St Andrew's Senior School
Weekly Newsletter - 28th February 2024
VISO 4 Handbook: 8th - 9th March 2024
Please click on the image below to read the VISO 4 Programme:
Headmaster's Welcome

On Monday, I spoke to Y9, 10 and 11 about friendship and how, in my experience, our best friendships are borne out of shared experiences. Indeed, more than that, it is often shared adverse experiences that bind us together. True friendships are not linear, and understanding the need to work at a relationship is crucial in understanding our responsibility to others and being realistic in our approach to community life. 

I challenged students to be the type of friend who is as loyal when things are going badly as they are when they are going well, who offers unwavering support, and who seeks to listen more than be heard. To seek to be, amid the pressures of social media and peer pressure, someone who can be relied upon by others to not run and hide when they can be of support and value to another. Loyalty and steadfastness can be underrated qualities, but certainly have a place in creating a culture of trust and support.
As we enter the final bend before the public examination season, stress levels and anxiety will undoubtedly be on the rise, whilst tolerance will naturally diminish. If students understand their natural response to the first two, whilst recognising their responsibility to manage the third, then we can individually and collectively work towards supporting each other. 

I managed to step away from my office yesterday afternoon to pay a visit to the hockey teams preparing for KAISSO on the top pitch. There was a wonderful atmosphere of determination, athleticism and enjoyment, modelled by coaches and all students involved. I know the teams are focused on the KAISSO tournaments over the next couple of weeks and the under 15 boys are especially looking forward to being able to demonstrate their skill on VISO Saturday. Please keep an eye out for their promotional social media posts! 

With my prayers and best wishes,

Mr Ben Pennington

Academic News

Understanding how to make progress 

I have no doubt that every parent who sends their child to Turi is united in this desire: that their son or daughter makes progress. This can apply to many spheres, from academic to social or co-curricular, or perhaps spiritual, and a decisive factor in ensuring this is realised is that students understand both what progress looks like and how to achieve it. 

Understanding how to make progress is vital at any stage, and exam candidates in particular will be reflecting on how to learn (and improve) from their mock examinations, with our AS and A Level students completing theirs this week. This understanding comes from both teaching (a key duty of staff) and learning (a key responsibility of students), and is especially important to grasp when going into periods of independent work. Therefore, this will be a crucial emphasis as we enter the final weeks of the Term prior to revision time over the Easter holidays.
We would like to also invite parents to engage with this understanding, not least as they can support their child better through this – and help ensure that this understanding is mirrored by the focus and discipline to actually carry out what will help them make progress. 

Mr Jonathan Williams
Deputy Head Academic

Pastoral Information
Next week, I will be meeting with parents (see the poster and click on it to access the meeting) to discuss important aspects of student supervision during the upcoming VISO weekend. Among the topics, I aim to highlight key considerations and best practices for managing your children, especially during their stays in Nakuru. This discussion provides an opportunity to address any concerns, explore solutions, and align expectations for the well-being of your children. 

While our intention is not to limit the enjoyment of the VISO weekend, we recognise the need to address potential repercussions of certain behaviors exhibited by students upon their return to school. 

Additionally, I will be visiting one of the hotels this week to initiate discussions on fostering a secure partnership and reinforcing values that we hold dear as a school community. I will share insights gained from these discussions with you. 
Furthermore, our Anti-Bullying team, along with the house ambassadors, will be conducting a school-wide assembly next week. During this assembly, we will introduce the "30 Days of Turi" initiative to the entire school, outlining the rewards for participation and involvement, which will contribute to the CIC's and culminate in a breakfast for the winning boarding house. I look forward to providing more details on this initiative in the coming week. 
Mark Buckler: [email protected] 

Mr Mark Buckler
Deputy Head, Pastoral
Co-curricular Updates
Our sports teams had a tough weekend. The U14 Boys Hockey team lost 0-1 to Peponi in the final, while the U14 Girls Hockey team were knocked out in the group stage of their tournament. The U15 Boys Basketball team had their tournament washed out.

These results give our students a great learning opportunity on how to come back from adversity stronger and the starting point will be more intense preparation for their next matches. 

Mr Nicholas Martyn
Director, Co-curricular

The U14 Boys Hockey team were finalists at the Peponi tournament 
As a progression for students who are keen on Adventure and have already conquered Mt Kenya’s Lenana peak, there is an opportunity to summit Mt Stanley, the highest point in the Rwenzori Mountains during the last week of the academic year. In addition to developing valuable character traits, students will also learn technical mountaineering skills. Check your emails or contact me for more details. 
Elena Glacier on the ascent to Margarita peak of Mt Stanley
Each week we offer additional, paid activities in Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Golf, Aviation and Lamda. Should you wish your child to be involved in any of them, you will find additional details and a sign-up form on the Parent Portal under Electronic Forms. 
Please make a note in your diaries that next weekend, 9th and 10th March, is VISO weekend. On the Saturday morning there will be Y12 Exam Access Arrangements consultations and physical only Tutor Consultations for students in Y10 and Y12. Simultaneously, we host the KAISSO U15 Boys Hockey tournament and hope strong home support will raise the team to the highest standards of skill and sportsmanship. Please click on the video below to learn about the KAISSO U15 Boys Hockey tournament. The link can also be accessed here.

Please click on the link below to access the events coming up over the next couple of weeks
Chaplaincy News
Blessing was the main topic in our devotion as we started off the week. The reading was from Psalms 34:1 KJV “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” We were reminded that when we bless the Lord at all times, and not just during the good days or holy days, we shall experience His presence, His hand of favor, and blessings each day.
During the Soul Chapel, Rev. Hackman challenged us on Revival and Sacrifice as he focused on Lenten season. He beseeched us to pour our hearts into prayer for our land to be healed as he looked at Daniel 9. He inspirited us to pray in the following ways to bring restoration and healing in our land:
  • Pray persistently
  • Pray passionately
  • Pray with thanksgiving
  • Pray for others
Rev. Hackman at the Soul Chapel
Later in the evening at Bible study, we started a new series on Love; looking at the topic How Jesus loved us shows us what love can do. Our main focus was to help students see the ways they view God and to encourage them to see that the Easter story shows us that God is love.

Amongst many other questions, we looked at:
  • Tell us a little bit of what you know about the Easter story.
  • What does Jesus’ death and resurrection show us about who God is?
  • What does it show us about how God feels about us?
  • What might change about your life if you believed God really is love?
Y13s at Bible Study
Being our first Friday after half-term, we shared in the table of Christ as we dedicated the final lap of term to Christ.
Outdoor Holy Communion service
We had an uplifting weekend as the visiting team called Kubamba Crew took over St Andrew’s Turi by stomp with songs, dance, word and prayer. At Faith Factor, Rev. John Mark Oduor shared on Psalm 23, revealing that Christ is the all-sufficient shepherd who speaks of comfort, reassurance, and God's provision for His people.
Top Left: Kubamba Crew dance session at Faith Factor
Top Right & Bottom Right: Students enjoying dance session at Faith Factor
Centre Right: Prayer time at Faith Factor
Bottom Left: Staff prayer session
Early Sunday morning at the Security team devotion, Rev. John Mark shared on Exodus 33:7-20. He reassured us that God is present in every situation and that we should face our situations with confidence. He further exhorted that God is willing to hold our hands when we call on Him just as He held Moses’ hands. 
Prayer time with the Security Team
At the Chapel, together with Prep School Year 7 & 8, the word came to us through a skit. The visiting team performed a skit which had a message on Life. God created us to enjoy the goodness of the land of the living and to worship Him, but in our quest to explore other options, we tend to leave His path and get entangled with the ways of the world but finally, when we get back to the mercy seat, the Lord is merciful and He forgives us giving us another chance.

The sermon was based on the lessons from the skit with the leading verse being Deuteronomy 4:32. Rev. John Mark posed a question at the end of the sermon as a challenge to all of us – Would you want to live the rest of your life without Christ holding you?
Top Left, Top Right, Centre: Skit session
Bottom Left: Praise dance session
Bottom Right: The hosts with the Kubamba Crew
Sunday was wrapped by the Alpha Course session, where we looked at The Cross: Why did Jesus die? By focusing on:
  • What is the best (or the worst) thing you have ever made?
  • How do you see sin in the world around you?
  • What does forgiveness mean to you?
  • What comes to mind when you think about the Cross?

Alpha Course Team
As you start a new week, I wish you God’s blessings, grace and mercy.

Rev. Patricia Okiring
Senior School Chaplain