To Avoid Falls in 2020, Check Your Balance: Falls send more than 2 million adults to the emergency room every year and often result in lengthy rehab stays. HealthDay, Dec. 26.
Vitamin D Alone Doesn't Prevent Fractures: Taking calcium and vitamin D might help older adults curb the risk of a bone fracture, but vitamin D alone does not do the job, a new research review concludes. HealthDay, Dec. 20.

Five Tips for Living Longer in 2020: There are steps you can take to avoid deadly risks like falls, colon cancer and breast cancer, and increase your chances of living longer. The New York Times, Dec. 23.
Tackling Inflammation to Fight Age-Related Ailments: The quest for a fountain of youth is many centuries old and marred by many false starts and unfulfilled promises. But modern medical science is now gradually closing in on what might realistically enable people to live longer, healthier lives — if they are willing to sacrifice some popular hedonistic pleasures. The New York Times, Dec. 23.
10 Ways to Avoid Paying Higher Medicare Premiums: You likely don’t have to worry about paying more than the base or standard rate for your Medicare Part B and Part D premiums. But if your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from two years ago is more than $87,000 a year for single taxpayers or if you’re a married couple and make more than $170,000, you'll pay the standard premium amount ($144.60 in 2020) plus an extra charge added to your premium. USA Today, Dec. 22.
A Retiree’s Guide to Key Dates in 2020: The start of a new year -- and a new decade, to boot -- is a great time to assess your financial situation and look ahead. You’ll want to consider moves for the long term, but it’s also critical to pay attention to the details in the short term so you don’t miss an important deadline. Kiplinger, Dec. 24.
Numbers That Older Workers and Retirees Need to Know in 2020: A new year and a new decade begin next week. Whether you’re retired or still working, many changes are coming that could affect you—for better and/or worse. Here’s our breakdown of what you need to know in 2020. MarketWatch, Dec. 26.
Financial Surprises Retirees (and Those About to Retire) Want to Avoid: Even the most diligent pre-retiree planner can get tripped up by unpleasant financial surprises. Follow these tips. Kiplinger, Dec. 26.
Inheriting a parent’s IRA or 401(k)? Here’s How the SECURE Act Could Create a Disaster: Congress passed the SECURE Act, a retirement bill intended to expand retirement security for Americans across the country, but one provision may actually hinder that. MarketWatch, Dec. 27.
If You're Saving for Retirement, Remember This: It's Really Just 20 Years of Unemployment: According to Northwestern Mutual’s Planning & Progress Study, only 16% of the adults surveyed had saved $200,000 or more for retirement. One in five Americans have less than $5,000 saved for their post-work years, and 15% have no nest egg at all. USA Today, Dec. 24.

10 Moves to Make Sure You Have Enough Money in Retirement: Figuring out whether you can afford to retire requires math, not magic, along with a thoughtful analysis of how you plan to spend your time and money. Kiplinger, Dec. 26.
Not Knowing These Roth IRA Truths Can Cost You: Roth IRAs, retirement accounts that are funded with post-tax savings, are not just for the wealthy. CNBC, Dec. 23.
Attention, Retirees: You Have Only One More Day to Make This Key Money Move: Once you turn 70 1/2, you'll need to start removing a portion of your retirement savings each year, or otherwise face severe penalties. The Motley Fool, Dec. 24.
Make Time for a Retirement Checkup: Retirees are inclined to invest more conservatively, so chances are you don’t have as much money in stocks as you should. Kiplinger, Dec. 23.
5 Things Affluent Retirees Should Do Now that the SECURE Act Has Passed: Here are some ways to take advantage of provisions that are beneficial, and mitigate those that aren't. Kiplinger, Dec. 23.
How Much Will I Receive When I Retire From the Military? Know what to expect when you transition from the military and into a new phase. U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 26.
Retirement Planning Doesn’t Stop When You Retire: So much about retirement planning is about making smart money decisions to get you to the time when you’ll retire. But what about managing your money after you retire? Next Avenue, Dec. 23.
The Most Tax-Friendly States to Retire: Retirees can help their savings last longer by moving to a place with lower taxes. These states don't tax Social Security or pension income. However, they have very different property and sales tax rates, which should also be taken into consideration. U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 23.
Test-Drive Your Retirement: The idea of test-driving retirement—whether by cutting living expenses, staying for a few weeks at a potential retirement des­tination or hanging out at home for a week without work—makes sense to a lot of people. But it’s not easy. Kiplinger, Dec. 23.
How to Crunch the Numbers on When to Claim Social Security: What's the smartest way to claim benefits? Well, don't believe those who say you're stupid if you claim early or that age 70 is always the way to go. It depends on your own circumstances. Kiplinger, Dec. 23.
3 Things You Need to Know About Filing for Social Security in 2020: The decision to file for Social Security is a big one -- huge, actually. If you're contemplating taking benefits in the coming year, here are a few important things you should know first. The Motley Fool, Dec. 24.
Regret Claiming Social Security Early? You May Not Have To: If you filed for benefits too early, you could be eligible for a second chance to file. The Motley Fool, Dec. 26.
Look Out for These Scams: Con artists don’t take time off for the holidays. As the year draws to a close, here are some scams to watch out for. Kiplinger, Dec. 27.
Eco-Friendly Tips for Sustainable Trips: Across all generations, but particularly among boomers, there’s a growing awareness about the urgency and impact of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and just in general, unsustainable practices. Kiplinger, Dec. 27.
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