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October 2020
Just one word: VOTE!

Are you ready to vote for clean water and a healthy environment?

The PA voter registration deadline is October 19th....11 days left!

The PA deadline to request a mail in ballot is October 27th...21 days left!

Register to vote today at www.vote411.org. Vote by mail!

Questions about voting? VotesPA or 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772)

Questions about candidates for state offices?

Questions about candidates for federal offices?

We are counting on you to #VoteforCleanWater!
Inspired by our work? Become a Sustainer!
Your monthly contribution provides stability
during these uncertain times, and benefits our entire
watershed community in Philadelphia and Montgomery County.
What's New?
Tacony Creek Park Postcards...
Plus Another Virtual Tour!
Tacony Creek Park Postcard Set
Share Your Love for Your Park & Wildlife!
When you're on vacation, do you send postcards to your family and friends that say:Wish You Were Here! ? Cuando estás de vacaciones, ¿tú envías postales a su familia y amigos que dicen: ¡Ojalá estuvieras aquí! ?

Well, we feel that way about spreading our love for Tacony Creek Park! We have created a set of 6 postcards of wildlife that you can find right down the street in Tacony Creek Park: a Red Fox, Great Blue Heron, American Bullfrog, Belted Kingfisher, White-Tailed Deer, and White-Breasted Nuthatch. These postcards are ready for mailing...or posting on your bulletin board! What a fun project for your family or classroom! Did we say that these are FREE, too?

Bueno, ¡Así nos sentimos por compartir nuestro amor por Tacony Creek Park! Hemos creado un conjunto de 6 postales de vida silvestre que puedes encontrar en Tacony Creek Park: un zorro rojo, una garza azul, una rana toro americana, un martín pescador, un venado de cola blanca y un trepador de pecho blanco. Estas postales están listas para enviarlas por correo ... ¡o publicarlas en su boletín de anuncios! ¡Qué proyecto más divertido para tu familia o tu salón de clases! ¿Dijimos que estos también son GRATIS?

Contact [email protected] or 215-744-1753 and we'll mail or drop a set off at your home. Contacte a [email protected] o 215-744-1753 y le enviaremos por correo o dejaremos un paquete en su casa.
Bring us Along: Virtual Nature Tours
Vernon Park in Germantown!
Bring environmental educator Brandon McCracken along with you (on your phone) for a self-guided nature tour in English or Spanish. Enjoy two tours of Tacony Creek Park, a tour at Ethel Jordan Park in Abington along the Jenkintown Creek, and the newest tour -- of the beautiful, historic Vernon Park in Germantown!

Traiga al educador ambiental Brandon McCracken contigo (en su teléfono) para un recorrido autoguiado por la naturaleza en inglés o español. ¡Disfrute de dos giras por Tacony Creek Park, uno por Ethel Jordan Park en Abington a lo largo de Jenkintown Creek, y el recorrido más reciente del hermoso e histórico Vernon Park en Germantown!

TTF Events
TOGETHER AGAIN with Social Distancing!

WHEN: Wednesday, October 14 from 10:30am to 12:30pm
WHERE: Tacony Creek Park, Whitaker Avenue & East Loudon Street Gateway, Philadelphia 19120

WHEN: Saturday, October 17 from 10:30 am to 12:30pm or 1 to 3 pm
WHERE: Tacony Creek Park, East Tabor Road and Olney Avenue Gateway, Philadelphia 19120

We will look at how plants and animals seem very different but are alike, especially in ways that make them attractive and protect them.
Veremos cómo las plantas y animales parecen muy diferentes pero comparten similaridades, especialmente las maneras que los hacen atractivos y los protegen.

Space is limited. Register Here. For questions/para preguntas: Doryán at [email protected] or 215-744-1853.
Espacio es limitado. Regístrese Aquí

Remember to wear a mask and stay home if you experience COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days. Recuerde usar una máscara y quedarse en casa si sientes síntomas de COVID-19 o ha estado en contacto con un caso confirmado en los últimos 14 días.

WHEN: Saturday, October 31 from 8am to 10am or 10:30am to 12:30pm

WHERE: Tacony Creek Park, Whitaker Avenue & East Loudon Street Gateway, Philadelphia 19120

Explore the birds and wildlife in Tacony Creek Park on a walk led by nature expert Brandon McCracken in English and Spanish!
¡Explora las aves y la vida silvestre en Tacony Creek Park en una caminata GRATIS dirigido por un experto en naturaleza Brandon McCracken en inglés y español!

Binoculars, masks and gloves will be provided. Binoculares, máscaras y guantes serán proveídos.

Space is limited. Sign Up Here and choose (1) of the following bird walk times/Espacio es limitado - por favor Regístrese Aquí  y escoge (1) de las siguientes horas de caminar

Remember to wear a mask and stay home if you experience COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days.
Recuerde usar una máscara y quedarse en casa si sientes síntomas de COVID-19 o ha estado en contacto con un caso confirmado en los últimos 14 días.
Partner Events
Preventing Bird Window Collisions

WHEN: Thursday, October 22 from 7:00 PM – 8:30


Are you surprised to learn that nearly half of bird deaths from glass occur in buildings of four stories or less?

Learn what you and your organization can do to reduce and prevent bird collisions in suburban and low-rise buildings through this special presentation by Leigh Altadonna of the Bird-Window Collision Working Group, a collaborative effort by groups including Wyncote Audubon Society and Audubon Pennsylvania.

Revival Walks in
Tacony Creek Park

Lela Aisha Jones

WHEN: Saturday, October 31 from 9am to 11:30 am: For Olney Families

Saturday, November 28 from 9am to 11:30am: For Olney youth/mentors
From 3:30 pm to 6pm: For Olney adults & youth 16+

WHERE: Tacony Creek Park at Cheltenham Avenue & Crescentville Road Gateway, Philadelphia 19120 FREE!

These walks provide an opportunity to engage with neighbors and explore the beauty of nature. Using your stories, creative play based in movement, and other art forms, this reflective walk will bring you closer to living in reciprocity and exchange with the natural environment by offering and contemplating its role in our lives as beyond serving us.

All participants must register to attend. Groups will be no more than 15 people. We will adhere to CDC safety guidelines. Due to the small group, registration preference will be given to Olney residents in the 19120 zip code.