We are so inspired and grateful for your shared stories, knowledge, hugs, smiles, and resilience. In this season of gratitude, we once again want to express how grateful we are to be a part of your health journey!

We will be out of office Tuesday, November 22nd-Friday November 25th & Friday December 23-Wednesday January 3rd. We will be checking messages intermittently but please be advised our response time may be longer than usual. Happy Holidays!
Check out Dr Julie on the Fredrickson Health Show Podcast! She talks about her philosophy, love for Functional & Integrative Medicine, and more! Have a listen!
We are now offering a tool to assess cognitive function, track trends, and develop interventions to improve. Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences) is an online assessment that can be done from the comfort of your own home or at our office. The assessment will take approximately 45 minutes—please ensure you are in a quiet room free of distractions and able to give your full focus to the assessment. No preparation is required and the tasks are short, engaging and fun for those who like online games! Each task comes with a simple guided tutorial to ensure you quickly get up to speed on the task instructions. 

As a gift to you, we are offering free sign up through the end of 2022.

*Unfortunately we only have 50 slots available, so be sure to sign up soon if you are insterested.

Signing up covers testing from now through August 2023. The test can be taken multiple times to track progress. We can go over the results and plan your retesting intervals at your regular follow up appointment or set up a special appointment to review. 

To register email [email protected]