May 2017
Marin's Favorite Social Club for Folks with Memory Loss

Lots of happy activity in and around Senior Access.

Caregiver Retreat - May 18
Our first ever Caregiver Retreat is May 18 from 10am - 3pm.  With advance RSVP, you may drop off your loved one at Senior Access - free for the day, with extended hours to accommodate travel time to and from the retreat.

There is an option for caregivers to stay over May 17 as well. $10 for the day retreat, $60 total to stay the night and attend the retreat. 

Click here for more information

Many thanks to our retreat sponsors, St. Columba and Visiting Angels.
Movie Moments at the Vogue
There is a free movie event in San Francisco May 23rd from 10am - 12pm at the Vogue Theater. 

Movie Moments at the Vogue offers the general public and those living with memory loss an expressive outlet and forum for dialogue through the viewing of curated film scenes interspersed with trivia, group discussion, and reminiscence. Neighborhood volunteers will engage with audience members, prompting long-term memories and self-awareness through highlighted themes such as family, love, careers, and Hollywood stars. In pilot programs, organizers have learned that certain film scenes can have an immediate effect on individuals with dementia, even those who have exhibited symptoms for many years.

Click here for more
Senior Access Blog is Live
Senior Access has started a blog on our website. Look for some interesting articles on memory wellness, upcoming programs, useful tools and more.

Click here to check it out!

Cool Fundraiser at Swirl!

Help us raise money while enjoying some quality frozen yogurt at Swirl in Red Hill Shopping Center. For each purchase made, Swirl has generously offered to donate a percentage of their sales to us. Please be sure to mention our name when paying for your delicious treat!

WHAT: Fundraiser for Senior Access
WHEN: Monday, May 22, 2017
WHERE: Swirl @ Red Hill Shopping Ctr. (next to Pizzalina)

 916 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. San Anselmo, CA

Senior Access | 70 Skyview Terrace, San Rafael, CA 94903 | 415-491-2500 | 415-491-2503| |