Winter 2024 Newsletter


Dear Friends,

I hope the new year has started off well for you!

Looking back on 2023 there was so much that we accomplished together, both locally and out in Boston. From breaking ground last summer on a new Holyoke Veterans Home that our community fought so hard for, to celebrating the signing of a historic Tax Relief Package in the fall that will make Massachusetts a more affordable place to live for our seniors living on a fixed income, a working family raising children, and small business owners.

2024 is looking just as busy as 2023, below is an update of how we kicked off 2024 in the Legislature and in Western Massachusetts. Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends, families, and anyone else!

What’s happening under the Dome?

The new year marked the beginning of the second year of the legislative session and with it brought a flurry of activity over at the State House. From Committee hearings, to reporting out bills, to debating a number of topics on the Senate floor- there has truly been a little bit of everything going on under the Senate Dome.

This January I was proud to participate in one of the most consequential hearings of the legislative session, the Joint Committee on Housing’s hearing of the Governor’s Housing Bond Bill. Massachusetts currently stands at a critical moment where we must look to robust solutions that will build more units and deal with all components of the housing crisis. As the only Western Massachusetts Senator on the Housing Committee, I was proud to participate during the hearing and help ensure that all of our Western Massachusetts advocates had the opportunity to discuss solutions that would most meaningfully impact our region in a positive way.

In January I also had the privilege of Chairing the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs hearing of the HERO Act, filed by Governor Healey. This bill will be a part of the committee’s focus this year as we continue to work on a much larger package that will strengthen our support for our veterans, service members, and their families. With last session’s historic passage of the SPEED Act, I am committed to building on this work to make Massachusetts the number one state in the country for Veterans and Servicemembers to call home.

As you may have noticed there was quite a few Committee hearings this January as Committees began their final review of bills ahead of the Joint Rule 10 deadline, a key legislative date that occurs on the first Wednesday in February during the second year of the legislative session. This deadline marks when each Committee must determine which bills will move forward in the legislative process, known as a favorable report, which bills will receive more attention from the Committee, known as an extension, or which bills will no longer be considered this session, sent to study.

I am proud to share that over 50 of the bills I filed this session will be moving forward in the legislative process this session. I am very much looking forward to continuing to advocate for the bills I filed as well as reviewing many others before the Senate this legislative session. 

Hampden and Hampshire Happenings

By far and away the best part of my job is spending time throughout the 9 cities and towns that make up our district to learn about the issues most impacting you and how government can help. 

I kicked off the year at the Westfield’s Armbrook Village to celebrate their Purple Flag accreditation to support people living with Alzheimer and other dementia related conditions.

Over in Holyoke I caught up with the new President of Holyoke Community College, Dr. George Timmons.

I welcomed many of my legislative colleagues to West Springfield in January for the annual Springfield Regional Chamber networking night with local businesses from across the Pioneer Valley.

St. Patrick’s Day Season is in full swing! I have been quite busy stopping into all of the festivities across our district including the Agawam St. Patrick’s Committee’s award night! I can’t wait to see many of you next weekend at the parade in Holyoke!

I am still trying to warm up after taking to frigid waters over at Hampton Ponds for the annual Polar Plunge Challenge to benefit one of Carson’s favorite locations, Amelia Park Children’s Museum.

We Moved!

This past fall, my district office moved locations in Westfield to increase accessibility for all constituents. My district office is always available for walk-ins, or you can set up an appointment with my staff by calling the office- (413) 572 3920.

If you are unable to make it to the office- no worries! My Team and I host rotating office hours throughout the Hampden and Hampshire District each week. If you have any questions about our next upcoming office hours, please call my office!

Constituent Services Spotlight

November and December almost had me fooled with the lack of snow, but winter has now irrefutably come to Western Massachusetts. For many, especially those on a fixed income, fuel assistance can be much needed financial relief for the high cost of heating a home.    


Here in the Pioneer Valley, the local fuel assistance programs are administered either by the Valley Opportunity Council (VOC) if you reside in Hampden County or by Community Action Pioneer (CAPV) Valley if you reside in Hampshire County. All modes of home heating are eligible for assistance. Oil, Electricity, Natural Gas, Propane, Kerosene, Wood, and even Coal heating systems can receive subsidies. 


In addition to financial assistance with the actual fuel or month to month bills, both the VOC and CAPV offer financial assistance in repairing or replacing broken heating systems in your home. To be eligible for this program you must already be on fuel assistance or receive a utility discount rate for electricity or natural gas.   


While my office does not oversee or approve applications, we work closely with the VOC and CAPV. My staff is happy check on your eligibility if you are unsure if you qualify. They are also happy to assist with filling out applications as well checking in on the status of applications that are already in process. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office for assistance with this program and any other state issues. We can often be found at my new district office (94 North Elm Street, Suite 301-P Westfield, MA), or contacted via email at [email protected], or by phone: (413) 572-3920.   

In the News

Lawmakers calling for increase to naloxone access in the state

What Can States Do to Support Youth Mental Health? feat. Senator John C. Velis

Some Massachusetts assisted living facilities charging families rent after loved ones die

Westfield High School celebrates Community Closet Refurbishment Utilizing Velis Earmark

Stay Updated

It is always important to me to keep the folks here at home up to date on my work around Western Massachusetts and at the State House. In addition to subscribing to this newsletter you can also stay updated by following my social media accounts, @SenJohnVelis, and by reading my weekly updates on MassLive’s website or in the Westfield News.

Please never hesitate to reach out if I can ever be of assistance! I can always be reached by email, [email protected], by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at



John C. Velis

State Senator

Proudly Serving the Hampden and Hampshire District

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