Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • New Indicator Spotlight: Completing the ERS-3 and SEL PQA
  • On-Site Observation tips
  • Like and follow!

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

New Indicator Spotlight

CIL11: Program has completed the Environment Rating Scale (ERS-3) or Social Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessment (SEL PQA) Self-Assessment for every age group/classroom.  

Completing a self-assessment can help administrators, owners, and staff understand how several factors encourage the development of children and schoolagers, including: 

  • Indoor and outdoor arrangements of space 
  • Materials and activities offered 
  • Classroom supervision and interactions, including language 
  • Daily schedule of routines and activities 

Programs evaluating themselves using a self-assessment tool can set goals to increase safe, organized spaces that: 

  • Provide positive experiences 
  • Ensure the program or classrooms are supportive and comfortable 
  • Create access for children, school-agers, and families of all abilities 
  • Provide safe space for exploration 
  • Promote development and independence 

How do you start? Visit our Reflecting on Quality page and download a copy of the ERS Self-Reflection or SEL PQA Self-Reflection (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, or Swahili.) 

Once you’ve completed a Self-Assessment for each age group and/or classroom in the program, upload them as evidence in the Self-Reflection.  

Two program types must complete the self-assessment for every age group/classroom for indicator CIL11: 

  • Tuition based
  • Blended Funding (Ex. Tuition and GSRP).

Only the following program types may select the option, "The program is NAEYC, NAFCC, or NAC accredited, or receives GSRP funding": 

  • NAEYC Accredited 
  • NAFCC Accredited 
  • NAC Accredited 
  • 100% funded GSRP 
  • 100% funded Head Start 
  • 100% funded Early Head Start 
  • 100% funded combination GSRP, Head Start, Early Head Start 

For more information about this indicator, review the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ

If you have questions, please reach out to

On-Site Observation Tips

ERS at On-Site Observation

When programs choose the Environment Rating Scale tool (ERS) for their On-Site Observation, the Assessor will catalog program/classroom materials. Normally, Assessors arrive early to do this, but they may survey materials during the observation.  

Regardless of when the Assessor goes through materials, follow a normal daily schedule so the Assessor sees a typical day.  

If children are kept longer in group time or outside time, or their play location changes to keep them out of the Assessor’s way, the program’s scores may be affected. Many ERS Item scores have multiple Indicators related to accessibility, which measure whether children have access to materials and/or how long they have access.

Questions? Contact the Assessment team at

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Great Start to Quality's new family pages

Great Start to Quality now has family Facebook and Instagram pages! 

These pages give families resources like tips on finding care, financial assistance, early learning activities, and more. Providers and partners alike are encouraged to share this resource with the families in your communities.  

Find us on Facebook
Find us on Instagram

Key Contacts

Support with public profiles and general information: 

Participation with Great Start to Quality: your Resource Center

Connecting employees or connecting with your Validator:

Connecting with your Assessor:

Questions about Approved Assessors: 

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.


The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality