Dear Senior Class Students & Families: 

Archbishop Riordan High School will hold the 2023 Senior Prom on the Hornblower Yacht at Pier 3, Hornblower Landing, 2 piers North of the Ferry building on The Embarcadero, on Saturday, May 13, from 7-11 p.m.

To help alleviate any concerns and answer any questions that you may have regarding the prom, please review the following information. In addition, please review the ARHS Student – Parent Handbook for our school’s rules and regulations regarding dances, some of which are listed below: 

  • Any student who is Academically Ineligible or placed on Disciplinary Ineligibility is not allowed to attend the Prom.  
  • All students must follow dress guidelines
  • All students must follow all directions of the supervisors
  • Students must follow all directions of the security at the Prom venue.  
  • ARHS students are responsible for their guests’ behavior. An ARHS student can be disciplined if their guest violates a school rule.
  • All codes of conduct/school rules apply at the Prom Venue. 


Students and families are required to complete the contract and review and read the Dress Code and Prom Rules.

Students who do not turn in the Contract by May 5 can’t attend prom - no exceptions.


The Administration of ARHS is the final judge of student adherence to the rules/dress code, and reserves the right to refuse entry or to remove any student from the dance. 


The above rules apply also to the student’s guest, even if they are over 18 years of age. No student 21 years or older will be allowed admittance to the Prom. Each student is responsible for their guest’s cooperation and behavior. Each student is asked to inform their guest of the rules and expectations of Dances/Proms for Archbishop Riordan High School. 


In addition to the rules and policies in this document, it is also imperative that your students’ guest, adhere to the Dress Code that is appropriate for a Catholic high school prom. The Dance Contract must be filled out with all of the necessary information and signed by a parent/guardian. Your student must include their guest’s full name and the name of their school, regardless if they are in high school or college. In addition to including your phone numbers on the card, the phone numbers of your students’ guest, must also be included. Please provide accurate phone numbers for you and the parents/guardians of your students’ guest during THE HOURS OF THE PROM in the event that any issues arise. 

The cost per guest for the 2023 Senior Prom is $150. Entry to the prom must be paid in cash or check. Please make the check payable to: Archbishop Riordan High School.

The Ticket Price Includes:

  • Buffet style seated dinner, dessert, and drinks 
  • Profession formal downloadable digital photos
  • Mirror photo booth with prints and downloading digital photos 
  • 4 hours of music and dancing facilitated by a professional DJ 


Your student must bring the following items to the Student Activities Office: 

  1. The Prom money (cash/check). 
  2. Completed contract with signatures. 
  3. Contract due date: Friday, May 5, 2022

Thank you,

Mr. Benny Willers

Director of Student Activities

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