Momentum WORK, Inc. December 2021 eNewsletter
Season's Greetings to our valued stakeholders, families, and friends! What an amazing, yet unpredictable year we had. Despite the everyday challenges of the pandemic, we are proud of our staff for coming up with innovative ways to rise to the needs of the people we serve in a continued effort for a safe and compassionate service delivery. Many of our services transitioned smoothly from in-person to remote with the support of advanced staff training and increased technology. We thank the people we serve for their patience and our staff for being the heart and soul of supports for people under our care.

To celebrate Thanksgiving, we invited all participants to the City's annual Thanksgiving Luncheon held outdoors this year at Oak Park in Santa Barbara. It's always a favorite event for us, as we get to experience people connecting with their community and enjoying the spirit of the season together.
Our Advocacy Group has been active this year by leading a community outreach campaign called "What Makes Me, Me?" Each participant is given the choice to have their poster featured on social media to promote awareness about topics of diversity, accessibility and inclusion. The campaign has been successful in engaging participation and the feeling that everyone's voice is heard.

As we close out 2021, our organization is grateful for the opportunity to say Thank You for your continued partnership and trust in us. Your generosity directly supports the programs and services that make Momentum WORK, Inc. a better place. From our family at Momentum WORK, Inc. to yours, we wish you the very best for the Holiday and the New Year.

Judy Linares, Executive Director
Spreading Holiday Cheer with
Service to Others
During the holiday months, the individuals supported in our Day Programs and Independent & Supported Living Programs often choose to volunteer at our local shelters and lend a hand in community service projects. Contributing their time to others in need makes an impact on their social enrichment, helps to develop new skills, and builds self-esteem.

In North County, participants are serving as bell ringers and collecting charitable donations at local grocery stores. In South County, people are collecting, wrapping, and distributing holiday gifts to the disability community through the organization, Angels Bearing Gifts. Everyone is benefitting from the service to others!
Special Event Coming in the New Year
Momentum WORK, Inc. is excited to be producing an 8-Part Video Series focused on Self-Advocacy Strategies, supported through a 2021-2022 grant from the California Department of Developmental Services, and in partnership with EPIC Advocacy Consultants and the Tri-Counties Regional Center

The purpose of the 8-part Video Series is to give people with disabilities the access to self-advocacy skills, the confidence to ask for the tools they need to be successful, how to make their own choices and set goals, and ways to bridge the gap during transition from youth to adult services.

Everyone is welcome to attend!
Event pre-registration is open now at
Integrated Employment Update
In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month held each year in October, Momentum WORK, Inc., was awarded with a proclamation from the Mayor and City Council of Santa Barbara. Former Mayor, Cathy Murillo, awarded our Santa Barbara Harbor Crew for 29 years of service of janitorial and trash maintenance for the city’s waterfront area.

The Santa Barbara Harbor Crew provides employment and job coaching for 33 individuals and is part of our agency's Group Supported Employment Program.
Our Employment Services team kicked off a new initiative this year focused on recognizing local businesses that embrace diversity, accessibility, and inclusion in the workplace. Our Inaugural Workforce Access Awards were distributed to Santa Barbara businesses that partner with us and make equal employment opportunity for individuals with disabilities an integral part of their company’s strategic mission.

If you're looking to fill vacant positions, contact our Job Developer [email protected] to learn how Momentum WORK, Inc. can help.
Community Outreach in Action
In other good news -- Montecito Bank & Trust rewarded our organization with a Community Dividends Grant to help us expand and sustain our North County Day Program's community garden! Their generosity will support us in making the garden more accessible and will help us establish adapted supplies so that everyone can participate comfortably.
The fresh produce and herbs grown in our community garden are used in our day program’s cooking classes and are instrumental in educating and empowering the people we support in making healthy food choices. 

"Planting seeds, tending to them, and harvesting fresh vegetables creates a deep connection between our participants and the food we eat. Together, we talk about the plants, its origin, and then we plan the menu for the following week." -- Jen Swezey, Cooking Instructor & Advocacy Coordinator
Be On Our Team! DSP Support Needed
At Momentum WORK, Inc., we strive to employ dedicated employees who will be passionate about fulfilling our vision of inclusion, access, and opportunity for all. Please visit our Careers Page for current job openings and apply today or forward this notice to someone looking for a great place to work.

Our Direct Support Professional (DSP) positions start at $16 per hour.
Would you be willing to make a special Year-End contribution of $25, $50, $100 or any amount to help Momentum WORK, Inc. continue to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in leading healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives?

Contribute Here or donate supplies from our Amazon Wish List

Thank You for Your Support!

Momentum WORK, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization -- Tax ID 95-2598337