Senior Parents,

Thank you to all who attended or tuned in to the Senior Parent Night Monday evening. Please reference the presentationLivestream Recording, and Senior Packet to help your students embark on their college search and application journey. All information, including the senior packet, transcript request form, local scholarship application, senior appointment form, and much more, can be found on the Senior Resources tab of the School Counseling section of the high school website. We look forward to working with you and your student.

Additionally, information regarding our recently adopted Latin-based recognition system was shared with all students during the counseling class meetings. If your child is interested in being considered for the Latin recognition of Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude as outlined in the classroom presentations, we would ask that they complete the following application to determine their eligibility for the new Latin Honors Recognition.

For more specifics related to the new system, please refer to the senior presentation or contact your counselor. As a reminder, the counseling assignment breakdown is:

Last Names A-E Mrs. Owens

Last Names F-O Mrs. Baeslach

Last Names P-Z Mr. Drypolcher 

We look forward to continuing our work with each of you this year!


Your College and Career Counseling Team and Kevin G. Jakub

Important Dates

9/18 Spirit Week Day 3

9/18 Extended Colony Day (55 Minute Schedule)

9/19 Spirit Week Day 4

9/19 Homecoming Parade and Bonfire

9/20 Senior Sunrise

9/20 Spirit Week Day 5 Pep Rally

9/20 Homecoming Game

9/20 Interim of Quarter 1

9/21 Homecoming Dance

9/26 Fall Musical Six Day 1

9/27 Fall Musical Six Day 2

9/28 Fall Musical Six Day 3

9/28 Sarah Nelson Volleyball Tournament

10/4 8th Grade Band Night

10/4 Gallery of Achievement Induction

10/4 BBHHS Alumni Tailgate

10/7 Bee Athletic Booster Meeting

10/8 CAPA Meeting

10/9 Fall Picture Retake Day

10/10 PSAT/NMSQT Test Day~No School Seniors

10/11 NEOEA Day~ No School

10/18 End of First Grading Period

Important BBHHS Contacts

High School Administration

Principal: Mr. Kevin Jakub 440-740-4712

Assistant Principal Last Names A-K: Mrs. Kelli Izzo 440-740-4717

Assistant Principal Last Names L-Z: Mr. Josh Backo 440-740-4718

Administration Administrative Assistants

Main Office: Ms. Dara Treter 440-740-4711

Assistant Principal Office: Mrs. Wendy Kraus 440-740-4754

Athletic Department

Athletic Director: Mr. Mark Maslona 440-740-4771

Athletic Director Secretary: Mrs. Megan Schiavone 440-740-4770

School Counselors

Grades 9-10 Last Names A-K: Ms. Bridget Milano 440-740-4723

Grades 9-10 Last Names L-Z : Ms. Megan McNeeley (LTS) 440-740-4727

Grade 12 Last Names A-E: Mrs. Jaci Owens 440-740-4719

Grade 11/12 Last Names F-0 Mrs. Gina Baeslach 440-740-4725

Grade 11/12 Last Names P-Z: Mr. Kyle Drypolcher 440-740-4726

Counseling Office Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jennifer Zlojutro 440-740-4721

Student Accounts and Bursar Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kelly Petros 440-740-4728

Attendance Office

Mrs. Nicole Tagalicod

Attendance Line: Last Names A-K 440-740-4705

Attendance Line: Last Names L-Z 440-740-4715

Clinic Information

District Nurse: Mrs. Kim DiRocco (440) 740-4406

High School Clinic: Ms. Colleen Walsh (440) 740-4706

CAPA Office

Mrs. Kelly Lazar: 440-740-4751

Download the "Stopit App" to have 24/7 access to report anything that threatens the safety of our school. With Stopit, you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, or unsafe behavior. BBHHS Code: beeshighschool

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