July 7, 2020

Featured this month:
  • Self-care during times of activism
  • Stress management through mindfulness
  • New: The 10-Minute Mind®
  • "EveryBody is a Summer Body" campaign
  • Safe summer activities you can do while physical distancing (video)
  • Summer wellness offerings
  • Brandeis Athletics presents home fitness
  • Body Positive Brandeis
  • Stress Less Saturday
Self-Care During Times of Activism
During times of activism and crisis, we may be expending a great amount of energy for important causes and for other people. While showing up for and taking care of others is important, we cannot forget to take care of ourselves. Visit the following resources for strategies on self-care and preventing burnout, and remember that the Brandeis Counseling Center is also available to provide support during these times.
Stress Management Through Mindfulness
While summer is typically thought of as a time away from the stress of the school year, it can also be a difficult time for students. It is important that students allow time for themselves to relax and recharge. HAWP intern Sakinah Master, '21, wrote about the value of practicing mindfulness in managing stress.
NEW: The 10-Minute Mind ®
HAWP is partnering with  The 10 Minute Mind®  to bring their mindfulness resource to the whole Brandeis community. Sign up for this free program to receive a brand new guided mindfulness track every morning. All you need to do is take 10 minutes to sit somewhere quiet, put your headphones on and listen. It’s that easy!

"EveryBody is a Summer Body" Campaign
Bridge to Wellness (BTW) and Body Positive Brandeis are teaming up to create the “EveryBody is a Summer Body” campaign to celebrate the diversity and unique beauty of every body. If you are interested in participating, take a before and after video (similar to the Don't Rush Challenge on Tik Tok) of your “summer best,” which is whatever you feel comfortable and confident in! Email submissions to btw@brandeis.edu and look out for the video on BTW's Instagram sometime this summer!
Safe Summer Activities You Can Do While Physical Distancing
Summer is usually a time to enjoy the outdoors, hang out with friends, and savor the time spent away from the stress of the school year. However, this summer may look and feel different since we are still in the midst of COVID-19. Despite the measures that we must take in order to stay safe, there are still fun summer activities you can do to enjoy these next few months.

Summer Wellness Offerings
Brandeis Athletics Presents Home Fitness
Each week, Fitness Coordinator Kat Page will be sharing tips, videos and links to help keep the Brandeis community healthy and active during these difficult times. Athletics will also hold group exercise classes via Zoom. 
Photo of Fitness Coordinator Kat Page holding a medal
Body Positive Brandeis
Body Positive Brandeis teaches people how to overcome conflicts with their bodies so they can lead happier and more productive lives. This program honors the diversity of our community and is open to students of all genders and identities.

This online course will teach you how to:
  • reclaim health
  • practice intuitive self-care
  • cultivate self-love
  • discover your own authentic beauty
  • build community

Email hawp@brandeis.edu to access the free, online course.
Body Positive Brandeis logo which has four stick figures in different colors making a circle.
Stress Less Saturday
Every Saturday, the HAWP instagram features a member of the Brandeis community and shares what they like to do in order to destress. We are looking for more Brandeis community members to feature!

Follow @BrandeisWellness!
Brandeis Health Center

All appointments must be scheduled by calling

After hours consultation:

Monday - Friday: 
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Mondays from 2-3pm

B randeis Counseling Center

All appointments must be conducted virtually.

Please call during regular business hours for routine matters, and after 5 p.m. for urgent concerns.

To reach the BCC call
Health & Wellness Promotion

Virtual office hours by appointment: Schedule a meeting

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