Important Dates
9/18 Spirit Week Day 3
9/18 Extended Colony Day (55 Minute Schedule)
9/19 Spirit Week Day 4
9/19 Homecoming Parade and Bonfire
9/20 Senior Sunrise
9/20 Spirit Week Day 5 Pep Rally
9/20 Homecoming Game
9/20 Interim of Quarter 1
9/21 Homecoming Dance
9/26 Fall Musical Six Day 1
9/27 Fall Musical Six Day 2
9/28 Fall Musical Six Day 3
9/28 Sarah Nelson Volleyball Tournament
10/4 8th Grade Band Night
10/4 Gallery of Achievement Induction
10/4 BBHHS Alumni Tailgate
10/7 Bee Athletic Booster Meeting
10/8 CAPA Meeting
10/9 Fall Picture Retake Day
10/10 PSAT/NMSQT Test Day~No School Seniors
10/11 NEOEA Day~ No School
10/18 End of First Grading Period