guest blogger for Rick Hess Straight Up. I believe that traditional school districts can learn from the charter movement--about what works, what doesn't, and how the two sectors can strengthen each other. It takes a village, or a system, to ensure that every child can succeed.


The ERS village is growing as well. We're welcoming new team members and working with more districts and states. And we want to hear from you. Please check out the brief "Innovations in Education" poll at the end of this email.


With kind regards for a productive and transformative summer.

Karen Hawley Miles
Executive Director
In 2013, California revolutionized how it funds public schools by adopting the Local Control Funding Formula, which adds new dollars and shifts control to districts and communities. ERS is working closely with the California Collaborative on District Reform on how districts can seize this moment of transformation, and we lay out seven ideas here--ideas that can inspire districts outside California as well.
In the past few months, we worked with three urban districts on how to give school leaders more autonomy and system-wide support to create strategic school designs. We also released Strategic School Design in Action, a set of 16 school profiles that showcase innovative ways to use people, time, and money.
  • Cleveland: With funding from The Cleveland Fund, we helped the district craft a new student-based budgeting formula, and guided school leaders in how to design their schools strategically to meet student needs within the new allocations. We also worked with the central office to change how they support schools throughout this process.
  • Charlotte: Along with Public Impact, we coached the Student Success by Design cohort of schools to make bold new choices with their school designs, and provided "school resource use reports" to school leaders and their supervisors to support that work. This project was made possible by funding from the Belk Foundation.
  • Boston: With funding from The Boston Foundation, we worked with Boston Public Schools to examine what kinds of autonomy school leaders should have over their resources. As part of the district's ongoing effort to build school leader capacity, nearly 20 aspiring BPS principals also attended an all-day training in school design, funded by a gift from the Lynch Foundation.
Urban school leaders need guidance on whether to implement student-based budgeting or weighted student funding. This winter, we released several resources to help with that decision:
Welcome to ERS!
We are thrilled to announce that several new faces have or will be joining our team: 
  • Eleanor Laurans, most recently a Senior Principal at the Parthenon Group, will join us to explore the possibility of an advocacy effort focused on how state data can support better resource use across districts.
  • Karen Silverman, recent Senior Vice President of Campaigns at 50CAN, will join us as our Development Manager.
  • Kate Bernier, recent principal at the MATCH school in Chelsea, MA, will join us as a member of our Strategic School Design team.
  • Denisha Patel, who has worked in an administrative role in several industries, joined us as an Administrative Assistant to support our consulting teams and partners.
  • Ali Huberliea current student at Harvard Business School, will join the School System 20/20 research team as our Summer Associate.
A Bittersweet Farewell 
WHAT YOU TOLD US...Innovations in Education Survey #1
In the last ERS News, we asked what innovations your district or organization will be working on this year. The top three were:
  • Implementing Common Core
  • Evaluating the teacher value proposition: compensation, career path, and/or professional support

  • Building school leader and supervisor capacity to improve school performance 


Innovations in Education Survey #2: 
What do you think charters and traditional school districts can most learn from each other? Results will appear in the next ERS News. Take our one-question survey.



Education Resource Strategies (ERS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping urban school systems organize talent, time, and money to create great 
schools at scale.

Education Resource Strategies
480 Pleasant St, Suite C-200, Watertown, MA 02472  T: 617.607.8000
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