January 2025

Dental Health Care Program for

Low-Income Seniors

This Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) newsletter contains information and updates about the Colorado Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors (Senior Dental Program).

Program Overview

The Colorado Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors (Senior Dental

Program) grants funds to agencies to provide low-cost dental care to low-income

seniors, age 60 and over, who are not enrolled in Health First Colorado (Colorado's

Medicaid program) and do not have private dental insurance. Grantees determine if a

senior qualifies to receive services under the program.

Dental Advisory Committee

The next Dental Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting will be held January 21, 2025, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. There will be continued discussion on the review of the Senior Dental Program procedure code guidelines as well as requests received for the DAC to recommend adding the following procedures:

D2940 - Protective Restoration

D2991 - Application of Hydroxyapatite Regeneration Medicament

D3346 - Retreatment of Previous Root Canal Therapy-Anterior

D3347 - Retreatment of Previous Root Canal Therapy-Premolar

D3348 - Retreatment of Previous Root Canal Therapy-Molar

D9410 - House/Extended Care Facility Call

If any stakeholders would like to have an item added to the agenda, they may contact HCPF. Please include what the agenda item would be and background information on why it needs to be discussed. 

Medicare Advantage Plans

Some Medicare Advantage Plans have reduced dental services for 2025. We look for more procedures to be billed to HCPF starting this month and urge all grantees to keep track of their allocated grant totals to ensure they do not overspend. If there are any questions or concerns you may contact HCPF for assistance. 

Federal Poverty Guidelines Update

The 2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines were released on January 15, 2025. All grantees should start using these guidelines for Senior Dental Program eligibility.

FY2022-23 Program Audits

The FY2022-23 Senior Dental Program audits are still being reviewed. If you have questions or concerns about any audit information, you may contact Alondra Yanez Sanchez at alondra.yanezsanchez@state.co.us.

Grantee Website

This is a reminder that all the information or training materials a grantee would need is located on the grantee website. This includes the Program Handbook, fee schedule, and much more. If you are not able to find information on the grantee website, you may contact Alondra Yanez Sanchez at alondra.yanezsanchez@state.co.us.

Program Contacts

Alondra Yanez Sanchez

Senior Dental Program Assistant


Taryn Graf

State Program Work Lead


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