Steven Schuyler Bookseller
Telephone: 978.664.5959 Mobile: 978.660.0510
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Selected Titles for February 2024 | |
Last month several colleagues and I traveled down to Hartford to attend the winter installment of Papermania, and one of the booths reminded me of an ongoing problem in our business: not enough young(er) customers are interested in collecting any more. I'm reminded of one year when I actually set up and sold at the event. I took daughter Stephanie with me, dropped off my books, and continued down the road to New Haven, to drop her off at college. Her comment, when we got back into the van, was very accurate: "Dad, everybody in there is old!" Well, one of the exhibitors is proactively "recruiting" younger customers. I'm reminded of my years exhibiting at PTN's (Preservation Trades Network) annual event: we subsidize the participation of apprentices and younger, less experienced building tradesmen. We all need to work to bring in the next generation!
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At a recent North Shore auction last month, I purchased a watercolor by a local artist, Jeff Weaver, pictured here with the harbor scene I got at auction. Jeff, who lives in Gloucester, did pastel portraits of my daughters; here is Stephanie, done about ten years ago. Jeff had a one-man exhibition at the Cape Ann Museum last year.
On a sad note: we lost a friend and fellow Preservation Trades Network past president, Sarah Jackson, who was extremely active in the preservation building trades.
And mark your calendars for a wonderful mid-March event where we'll be showing our works: https://www.nhpreservation.org/events-calendar/old-house-and-barn-expo-2024
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This month's newsletter has some real scarcities, including several Richard Neutra and MCM titles, an early Batty Langley, and - for the trade catalog collector who has it all - a casket hardware catalog.
Happy browsing!
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The Builder's Jewel (1746)
Langley, Batty and Thomas
| | [Architectural History]. Langley, Batty and Thomas. The Builder's Jewel or, the Youth's Instructor and Workman's Remembrancer, explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working, I. The Five Orders of Columns entire; or any part of an order, without regard to the module or diameter. And to enrich them with their rusticks, flutings, cablings, dentules, modilions, &c. Also to proportion their doors, windows, intercolumnations, portico's, and arcades. Together with fourteen varieties of raking, circular, scroll'd, compound, and contracted pediments, and the true formation and accadering of their raking and returned cornices; and mouldings for capping their dentules and modilions. II. Block and Cantaliver Cornices, rustick quoins, cornices proportioned to rooms, angle brackets, mouldings for tabernacle frames, pannelling, and centering for groins, truss'd partitions, girders, roofs, and domes, with a section of the dome of St. Paul's, London. London: Abrams, 1746. Original edition. 24mo (4.25" x 5.5"), pp. 34 plus 99 plates, pp. 39 plus 41 plates. The second portion of the book is entitled "A Supplement to the Builder's Jewel, containing mensuration of superficies and solids, Balustres, vases, Venetian windows, chimney-pieces, scales, stair-cases, brackets, rails, frets, masques, and the Gothic Order." (1749, published in Edinburgh by R. Clark Bookseller) Two volumes bound into one. Leather Bound. Very Good; front cover detached. Some inscriptions, including a signature by a previous owner in 1775.
First printed in London in 1741, this book had a considerable influence on American architecture - George Washington's Mount Vernon in particular. The author, Batty Langley, was a rather eccentric designer of gardens and Neo-Gothic buildings as well as a prolific writer of guides on architecture and design. Evans 37778; Hitchcock 705. The plates in both sections of the book are beautiful and intricate. (22406) $750.00
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Catalog of Hardware for Caskets
Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden, CT
[Hardware]. Meriden Britannia Co. Catalog of Hardware for Caskets. Meriden, CT: Meriden Britannia Co., nd c. 1890. Original edition. Oblong folio (16.75" x 11.5"), pp. 54 (out of an original 98 - some pages are disbound or missing), illustrated with b/w engravings. Cloth over Boards. Fair; text block loose, cover warped, some pages missing.
Meriden Britannia Company was formed in 1852 as a manufacturing company focused on producing wares in britannia metal. It became, for a time, the largest silverware company in the world. In 1898 the company became part of the International Silver Company, so that helps us date this piece before 1898. Very scarce; no other copies available anywhere in the world, with beautiful large format images. (22425) $250.00
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A Portfolio of Detail Plates and General Information
Indiana Limestone Institute, Bedford, IN
[Stone]. Indiana Limestone Institute. A Portfolio of Detail Plates and General Information A.I.A. File No. 8-B-2. Bedford, IN: Indiana Limestone Institute, 1949. First printing. Quarto, pp. 15 plus 24 b/w architectural drawings. Spiral Bound Wraps. Very Good.
The cost of construction is so high that any price advantage - without sacrifice of appearance, durability or structural value - must, of course, appeal immediately to every architect. It is for this reason that closer study of the more practical uses of Indiana Oolitic Limestone can lead to building choices resulting in greater economy. The detail plates depict an entrance doorway, a store front, detail of steps, a guttered cornice, gable coping, wall facings, stone facing, and much more. The detail plates and other pertinent information result in a resource of useful value to the architectural and engineering professions. (22387) $50.00
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The Rudiments of Architecture and Building
Bullock, John [Editor]
[Architectural History]. Bullock, John [Editor]. The Rudiments of Architecture and Building for the use of Architects, Builders, Draughtsmen, Machinists, Engineers, and Mechanics. Philadelphia, PA: Henry Carey Baird, 1865. Later printing. Small quarto, pp. 468 plus 24-page publisher's catalog, illustrated with b/w drawings and engravings. Ex-library markings with handmade paper dust jacket. Cloth over Boards. Very Good.
Attributes the beginning of architecture to the European immigration, and includes discussion of contributions by various countries, an illustrated glossary of architectural terms, and an appendix of North American woods. Chapters on general principles of construction, materials used in buildings, strength and use of materials, and making drawings, specifications, estimates and contracts. A serviceable copy of a scarce title. (22404) $60.00
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A. W. Pugin: Master of Gothic Revival
Atterbury, Paul [Editor]
[Gothic]. Atterbury, Paul [Editor]. A. W. Pugin: Master of Gothic Revival. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995. First edition. Quarto, pp. 415, indexed, illustrated with 230 b/w photographs and 195 color plates. Glossy Pictorial Wraps. Very Good in Wraps.
This catalog was published to accompany the first American retrospective devoted to the brilliant English designer and architect A. W. N. Pugin, with 144 objects on display at the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts at Yale University in 1995. Pugin is remembered today primarily as the designer of the interiors of the Houses of Parliament. But he was also the single most influential artist in defining the 19th century Gothic Revival in England, and he exercised the style in every form imaginable, ranging from cathedrals and secular buildings to religious vestments and designs for wallpapers, furniture and stained glass. The book includes essays by ten distinguished American and English scholars who examines Pugin's multifaceted career as an architect and designer, the forces that helped shape his interpretation of the Gothic Revival, and his influence on the Continent and in North America. Well-known art historian Paul Atterbury curated this exhibit and the 1994 Pugin exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. (22405) $100.00
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International Casements with "Biltin" Sub-Frames
International Casements Co. Inc, Jamestown, NY
[Windows]. International Casements Co. Inc. International Casements with "Biltin" Sub-Frames A. I. A. File No. 16-E-1. Jamestown, NY: International Casements Co. Inc., 1931. Original edition. Quarto, pp. 20, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Cord-bound wraps. Very Good; cover detached but present.
These windows were designed for use in masonry openings where special preparation was desirable for accommodating the casement sections. First introduced by this company in 1913, they had an excellent record for service and using them sped up construction and reduced construction costs. This catalog shows architectural drawings of the various details of the windows, plus photographs of the windows and the buildings where they were installed. (21514) $60.00
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International Austral Window
International Casements Co. Inc, Jamestown, NY
[Windows]. International Casements Co. Inc, Jamestown, NY. International Austral Window. Witton, UK: The Kynoch Press, 1927. First edition. Quarto, pp. 25, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good.
The international austral window differs from all double-hung sliding windows by having its upper and lower sashes balanced on arms without weights, pulleys, cords or springs. The balance arm is a steel drop forging pivoted in the frame in a brass pivot block and attached to the upper and lower sashes by brass bushed pins. The arm is free to revolve through a quarter circle, and the sashes balance each other in any position. This catalog shows architectural drawings of the various details of the windows, plus photographs of the windows and the buildings where they were installed. A beautiful catalog, and quite scarce. (21515) $60.00
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International Casements for Homes of Distinction and Charm
International Casements Co., Jamestown, NY
[Windows]. International Casements Co. International Casements for Homes of Distinction and Charm Catalog No. 9 1924. Jamestown, NY: International Casements Co., 1924. Original edition. Oblong small quarto, pp. 24, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good; some discoloration from water, mostly on the edges of the pages.
International casement windows had multiple rectangular or diamond-shaped panes, giving the effect of lattice work. The window style was heavily influenced by Early Tudor design. This brochure shows buildings where these windows were used, and architectural specifications for their window line. An attractive catalog, and hard to find. (21516) $60.00
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ICS #158 Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery, Steel Square
ICS Staff
[Masonry]. ICS Staff. ICS #158 Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery, Steel Square. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Company, 1909. First edition. Small quarto, pp. ~500, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs, line drawings and engravings. Original Green Cloth. Very Good.
As with all the International Textbook technical series for Tradesmen, solid, trustworthy and practical studies, wonderfully illustrated. The 38 page section on mortars is particularly good. Four titles in one. Uncommon. (22388) $95.00
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The Greek and Roman Orders
Mauch, J. M.
[Architectural History]. Mauch, J. M. The Greek and Roman Orders. Washington, D.C.: The Reprint Co., Inc., 1910. Reprint of 1945 edition, translated into English. Folio (11"x14"), pp. 204 (102 full page plates plus text for each plate) Portfolio with unbound plates (as issued) and cloth ties (only one of the three original ties is present). Fair; large water mark on each page, with some discoloration and mold.
This book illustrates ornaments and details of ancient buildings in Rome and Greece such as the temple of Minerva Polias, the temple of Apollo, and the theatre of Marcellus. The detailed engravings are beautiful and precise. (22389) $75.00
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Building for the Future
W. L. Van Dame Co., Chicago, IL
[Architecture]. W. L. Van Dame Co. Building for the Future A collection of floor plans and exteriors of various types of hotels, apartment hotels, apartments and residences, depicting the development of an economic system of building efficiency. Chicago, IL: W. L. Van Dame Co., 1918. First edition. Quarto, pp. 64. Illustrated with b/w photographs. Decorated Boards. Very good.
This company sold Portal Beds, to provide more wall space in the room. It consists of an eccentric arm and an oscillating lever that enables a full size bed to completely revolve into a 22" shallow space. The oscillating movement allowed a 3' opening to the closet, saves an extra door, and leaves ample room for removal of a dresser or trunk without unhanging the bed. This book shows images of the bed when stored, being moved into place, and in its final location. There are also photographs and floor plans of apartment buildings and hotels that have used the Portal Beds, such as the Bryson Apartments in Los Angeles, the Como Apartments in Oakland, the Surf Apartments in Chicago, and the Hotel Adair in San Francisco. A fascinating and unusual book that we've never had before. Only copy available worldwide. (22390) $150.00
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Radford's Cement Houses and How to Build Them
Radford, William A.
[Pattern Book]. Radford, William A. Radford's Cement Houses and How to Build Them Illustrated Details of Construction, Standard Specifications for Cement, Standard Specifications for Concrete Blocks, General Information Concerning Waterproofing, Coloring, Paving, Reinforcing, Foundations, Walls, Steps, Sewer Pipe, Tile, Chimneys, Porches, Floors, Use of Concrete on the Farm, etc. Chicago: Radford Architectural Company, 1909. First edition. Small quarto, pp. 171, indexed and trade advertisements in the back. Illustrated w/ drawings, floor plans. Decorated Cloth over Boards, light blue. Very Good; staining on cover does not affect text block.
One of Radford's less common classics! Timber and lumber were scarce at the beginning of the 20th century, which resulted in the consideration of concrete as a constructive material. This book contains any beautiful designs and useful information about building cement houses. (22391) $75.00
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Old Inns of Connecticut - signed by the author
Terry, Marian Dickinson [Editor]
[New England]. Terry, Marian Dickinson [Editor]. Old Inns of Connecticut - signed by the author from material collected by the Committee on Historic Buildings of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Connecticut. Hartford, CT: The Prospect Press, 1937. First edition, 1000 copies. Quarto, pp. 253, indexed, illustrated w/ b/w photographs and line drawings by J. Frederick Kelly. Signed by the author on the last page. The endpapers are maps of the state showing the locations of most of the colonial inns mentioned in the book. Leather Spine, Cloth over Boards. Very Good.
Architectural examples of various periods, from the early one-chimney house to the larger type with central hall and two chimneys, have been selected for illustration and description. Roof-lines range from the gable and dormer to the hip roof of the late 18th century. One or two examples are given of the Greek Revival period. Listed in Colliers The Literature of Connecticut History, p. 267: "A beautifully illustrated volume, with much interesting material about early highway travel." (22392) $125.00
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Architectural Graphic Standards (Third Edition, in Good DJ)
Ramsey, Charles George and Sleeper, Harold Reeve
[Architecture]. Ramsey, Charles George and Sleeper, Harold Reeve. Architectural Graphic Standards for Architects, Engineers, Decorators, Builders, and Draftsmen (Third Edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1941. Third edition. Quarto, pp. 344, indexed, illustrated with hundreds of b/w architectural specification drawings. Trade Cloth over Boards. Very Good in Good DJ.
The ultimate in standard references, a "must" for any architect. It remains indispensable for architects and builders/tradesmen who work in more traditional, older built environments. Offered here with the elusive dust jacket. (22394) $100.00
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Gymnasium Construction
Narragansett Machine Company, Providence, RI
[Building]. Narragansett Machine Company. Gymnasium Construction. Providence, RI: Narragansett Machine Company, 1919. Original edition. Small quarto, pp. 78, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good; weak front hinge, small stain on back cover.
Gymnastic apparatus has probably been installed in every type of building, from the basement of a dwelling to a spacious armory. In many of these improvised buildings, the apparatus is installed and used under most severe difficulties, due to the inappropriate structural features of the building. These limitations should not be tolerated in a building designed as a gymnasium. The inside structural details should be arranged to allow the most advantageous use of gymnastic equipment. This booklet shows the principles of construction which harmonize with equipment requirements and outline various other essential building features. Very scarce; this is the first time we've had a copy of this title for sale. (22395) $95.00
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American Country Houses of Today 1912
Wenzel, Paul and Maurice Krakow
[Building as Envelope]. Wenzel, Paul and Maurice Krakow. American Country Houses of Today 1912 with a Preface by Frank Miles Day. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Co., 1912. First edition. Quarto, pp. 183, illustrated with b/w photographs, drawings, and floor plans throughout. Cloth over Boards. Good; some water damage at the bottom of the book, one loose page, some torn pages resulting from the water damage, weak hinges.
Scarce volume documenting a variety of American country houses designed by many of the leading architects of the day, mostly from New England and the northeast corridor. (22396) $150.00
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Banks: Designed - Built - Remodeled - Decorated
Hoggson Brothers, New York, NY
[Building]. Hoggson Brothers. Banks: Designed - Built - Remodeled - Decorated - Equipped by the Hoggson Building Method A Description of The Hoggson Method of Building, Illustrated with Some Bank Interiors and Exteriors Executed by Hoggson Brothers. New York: Hoggson Brothers, Inc., nd ca 1911. Original edition. Quarto, pp. 73, illustrated with b/w photographs . Decorated Boards, beige. Very Good.
This company was one of the early "design-build" firms; managing design, construction, equipping, costing, and scheduling of bank building projects. Included in this publication are recommendations from clients. This volume features the Springfield (MA) Institution for Savings, The New Rochelle Trust Company, The First Nation Bank in Bethlehem, PA and others in small American cities. There are several close-ups of bank vaults, doors, and special bank equipment. An extremely uncommon publication. (22397) $200.00
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ICS #247 - Concrete Construction Areas, Retaining Walls
Lowndes, William B. [Editor]
[Concrete & Cement]. Lowndes, William S. [Editor]. ICS #247 - Concrete Construction Areas, Retaining Walls. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Company, 1936. Later edition. Small octavo, pp. 73, illustrated with b/w construction drawings. Decorated FFE papers. Black cloth on boards w/embossed design, black. Very Good.
Two volumes in one: "Concrete Construction" by H. A. Sauerbry, and "Areas, Vaults, and Retaining Walls" by William S. Lowndes. The first volume covers materials and methods, proportioning of ingredients, forms for plain concrete, reinforcement, concrete block construction, and much more. The second volume covers area walls, steps, floors, drains, sidewalk vaults, roofs, retaining walls, balustrades, and much more. An especially practical handbook from this International Textbook series, with plenty of detailed construction drawings. (22400) $70.00
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ICS #248 - Face and Ornamental Brickwork - Plastering
(2 Volumes in one)
Lowndes, William B.
[Masonry]. Lowndes, William B. ICS #248 - Face and Ornamental Brickwork - Plastering (2 Volumes in one). Scranton, PA: International Textbook Co., 1937. Later edition. Small octavo, pp. iv, pp 90. 2 pages of color samples, abundant b/w illustrations throughout - elevations, construction details, and construction methods. Original Black Cloth w/embossed borders & lettering. Very Good.
As with all of the ICS trades-related titles, good solid professional text, well illustrated and aimed at the tradesman of the early twentieth century. Most apprentices learned their trades from these texts. (22398) $65.00
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ICS #249 - Hollow Tile and Fireproofing
Lowndes, William S. [Editor]
[Masonry]. Lowndes, William S. [Editor]. ICS #249 - Hollow Tile and Fireproofing. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Company, 1937. Later edition. Small octavo, pp. 96, illustrated with b/w photographs and construction drawings. Decorated FFE papers. Black cloth on boards w/embossed design, black. Very Good+, pages clear, bright.
An especially practical handbook from this International Textbook series, this one on concrete masonry units, plus stucco and terra cotta tiles. Plenty of detailed construction drawings, many in 3 dimensions. (22399) $70.00
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ICS #269B - Estimating Building Costs
Lowndes, William S.
[Estimating]. Lowndes, William S. ICS #269B - Estimating Building Costs. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Co., 1927. First edition. Small octavo, pp. ix, ~200, illustrated with b/w construction drawings. Black cloth on boards with embossed design, black. Very Good.
As with all the International Textbook technical series for Tradesmen, solid, trustworthy and practical studies, wonderfully illustrated. Four parts in one, giving a wonderful snapshot about the building trades in the 1920s. Uncommon. (22401) $40.00
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The Small Country Place
Maynard, Samuel T.
[Building as Envelope]. Maynard, Samuel T. The Small Country Place. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1908. First edition. Octavo, pp. 320, indexed, illustrated with 100 b/w photographs. Decorative endpapers. Decorated Cloth over Boards. Very Good.
This book lays out the advantages of living in the country, encouraging the reader to pursue farming and gardening for pleasure or as a business. Chapters on selecting a property; remodelling and improving old buildings; building new houses; decorating the home grounds; the lawn and flower garden; the family garden; fruit growing; market gardening; poultry keeping; dairying; beekeeping; and much more. Scarce; this is the first time we've had this title for sale. (22402) $50.00
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Tales of a Wayside Inn
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
[Architectural History]. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. Later printing. Octavo, pp. 266, illustrated with b/w photographs. Originally purchased at the Wayside Inn, and signed by a previous owner on the front endpaper in 1927. Decorated Cloth over Boards. Very Good.
The Wayside Inn is the oldest continuously operating inn in the United States. Located in Sudbury, Massachusetts, the inn has served travelers of the Boston Post Road from the colonial era to today. This volume is a collection of poems by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The book, published in 1863, depicts a group of people at the Wayside Inn, as each tells a story in the form of a poem. The characters telling the stories at the inn are based on real people. The narrators are friends of the author who, though they were not named, were so plainly characterized as to be easily recognizable. The New York Times called the book "a pleasant fiction" and an "excellent account." Modern scholar Robert Gale praises the book for showing Longfellow's wide interests and knowledge of other cultures. He said the book "remains the best combination of narrative poems every written by an American." The beautiful binding would make this an ideal gift for someone who enjoys New England history. (22403) $45.00
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Your Home of Burned Clay Masonry
Structural Clay Products Institute, Washington, DC
[Pattern Book]. Structural Clay Products Institute. Your Home of Burned Clay Masonry Plans of moderate cost houses built with structural clay products for beauty, economy, permanency. Washington DC: Structural Clay Products Institute, 1937. Original edition. Quarto, pp 16, plus an 8-page pamphlet "Three Small Homes of Burned Clay Masonry" and 30 unbound sheets with photographs and floor plans for 30 other home designs, in a paper presentation folder. Staplebound Wraps in a paper presentation folder. Very Good; cover partially detached.
This booklet was prepared to aid those who were planning to build a new home to understand and appreciate the qualities of beauty, economy, durability and fire-safety which modern burned clay products could contribute to any type of house. Scarce; this is the first time we've been able to offer this title for sale. (22410) $80.00
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Plans for Concrete Houses
Portland Cement Association, Chicago, IL
[Concrete & Cement]. Portland Cement Association. Plans for Concrete Houses. Chicago, IL: Portland Cement Association, 1925. Third edition. Quarto, pp. 79, illustrated with b/w drawings of house exteriors using spot color and b/w floor plans. Ex-library markings, slightly cocked. Decorated Boards. Very Good.
Each plan shown in this volume is one which has been thoroughly tried and met the needs of the home owner. Each floor plan is similar to that of one or more houses which have actually been erected and in which families have lived. Selections from representative members of the architectural profession from Boston to Los Angeles are included in this volume, thus insuring a variety of design and a regional adaptation of plan which will suit almost any budget or purpose. (22416) $65.00
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American-Olean Tile: Real Clay Tile
American Olean Tile Company, Lansdale, PA
[Tiles and Pottery]. American Olean Tile Company. American-Olean Tile: Real Clay Tile Booklet 202; Sweet's Catalog Reprint 1953. Lansdale, PA: American Olean Tile Company, 1953. Original edition. Quarto, pp. 27, illustrated with color and b/w drawings. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good.
A beautiful trade publication with a great selection of mosaic tile samples, color charts, china bathroom accessories, glazed tile trim, and photographs of rooms with tile installations. A handsome publication. (22417) $60.00
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Illustrated Catalogue of Composition Capitals and Brackets
The Decorators Supply Company, Chicago, IL
[Millwork]. The Decorators Supply Company. Illustrated Catalogue of Composition Capitals and Brackets. Chicago: The Gunthorp-Warren Printing Co., nd c. 1910. First edition. Quarto, pp. 57, illustrated with detailed b/w drawings. Decorated Cloth over Boards. Very Good.
This company made capitals and brackets for exterior or interior use, with fine examples from Grecian and Roman classics, the medieval ages, different periods of Renaissance as practiced by the Italians, the French, and modern architects. (22418) $50.00
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Henry L. A. Jekel: Architect of Eastern Skyscrapers and the
California Style, 1895-1950 - signed by the authors
Moses, H. Vincent and Catherine Whitmore
[Architectural Monograph]. Moses, H. Vincent and Catherine Whitmore. Henry L. A. Jekel: Architect of Eastern Skyscrapers and the California Style, 1895-1950 - signed by the authors. Riverside, CA: Inlandia Institute, 2018. First edition, as stated. Small quarto, pp. 244, indexed, illustrated with b/w and color photographs. Signed by the authors on the title page. Perfect Bound. Near Fine.
The authors trace the fascinating life of architect Henry L. A. Jekel, from his youth at the rough and tumble edge of Buffalo's notorious Canal District, to his meteoric rise as a pioneering leader in the design of the American steel-skeleton skyscraper, in New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington DC. They follow him to Riverside, California and his radical reinvention as a studio architect in the romantic California Style. More than a century later, Jekel's legacy endures. This beautiful and comprehensive book will appeal to historicans, conservationists, cultural heritage practitioners, architects, and all who appreciate the legacies and lessons of the past. (22419) $85.00
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"CREO-DIPT" Stained Shingled Homes
Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., No. Towanda, NY
[Wood]. Creo-Dipt Company, Inc. "CREO-DIPT" Stained Shingled Homes. No. Towanda, NY: Creo-Dipt Press, nd. c. 1940. First trade edition. 6" x 9", 60 b/w and color glossy photographs with color specifications on each photo. Color Stock Portfolio, tan. Very Good.
From a Saranac Lake vacation bungalow to an elegant Scarsdale residence to a Cleveland Height bungalow, the variety of applications for these wood shingles is considerable. Each photograph lists the architect, location, stain and color of the material selected. This uncommon portfolio of photographs is a wonderful resource for builders and architects as well as historians. (22420) $100.00
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Morgan Woodwork Catalog No. 455
Morgan Woodwork, Oshkosh, WI
[Millwork]. Morgan Woodwork. Morgan Woodwork Catalog No. 455. Oshkosh, WI: Morgan Woodwork, 1955. First printing. Quarto, pp. 184, indexed and with subject thumb tabs, illustrated with b/w drawings. Original Wraps. Good: askew, cover rubbed.
Entrances, doors, windows, screens, stairs, mantels, china cabinets, kitchen units, mouldings, construction details. Early post-war trade catalog on millwork, influential in the American building boom. (22421) $60.00
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Comparative Architectural Details: The Pencil Point Series 1934
Reinhold, Ralph [Foreword]
[Architecture]. Reinhold, Ralph [Foreword]. Comparative Architectural Details: The Pencil Point Series. New York: The Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1934. First edition. Quarto, pp. 63, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Three-hole punched, bound with brass rivets to heavy paper cover. Very Good.
A collection of details of domestic architecture, carefully selected from the work as done by a number of the best practitioners in and around New York City. Door hoods, exterior steps, eaves and gutters, dormers, chimneys, second story overhangs, interior woodwork, fireplaces, radiator enclosures, residence bars, fences and gates, stone textures. The quality of the drawing and photographs makes this an invaluable resource for builders and architects. (22422) $120.00
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Comparative Architectural Details: The Pencil Point Series 1934-1935
Reinhold, Ralph [Foreword]
[Architecture]. The Reinhold Publishing Corporation. Comparative Architectural Details: The Pencil Point Series 1934-1935. New York: The Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1935. First edition. Quarto, pp. 63, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Three-hole punched, bound with brass rivets to heavy paper cover. Very Good.
A collection of details of domestic architecture, including gambrel gables, corner cupboards, exterior doors, bay windows, closets, oriel windows, balconies, and bookshelving. The quality of the drawing and photographs makes this an invaluable resource for builders and architects. (22423) $120.00
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Mystery & Realities of the Site
Neutra, Richard
[Architecture]. Neutra, Richard. Mystery & Realities of the Site Richard Neutra on building. Scarsdale, NY: Morgan & Morgan, 1951. First edition. Oblong small quarto, pp. 64, illustrated with b/w photographs. Cloth over Boards. Very Good in Good DJ.
With the originality, felicity and authority that characterize Richard Neutra's buildings, this brilliant and profoundly practical architect distills from his knowledge and long experience a wise and witty guide to the first essential of home building: the relation of the design to the land from which the house would appear to grow. A delightful and practical guide, and the first book published in the United States on the work of Richard Neutra. (22393) $200.00
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Japanese Gardens for Today
Engel, David H.; forward by Richard Neutra
[Gardening]. Engel, David H.; forward by Richard Neutra. Japanese Gardens for Today. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1962. Fourth printing. Quarto, pp. 270, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs. Cloth over Boards. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
An important classic of gardening instruction, this title is a practical down-to-earth explanation of the basic rules of Japanese garden design and care. It is sure to prove of great value to both the professional landscape architect and to the green-thumbed home owner, whether designing an entirely new garden or only seeking an illusion of spaciousness and rightness in a tiny courtyard or corner. Photographs of historic Japanese gardens and the private, modern gardens of Japanese homes are given alongside useful rule-of-thumb practices and techniques. The book's wealth of drawings are fully integrated with clear, succinct text to present the first full and practical treatment of the subject ever published in English. (22426) $40.00
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World's Contemporary Houses (3 volumes)
Koike, Shinji; Ryuichi Hamaguchi; Kmimasa Abe [Editors]
[International]. Koike, Shinji; Ryuichi Hamaguchi; Kmimasa Abe [Editors]. World's Contemporary Houses (3 volumes, with original dust jackets). Tokyo: Shokoku-sha Publishing Company, 1954. Original edition. Oblong quarto, pp. 101, 93, 89, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings of floor plans. Volume 1 covers central Europe, Volume 2 covers Northern Europe, and Volume 3 covers Southern Europe. Text in Japanese and English. Cloth over Boards. Very Good in Good DJ.
Here are 3 volumes of a series of six volumes that explored mid-century modern architecture around the world. WWII had brought a great change to the Japanese way of life in terms of food, clothing and housing through the extreme harsh measures enforced during the war. Those social, political and economic conditions after the war opened a way for creation of a new pattern of living. This series was used by Japanese students of architecture to study through comparison, different solutions of architectural problems in contemporary houses around the world. Scarce; this is the first time we've been able to offer any of the volumes in this series. (22427) $150.00
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Architectural Sculpture in Romanesque Provence
Borg, Alan
[International]. Borg, Alan. Architectural Sculpture in Romanesque Provence Oxford Studies in the History of Art and Architecture. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972. First edition. Quarto, pp. 144, indexed, plus158 b/w photographic plates. Cloth over Boards. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
The major Romanesque buildings of Provence have long been regarded as relatively late works. Using the abundant documentary evidence, and by studying the architectural sculpture, the author suggests that the Provencal School in fact developed in the late 11th and early 12th centuries, and traces the detailed evolution of the sculptural and architectural styles, distinguishing various workshops, which are followed from building to building. Provence can now be seen as one of the major areas of Romanesque development, and the new chronology reflects directly upon the disputed problems of the sculpture at St. Gilles and Arles. The origins of the Provencal style are also traced, and lead to such divergent sources as Mesopotamian architectural and Carolingian decoration. (22428) $45.00
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Masons and Sculptors in Romanesque Burgundy (2 volumes)
Armi, C. Edson
[International]. Armi, C. Edson. Masons and Sculptors in Romanesque Burgundy (2 volumes) The New Aesthetic of Cluny III. State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1983. First edition. Quarto, pp. 204 (Volume 1: Text), np ~200 (Volume 2: Illustrations), indexed, illustrated with 238 b/w photographs. Cloth over Boards. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
For nearly a century, archaeologists and art historians studying the great third abbey at Cluny (Cluny III) have "agreed on a set of abstract principles, including its spontaneous generation or revolutionary character, and posited an overseeing genius who selected from non-local sources." In a sweeping revision of that position, this book argues that Cluny III is "the building where regional masons of different traditions first combined their talents to develop a new design," and further maintains that the artisans responsible for the masonry of Cluny III also created its sculpture. The author reaches these conclusions through a painstaking analysis of archaeological evidence. In his use of macrophotography alone, Armi has added a valuable new methodological tool for the comprehension of both architecture and sculpture. (22429) $100.00
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Good Practice in Construction (2 vols, complete)
Knobloch, Philip G.
[Building Specifications]. Knobloch, Philip G. Good Practice in Construction (2 vols, complete). New York: Pencil Points Press, 1923, 1927. First edition. Quarto, pp. viii plus 52 plates (vol 1), pp. vii plus 52 plates (vol 2), indexed, illustrated with b/w architectural specification drawings. Volume 1 has mild ex-library markings. Boards. Very Good.
Covers all types of construction: windows, stairs, ornament, floors, doors, roofing, plumbing, elevators, fireplaces, kitchen cabinets, wainscot, porch construction, and more. Like all Pencil Points publications, very solid and influential work. In many ways a variant of "Architectural Graphic Standards," this time for builders. (22207) $120.00
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Architectural Forum Vol. 69, No. 5, November, 1938
Architectural Forum
[Architecture]. Architectural Forum. Architectural Forum Vol. 69, No. 5, November, 1938. New York: Time, Inc., 1938. First edition. Quarto, pp. 1-52, 311-416. Richly illustrated with b/w photographs. Spiral Bound Stiff Wraps. Very Good; Light wear and chipping to wraps, corners bumped/rubbed, interiors clean and bright.
An interesting and uncommon issue of Architectural Forum, featuring four traditional and four modern house designs by eight notable architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright, Royal Barry Wills, Aymar Embury, II, and California architect and professor William Wilson Wurster. Also houses by Bertrand Goldberg and Edward Stone. Includes many floor plans in addition to the views of both exterior and interior spaces. Full of wonderful building trade advertisements. (15856) $60.00
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Architecture February 1932
Charles Scribner's Sons
[Architecture]. Charles Scribner's Sons. Architecture February 1932 - Featuring "A Ferro-concrete House of Today" - "English Brickwork" - "Masonry Wall Construction" New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932 . First edition. Quarto, pp 63-124 + pp 23 of trade advertisements. b/w photographs and architectural drawings with some color images. Heavy Brown Stock. Very Good.
In addition to the above topics, there are photographic portfolios of the Chicago Trade Building and custom designed interior clocks in lobbies and commercial buildings. The Art Deco concrete house on an island of the St. Lawrence River is one of the most visually impressive and dramatic portfolios we've seen! (18240) $40.00
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The Architectural Forum, July 1939
Myers, Howard [Editor]
[Architecture]. Myers, Howard [Editor]. The Architectural Forum, July 1939. Philadelphia, PA: Time, Inc., 1939. Original edition. Quarto, pp. 82, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Spiral Bound Wraps. Very Good.
This issue focused on modern houses in America, and highlighted homes from California to New Jersey, and Michigan to Colorado. Some of the architects featured include Walter Gropius, Kenneth Day, Clarence Mayhew, George Fred Keck, and Alden Dow. The Gropius house, located in Lincoln, Massachusetts, is a museum today. For those who have visited it, the photographs of the home as it was in 1939 will be very interesting. (21299) $30.00
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Architecture January 1920
Charles Scribner's Sons
[Architecture]. Charles Scribner's Sons. Architecture January 1920 Vol. XLI No. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. First edition. Quarto, pp 31 plus 16 b/w full page plates and 43 pages of trade advertisements. Heavy Brown Stock. Good; cover nearly detached, curling edges.
Some of the featured articles include "A Plan for an International History and Memorial Museum at Washington DC" by Rossel Edward Mitchell (which is known as the Smithsonian today); "What the Huns Have Done for French Art" by A. Kingsley Porter, and the Temple B'nai Jeshurun in New York City by architect Walter S. Schneider. There's also an editorial entitled "1920 will be a great year for architects" and it would be interesting to study their prophecies for 1920 with the hindsight of a century of experience. (22407) $30.00
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The Architectural Forum, August 1939
Myers, Howard [Editor]
[Architecture]. Myers, Howard [Editor]. The Architectural Forum, August 1939. Philadelphia, PA: Time, Inc., 1939. Original edition. Quarto, pp. 78, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Spiral Bound Wraps. Very Good.
This issue featured stories on the Tennessee Valley Authority (dams, power houses, communities, dormitories, houses, bridges, service buildings, and recreation), Museum of Modern Art, Rhode Island's architecture, and an ice cream store on wheels. The period advertising is nearly as interesting as the text! (21300) $25.00
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The Architectural Forum, August 1939
Myers, Howard [Editor]
[Architecture]. Myers, Howard [Editor]. The Architectural Forum, December 1935. Jersey City, NJ: Time Inc., 1935. Original edition. Quarto, pp. ~100, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings. Spiral Bound Wraps. Very Good.
This is the Small House Reference Number issue, focusing on construction, materials and equipment. Sections on prefabrication, air conditioning, waterproofing, insulation, floor and wall coverings, windows, heating, lighting, and much more. Well illustrated, with thorough coverage of its topics. (21303) $25.00
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Architecture April 1920
Charles Scribner's Sons
[Architecture]. Charles Scribner's Sons. Architecture April 1920 Vol. XLI No. 4. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. First edition. Quarto, pp 30 plus 16 b/w full page plates and 40 pages of trade advertisements. Heavy Brown Stock. Good; covers detached, curling edges.
Some of the featured articles include the English chapter-houses; colors employed in Egyptian, Greek, and Gothic architecture; fire prevention; modern building superintendence; and much more. Well illustrated and engrossing reading. (22408) $30.00
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Architecture June 1920
Charles Scribner's Sons
[Architecture]. Charles Scribner's Sons. Architecture June 1920 Vol. XLI No. 6. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. First edition. Quarto, pp 31 plus 15 b/w full page plates and 54 pages of trade advertisements. Heavy Brown Stock. Good; covers nearly detached, curling edges.
Some of the featured articles include the economical house; modern building superintendence; an architect's office; the Metropolitan Museum of Art; and much more. Well illustrated and engrossing reading. (22409) $30.00
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The House Beautiful, December 1916
The House Beautiful Publishing Company
[Interiors]. The House Beautiful Publishing Company. The House Beautiful, December 1916. Boston: The House Beautiful Publishing Company, 1916. First edition. Quarto, pp. 60, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs and drawings, and period advertisements. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good in Wraps.
Articles on the remodeled farmhouse of a New England architect; the Vanderhoef tapestries; stencilled furniture; the hall and its furnishings; the Cook place in Brookline, Massachusetts; Old Sheffield plate; and much more. A very beautiful issue in very nice condition. (22306) $15.00
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The House Beautiful, December 1918
The House Beautiful Publishing Company
[Interiors]. The House Beautiful Publishing Company. The House Beautiful, December 1918. Boston: The House Beautiful Publishing Company, 1918. First edition. Quarto, pp. 48, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs and drawings, and period advertisements. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good in Wraps.
Articles on the possibilities of a small apartment; hostess houses and the home touch in camp; electricity in the home; winter canning adventures; a Christmas without waste; the museum's place in art industry; and much more. A very beautiful issue in very nice condition. (22307) $15.00
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The House Beautiful, August 1917
The House Beautiful Publishing Company
[Interiors]. The House Beautiful Publishing Company. The House Beautiful, August 1917. Boston: The House Beautiful Publishing Company, 1917. First edition. Quarto, pp. 51, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs and drawings, and period advertisements. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good in Wraps.
Articles on shopping in Spain; Old Virginia bake-house and dairy; canning by the cold pack process; the Charles Baker house in Framingham, Massachusetts; old Spanish doorways; redeeming the back piazza of the apartment; and much more. A very beautiful issue in very nice condition. (22308) $15.00
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Paint and Color Style Guide
Sherwin-Williams, Cleveland, OH
[Paint]. Sherwin-Williams. Paint and Color Style Guide. Cleveland, OH: Sherwin Williams, 1951. First printing. Large Folio (19" x 17") , pp. 100, illustrated with color photographs of home interiors. One loose page. Spiral Bound, Full red Leatherette. Very Good, mild ex library; slight tattering to backstrip.
What a nostalgic walk through 1950s decor this is, and what a visual treat! The bright colors and patterns that were so popular in that period are well represented in this style guide. Every room in the home has a section devoted to offering up color, pattern, and furniture ideas for decorating that room. A wonderful snapshot of post-war decoration and color aesthetics. Uncommon today. (6861) $60.00
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The Radford Ideal Homes
The Radford Architectural Company, Chicago, IL
[Pattern Book]. The Radford Architectural Company. The Radford Ideal Homes 100 Houses Illustrated. Chicago, IL: The Radford Architectural Company, 1900. Fourth edition. Small quarto, pp. 72, indexed, illustrated with b/w perspective drawings of home exteriors and floor plans. Pencil calculations on front endpaper. Hole punched in top left corner of book in order to hang it on a hook or strap. Cloth over Boards. Fair, some tears on spine and edges, weak hinges, pages good.
An outstanding compilation of early twentieth century home designs, with detailed exterior perspective renderings and precisely drawn floor plans. Styles range from simple cottages to Victorian dwellings to carriage houses. (16785) $50.00
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Radford's Stores and Flat Buildings
The Radford Architectural Company, Chicago, IL
[Pattern Book]. The Radford Architectural Company. Radford's Stores and Flat Buildings, Illustrating The Latest and Most Approved Ideas In Small Bank Buildings, Store Buildings, Double or Twin Houses, Two, Four, Six, and Nine Flat Buildings. Chicago, IL: Radford Architectural Co., 1913. First edition. Small quarto, pp. 83, indexed and trade advertisements in the back. Illustrated with b/w renderings and floor plans. Original Cloth with 2-color design to cover, clear and vivid. Near fine; previous owner's address label affixed inside front cover.
An exceptionally nice copy of one of the less common and more useful of the sought-after Radford's pattern book series. Includes designs for houses, bungalows, stores, flat-roofed buildings, apartment houses, banks, churches, schools, barns, and more. (19209) $85.00
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The Lead Sheet Manual Vol. 1: Lead Sheet Flashings
Lead Sheet Association, Kent, UK
[Roofing]. Lead Sheet Association. The Lead Sheet Manual Vol. 1: Lead Sheet Flashings. Kent, UK: 1990. Editions as stated. Quarto, Volume 1: pp 68. Multi-colored construction details and color photographs throughout. Heavy Stock Covers, Grey. Very Good.
An extraordinary collection of construction of roofing details for lead sheet metal. Many different roof configurations are taken into consideration including vallies and chimney locations. Absolutely invaluable! (16713) $50.00
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The Lead Sheet Manual Vol. 3: Lead Sheet Weatherings
Lead Sheet Association, Kent, UK
[Roofing]. Lead Sheet Association. The Lead Sheet Manual Volume 3: Lead Sheet Weatherings. Kent, UK: Lead Sheet Association, 1993. Editions as stated. Quarto, Volume 3: pp 66. Multi-colored construction details and color photographs throughout. Heavy Stock Covers, Grey. Near Fine.
An extraordinary collection of construction of roofing details for lead sheet metal. Many different roof configurations are taken into consideration including dormers and bay windows. Volume 3 covers weathering for cornices, parapets, doors, windows and canopies. Absolutely invaluable! (16712) $50.00
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A Rudimentary Treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting
Dobson, Edward
[Masonry]. Dobson, Edward. A Rudimentary Treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting exhibiting the principles of masonic projection and their application to the construction of curved wing walls, domes, oblique bridges, and Roman and Gothic vaulting. London: John Weale, 1895. Eleventh edition. 12mo, pp. 146, illustrated with 49 b/w wood engravings, 51 illustrations drawn on stone, and four folding plates of specimens of Gothic masonry. Signed neatly in ink by a previous owner in 1900 on the front endpaper. Cloth over Boards. Very good.
A classic that was reprinted many times over many decades, each time finding a devoted audience. Sections on constructing vaults and arches, working drawings, stone cutting, and more. The appendix covers decay of building stones, and the processes employed to check it. (22291) $80.00
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A Treatise on the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone for
Building and Other Purposes
Burgoyne, Sir John
[Stone]. Burgoyne, Sir John. A Treatise on the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone for Building and Other Purposes; With the Constituents and Analyses of Granite, Slate, Limestone, and Sandstone to Which is Added Some Remarks on the Blowing Up of Bridges. London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1874. Fifth Edition. Small octavo, pp. vii, 136 + pp. 32 catalog of the publisher's other works. Index, illustrated with b/w in-text figures. Cloth Covered Embossed Boards. Very Good.
Another popular title in Weale's Rudimentary Series, an inexpensive educational book series made up of standard works in classics and science. This is No. 35 in the series. Note the treatise on blowing up bridges in the rear of the book. There are also appendices that cover mechanical rock-boring and cutting, and rock-hewing machinery. (22289) $75.00
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A Practical Treatise on Handrailing
Collings, George
[Carpentry]. Collings, George. A Practical Treatise on Handrailing showing new and simple methods for finding the pitch of the plank, drawing the moulds, bevelling, jointing-up, and squaring the wreath, to which is added a treatise on stairbuilding. London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1921. Sixth impression. 12mo, pp. x, 120, plus pp. 16 of publisher's catalog. Cloth over Boards. Very Good.
Authoritative and reliable as usual for this series. Clear and concise explanations on multiple aspects of handrailing and stairbuilding. The second part on the construction of staircases is well illustrated and very detailed. (22299) $90.00
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The Art of The Stonemason
Cramb, Ian
[Masonry]. Cramb, Ian. The Art of The Stonemason. Cincinnati, OH: Betterway Books, 1992. First edition fifth printing. Quarto, pp. 174, indexed, illustrated with b/w drawings and photographs. Glossy Pictorial Wraps. Very Good.
A useful guide to stonework for the homeowner, contractor, and restoration specialist alike. Covers basic information such as choosing stone, building on sloping ground, and construction techniques for structures such as walls, window sills, towers, fireplaces, stairs, arches, and bridges. Also contains information on restoring stone masonry work. (21966) $15.00
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Low Cost Suburban Homes
Wright, Richardson [Editor]
[Pattern Book]. Wright, Richardson [Editor]. Low Cost Suburban Homes A Book of Suggestions for the Man with the Moderate Purse. New York: Robert M McBride & Company, 1920. Second edition. Small quarto, pp. 120. Illustrated with b/w drawings, photographs and floor plans. Signed by a previous owner inside the front cover. Decorated cloth over boards. Good; front hinge loose.
This book was intended for those who wanted a comfortable house with a modest price. It supplies simple, direct plans that serve the needs of those with a small family. Interior design and decoration is also addressed and illustrated. (20048) $30.00
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Building Board Samples
The Insulite Company, Minneapolis, MN
[Wood]. The Insulite Company. Building Board Samples. Minneapolis, MN: The Insulite Company, nd c. 1950. Original edition. 15 building board samples (most are 2" x 3") labeled A-P (a 16th sample, H, is missing), neatly packaged in a box with light wear, linen hinge attaching lid to bottom, all box corners intact, all samples in very good condition. Two samples have metal attachments on them to hold two smaller samples together as one. Cardboard box with samples. Very Good.
The inner lid of the sample box shows an illustration of a single-family house, indicating which products should be considered for each portion of the home. A very attractive sales sample box of structural wood-fiber insulating board. (22309) $50.00
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Landschaft und Ornament [Landscape and Ornament]
Sachs, Richard
[Ornamentation]. Sachs, Richard . Landschaft und Ornament [Landscape and Ornament]. 1928. Original edition. Folio, twelve serigraphs of stylized landscapes, one signed in pencil and dated "28", the rest unsigned. Each print is mounted on black paper and enclosed in a heavy paper portfolio with folded panels and a cover illustration. Heavy Paper Portfolio with Loose Serigraphs. Very Good in Chipped and Torn Portfolio; cover detached.
Richard Sachs (1875-1946) was a German painter and designer, best known for landscape and mountain scene painting, and arts and crafts design. A beautiful and scarce portfolio. (21975) $250.00
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Architectural Detailing
Hornbostel, Caleb
[Architectural Drawing]. Hornbostel, Caleb. Architectural Detailing. New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1955. Second Printing. Quarto, pp. 221, indexed, illustrated with b/w architectural specification drawings. Bookplate for Daniel J. Coolidge in the firm Shepley Bulfinch affixed to front endpaper. Daniel J. Coolidge was an associate at the firm, and a sheet of hand drawings of millwork and cabinetry is laid in. Decorated Boards. Very Good.
This book was developed to show working drawing details of a wide scope of architectural details, to prepare aspiring architects with hands-on knowledge of how to combine theory, design, and reality. All of the details used in the book have been built and in use for long enough periods of time to prove their effectiveness and practicality. A guide book that stimulates the student to analyze basic problems and possible solutions in an innovative, creative way for both conventional and new materials and structural systems, a very early mid-century edition with important provenance. (22026) $60.00
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The Year Book of the Boston Architectural Club, 1929
Boston Architectural Club
[Art Deco]. Boston Architectural Club. The Year Book of the Boston Architectural Club, 1929 containing examples of modern architecture. Boston: Boston Architectural Club, 1929. First printing. Folio, pp. 158, illustrated with b/w photographs and architectural drawings, and period advertisements. Teal Boards, cloth spine. Very Good; heavy corner wear but the cover and text is clean and bright.
This volume of the Boston Architectural Club includes photographic studies of buildings recently erected, mostly Art Deco commercial buildings in Boston, New York, Chicago, and Detroit. A beautiful compilation of photography and professionally drawn renderings of magnificent buildings. (22035) $50.00
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Window Beauty For the Life of Your New Home
Andersen Windows, Bayport, MN
[Windows]. Andersen Windows. Window Beauty For the Life of Your New Home Andersen Complete Wood Window Units. Bayport, MN: Andersen Windows, nd c. 1935. 8 1/2 "x 11" catalog pp 19. Color covers, b/w photographs, architectural details and renderings. Stamped by East End Planing Mill, Ephrata, PA on the front cover. Color Pictorial Wraps. Very Good.
A superbly illustrated period catalog of casement and double hung windows.with examples of their exterior and interior uses. Details include leakproof construction and weatherstripping.Where and how to take your window restoration to the next level. (16058) $25.00
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Artist's Portfolio
Decatur, S.
[Architectural Drawing]. Decatur, S. Artist's Portfolio. Cambridge, MA: S. Decatur, n.d. c. 1900. First edition thus. Oblong quarto, with several sections: "Plane Problems" has 4 plates; "Elements of Drawing" has 13 plates; "Projections" has 16 plates; "Perspective" has 9 plates (2 out of order); hand-signed, hand-drawn, hand-colored illustrations. Cloth over Boards with 4-hole, cloth-tie binding. Very Good; cloth tie binding is broken.
This is a mystery. The title page indicates that this was created by someone at MIT, but without a full name it is difficult to decipher whether this is a professor or a student. The drawings are well executed images of mathematical and architectural elements, drawn in fine black ink, with watercolor enhancements to some to introduce color or patterning to the drawing. A lovely portfolio with attractive and artistic rendering. (22120) $175.00
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The Doors and Gates of Charleston
Thompson, Joseph F.
[Southern US]. Thompson, Joseph F. The Doors and Gates of Charleston. Columbia, SC: University Of South Carolina Press, 1991. First edition. Quarto, pp. 95, indexed, illustrated with color photographs. Hardcover w/Dust Jacket. Very Good+ in VG DJ.
A collection of photographs that feature those doors and ironworks of Charleston, Carolina that are aesthetically and historically significant. The book covers three chronological periods - pre-Revolutionary, post-Revolutionary and antebellum - and includes such well-known landmarks as the Court House, the Dock Street Theatre, the Fireproof Building, and St Philip's Church. The doors and gates of many private residences are also included, ranging from the Ashe House to the Manigault House and the Pink House. In all, more than 70 doors and gates of the famous Port City are featured. (17479) $35.00
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Garden Ornament: An Encyclopedia
Lynch, Kenneth
[Landscape Architecture]. Lynch, Kenneth. Garden Ornament: An Encyclopedia. Canterbury, CT: The Canterbury Publishing Co., 1974. First printing. Quarto, pp. 768, hundreds of b/w photos & drawings of garden ornaments, also 49 color photographs of "The Fountains of Rome" by Mario Carrieri. Original Cloth. Very Good; shelfwear, corners lightly bumped, light stains/marks on boards, interiors clean and bright.
A visually fascinating catalog, remarkably thorough. From the Old House Journal Reference Library. (15584) $40.00
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Reinventing Los Angeles: Nature and Community in the Global City
Gottlieb, Robert
[California]. Gottlieb, Robert. Reinventing Los Angeles: Nature and Community in the Global City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007. Second Printing. Small quarto, pp. 430, indexed, illustrated with b/w photographs. Perfect Bound. As New.
Los Angeles is a place without a sense of place, famous for sprawl and overdevelopment and defined by its car-clogged freeways. It might seem inhospitable to ideas about connecting with nature and community. But in this book, educator and activist Robert Gottlieb describes how imaginative and innovative social movements have coalesced around the issues of water development, cars and freeways, and land use, to create a more livable and sustainable city. (22288) $25.00
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Of Earth and Timbers Made: New Mexico Architecture
Bunting, Bainbridge
[Western US]. Bunting, Bainbridge. Of Earth and Timbers Made: New Mexico Architecture Photographs by Arthur Lazar. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1981. Third Printing. Quarto, pp. 85, illustrated with b/w photographs. Perfect Bound. Very Good in Wraps.
First published in 1974, this work has been out of print for several years. A photographic study of New Mexico's vernacular architecture focuses on the village buildings of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, arranged so readers can compare architectural details or study building types. (22411) $25.00
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Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
[Architectural History]. Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. Gaudi. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1957. First edition. Small quarto, pp. 48, illustrated with b/w photographs. Paperback. Very Good.
Antonio Gaudi was responsible for some of the most memorable images in the history of architecture. He is one of the towering figures of 20th-century design, dominating the world of Mediterranean building not only by the wealth of his architectural vocabulary and the exuberance of his style but also by his unique public image of austere dedication to religious and national aspirations. The Sagrada Familia, his masterpiece and life's work, stands today as both a statement of Gaudi's aesthetic vision and an emblem of Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, the industrial center of Spain and a city of strong cultural traditions. This is the catalog that accompanied an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in the department of Architecture and Design, in collaboration with professor Henry-Russell Hitchcock of Smith College. As director of this exhibition, Professor Hitchcock traveled to Barcelona to select photographic material for both the book and the exhibition, and prepared the text. (22412) $25.00
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A Museum of Early American Tools
Sloane, Eric
[Americana]. Sloane, Eric. A Museum of Early American Tools. New York: Dover, 2008. Reproduction of 1964 first edition. Quarto, pp. 108, indexed, with many wonderful illustrations by the author. Cloth over Boards. As New in Fine DJ.
Venture back into the handmade world of apple butter paddles, hay forks, and other traditional implements with this fascinating and charmingly illustrated book. Its guided tour of folk tools and artifacts from the pre-industrial age examines farm and kitchen utensils as well as devices used by curriers, wheelwrights, coopers, blacksmiths, coachmakers, loggers, tanners, and other craftsmen. A valuable textbook for historians, this volume is also a fascinating handbook for all those who love Americana. (22413) $30.00
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A Reverence for Wood
Sloane, Eric
[American History]. Sloane, Eric. A Reverence for Wood. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 2004. Reproduction of 1965 first edition. Quarto, pp. 111, illustrations by the author. Includes a color plate of 20 sections of typical American woods. Paperback. Fine.
This refreshing and delightfully written book underscores the important role that wood has played in the development of American life and culture. Charmingly illustrated with author Eric Sloane's own sketches, the text illuminates with rare insight the enormously varied and useful qualities of wood. An entertaining, factual, and historically accurate book, this title will delight woodcrafters and lovers of Americana. It is "one of Eric Sloane's best books." (Library Journal) (22414) $20.00
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An Age of Barns
Sloane, Eric
[American]. Sloane, Eric. An Age of Barns. New York: Voyager Press, 2001. Second edition. Rectangular quarto, pp. 96, illustrations by the author in pen & ink line drawings. Original Wraps. Near Fine.
This book takes us from the birth of the American Barn in the 1600's and shows us the progress through the ages. It also shows different roof styles, and hardware as well as how to "raise" a barn. One of the better barn books, for many reasons, not the least of which are Sloane's accurate line drawings which are abundantly scattered about the text. (22415) $20.00
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Seismic Design for Architects: Outwitting the Quake
Charleson, Andrew
[Engineering]. Charleson, Andrew. Seismic Design for Architects: Outwitting the Quake. Boston, MA: Elsevier, 2008. First edition, as stated. Small quarto, pp. 281, indexed, illustrated with b/w drawings and photographs. Paperback. As New.
This book shows how structural requirements for seismic resistance can become an integral part of the design process. This is a comprehensive, practical reference work and text book for students of architecture, building science, architectural and civil engineering, and professional architects and structural engineers. (22424) $40.00
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